
  • Delfino Plaza in Super Mario Sunshine is a paradise-like tropical island with crystal-clear water and friendly locals, creating a vibrant and nostalgic experience.
  • Zora's Domain in the Zelda franchise is a beautiful location surrounded by rivers, fountains, and waterfalls that perfectly captures the rich culture of the Zora, providing a spectacle in each game rendition.
  • The Nether in Minecraft may seem visually unpleasant at first, but it actually offers jaw-dropping views with lush forests and grand fortresses, inviting players to explore and appreciate its beauty while staying cautious.

In gaming, there are hundreds of locations capable of stopping a player dead in their tracks. These locations are typically ones that players will frequent, but can even be areas they will pass through once on any given playthrough, but the memory of the location can stick with fans forever.

Starfield: 9 Most Beautiful Locations

Starfield has no shortage of gorgeous locations for photo mode. Here are the most beautiful vistas players have discovered so far.

Some of the most beautiful locations in games feature incredibly intricate designs that are rich in culture or history. These locations can even take the form of natural, growing environments found locally in any specific game.

10 Delfino Plaza (Super Mario Sunshine)

Super Mario Sunshine, mario running around Isle Delfino

Few locations will ignite the desire to travel abroad in the way that Delfino Plaza does. The tropical island that serves as the central hub for Super Mario Sunshine is one that players will frequent throughout the course of the game, and the area is pure paradise.

With the friendly locals who sell their fruit, and the ability to have Mario swim in gorgeous, crystal-clear water and take a ride on one of the island's boats, Delfino Plaza makes for an incredibly vibrant experience. The theme for the island is one of the most memorable in the entire Mario franchise and is sure to unlock some nostalgic memories for those returning to the game again.

9 City Of Tears (Hollow Knight)

Hollow Knight - City Of Tears

Entering the City Of Tears for the first time will provide players with an unforgettable experience. As the water rains down from the Blue Lake above and falls through the small cracks in the ceiling, players get to feel the artificial rain as it pours down on them, in an atmosphere like no other.

8 Most Beautiful Soulsborne Locations, Ranked

Regardless of danger, some Soulsborne locations are absolutely adorable, just watch out for those backstabs whilst bewildered.

The theme for this area is impossible to ignore, and players can indulge in the beauty of the rainy city as they venture through to the heart of it. It is one of the many locations in the game where players can back away from their desks, close their eyes, and enjoy the peace of the eternal rain and the City Of Tears’ soundtrack.

8 Zora's Domain (Breath Of The Wild)

The Legend of Zelda: Zoras Domain

Zora's Domain is a frequently recurring location in many games within the Zelda franchise, and its popularity as a place of pure beauty is hard to rival.

Not only is the location surrounded by gorgeous rivers, fountains, and waterfalls of unique arrangement, Zora's Domain perfectly encapsulates the rich culture of the Zora, enticing players to further explore its grandeur. Whether players are heading into Ocarina of Time or Tears of The Kingdom, they can expect the same levels of spectacle in each rendition of the domain.

7 The Nether (Minecraft)

Nether green forest

At first glance, the Nether doesn't appear to be the nicest place visually, as it is widely known for its abundance of lava and the general guarantee of a tough time.

10 Most Beautiful Locations In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom

For the best sights, players should take their time and visit these gorgeous locales in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Those who take the time to fully explore, however, will realize that The Nether is a beautiful mesh of landscapes teeming with all sorts of life waiting to be explored. From luscious forests to grand fortresses and bastions, players should proceed with caution, but let their guard down a little to fully appreciate the realm for the jaw-dropping views it provides.

6 Blackreach (Skyrim)

Blackreach location

Blackreach is one of the most underrated areas in the entirety of Skyrim, and exploring this area for the first time is sure to bring any player some unease. Situated deep below the surface sits the once glorious city, and reaching this location can be fairly difficult for those who are ill-prepared against the fearsome Falmer.

The architecture of Blackreach sings of the creative and everlasting beauty of the Dwemer. For what was once a magnificent home that housed the Dwarves, it is now a relic of the past. It is one of few locations in the game that are incredibly vast, and players will be left in awe as they traverse through it.

5 Ash Lake (Dark Souls)

Dark Souls Ash Lake

Underneath the great hollow lies a vast plain and the atmosphere upon entering this lake evokes an eerily pleasant vibe. The area itself is not so difficult to traverse, and the enemies, save for the giant Hydra that lives in the lake, are few and far between.

As the quiet music plays in the background, players can look out beyond the plains, where the enormous Archtrees perfectly highlight the immense sense of scale that players feel as they continue to make their way towards the Stone Dragon who resides at the end of Ash Lakes' walkway.

4 Rapture (Bioshock)

Bioshock Rapture

Following the events of a devastating plane crash that lands players next to a mysterious lighthouse in the middle of the ocean, players scamper through the plane debris and move towards the lighthouse, finding an elevator of unique design.

Taking the elevator down leads players into what can only be described as another world. The beautiful underwater city of Rapture is a work of magnificence, an area comparable to the grandness of Atlantis, created to house the rich and powerful. The city of Rapture reaches an untimely downfall due to its inhabitants and their dependency on the powerful genetic substance ADAM, as the addiction drives them insane with a constant desire to kill and obtain more of it. Despite its eventual compromised state, the city of Rapture remains one of the most gorgeous locations that players wish they could explore in real life.

3 Irithyll Of The Boreal Valley (Dark Souls 3)

dark souls 3 Irithyll of the Boreal Valley feature

One of the most astonishing locations in all of Dark Souls is Irithyll Of The Boreal Valley. As players make their way across the bridge to central Irithyll, they will look up in awe at the place and its sheer scale and beauty.

17 Most Beautiful Locations In Skyrim, Ranked

Gamers still can't get enough of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and part of that is their beautiful locations the can visit.

With an almost ethereal atmosphere present in the abundant grayish color choices, and ghost-like apparitions of outrider knights roaming the streets, players can develop the sense that this was once a beautiful place that was full of life, only to be reduced to its current state by the evil Pontiff Sulyvahn.

2 Saint Denis (Red Dead Redemption 2)


As one of the most popular locations in Red Dead Redemption 2, the city of Saint Denis is a location where players will find themselves frequently as they work alongside Dutch van der Linde and his gang.

For what is considered by many as one of the most picturesque games graphically of all time, the glorious city of Saint Denis is worthy of heavy visual appraisal. Players can kill and skin alligators and other fauna on the outskirts of the town, and also share memorable encounters with gangs and random characters alike as they progress through the story.

1 Safe Shallows (Subnautica)

Safe shallows location

The Safe Shallows in Subnautica stays true to its name as the main starting location for the player after becoming the sole survivor of the Aurora crash. What is most visually appealing about this location are its gorgeous reefs, a thriving underwater ecosystem, and vibrantly blue, shallow waters.

The area is likely to be one that players spend the majority of their time in before heading deeper in search of rarer resources, so players have plenty of time to get engrossed with the breathtaking scenery.

MORE: Most Beautiful Open-World Games Ever Made, Ranked