
  • Video games that allow players to feel powerful through extra strong armor, weapons, or superpowers are a great way to have some fun and satisfy the craving for power.
  • Franchises like Gears of War, Batman: Arkham Series, Devil May Cry, Crackdown, and Halo provide players with the exhilarating feeling of being in control of a powerful protagonist.
  • God of War, Prototype, Infamous, Just Cause, and Doom are other games that allow players to experience the ultimate feeling of power through god-like abilities, shape-shifting, superpowers, creative freedom, and being an unstoppable killing machine.

Everyone plays video games for different reasons. Some people play farming sims or MMOs to chill and relax, while others play shooters to take part in some action. Some players, however, play video games to feel powerful, and what better way than with games that allow them to utilize extra strong armor and weapons or straight-up superpowers?

The 7 Best Video Game Heroes of All Time, Ranked

The best video game heroes are the ones with whom players can truly relate, so a flawed hero needn't always be a bad one these days.

Whether players want to feel powerful for a good cause or just to cause some fun chaos, there's a game out there for everyone whatever they're craving. From classic to newer entries, games that make players feel powerful are the perfect way to have some fun!

10 Gears Of War

Gears of War Powerful
Gears of War

PC , Xbox 360
November 7, 2006
Epic Games
Third-Person Shooter

Gears of War is a fantastic franchise where players assume control of Marcus Fenix, an absolute hunk of a man who has clearly lifted a few weights in his lifetime. Marcus fights for the human military on a planet called Sera against reptilian aliens who go by the Locust Horde, and later installments feature their mutated counterparts, the Lambent. All entries in the franchise are pretty great, but it's the original trilogy that creates the best feeling of realistic power.

While fans play as Marcus, gamers wipe out hordes of the Locust and shoot their way through them like it's nothing. Due to Marcus' physical strength, it's genuinely impossible not to feel powerful while controlling the man. The Gears of War series has some fantastic world-building, but it's the deadly war between the two races that is always at the forefront, and it's a war that Marcus takes on almost single-handedly.

9 Batman: Arkham Series

Batman Arkham Knight
Batman: Arkham Trilogy

December 1, 2023

Batman alone is already a powerful superhero who has gone up against the toughest of villains and nearly always won. It's no wonder that these excellent games made by Rocksteady have further cemented the character as an extremely powerful hero. Each hit player's land as Batman has weight behind it, and it's simply satisfying when landing higher combos and never taking a hit. Thus, the Arkham games are some of the best superhero titles ever made.

10 Best Superhero Games Of The 2010s (According To Metacritic)

Marvel and DC dominated the decade of superhero games with LEGO adaptations, Marvel's Spider-Man, and the fan-favorite Injustice 2 from DC!

To think that Batman is just a man in a suit is quite an understatement. His physical prowess is second to none, and his abilities are powerful enough to stop any threat. There's a reason that criminals in Gotham fear the Caped Crusader so much, and Rocksteady has perfectly translated this feeling of power into an excellent video game trilogy.

8 Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry 5 gameplay
Devil May Cry HD Collection

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , PC
April 3, 2012

While it's a slightly harder series to master, the Devil May Cry franchise features some of the best sword and combo combat in any video game. Dante is one of the coolest characters ever, despite his cheesy one-liners, and all the secondary characters are just as powerful and intimidating.

Players control Dante, who hunts demons and stops demon invasions on Earth, which seems like a simple premise, but the powerful feeling that Dante's combat skills provide is second to none. Landing high combos all while taking no damage is difficult, but once players master it, it's truly a powerful experience. Couple this with Dante's fashionable flair, from dual-wielding pistols to giant flaming swords... pretty powerful stuff!

7 Crackdown


Xbox 360
February 20, 2007
Realtime Worlds

Consisting of three main entries, the Crackdown franchise allows players to control a biologically enhanced Agent who can cause sheer chaos. The whole idea behind Crackdown is the destructible environment, which players can treat as a sandbox and basically destroy whatever they please.

7 Modern Games With The Best Destruction Physics

Nothing gets a player's blood pumping like good ol' destruction and action. These modern games do the best job at destruction physics.

While the first entry is probably the best, the other two are also pretty good. There's just something about the Crackdown franchise overall that tickles that destructive itch and allows players to go on rampages and bask in their glorious destruction. With enhanced capabilities and a huge world to destroy, playing as a biologically enhanced Agent does make the player feel powerful.

6 Halo

Halo Master Chief
Halo: Combat Evolved

PC , Xbox (Original) , Xbox 360 , Xbox One
November 15, 2001
Bungie , Gearbox Software

It's Master Chief. Does anything more need to be said? Featuring one of the most recognizable and beloved video game protagonists of all time, playing as Master Chief in any Halo entry is a great way to make the player feel powerful. From exo-suit abilities to awesome weapons and gunplay, each entry is iconic and incredibly fun.

The campaigns are excellent, but what makes Master Chief feel the most powerful is that he pretty much takes down the alliance of aliens known as the Covenant by himself (and Cortana of course). Nothing can stop Master Chief, and throughout the years of Halo's dominance as an FPS, players have continued to feel extremely powerful when controlling him.

5 God Of War

Kratos in God of War 3
God of War

Santa Monica Studio
Hack and Slash

Players can't get much more powerful than playing as an actual god, or rather a god who kills gods... for fun! The God of War franchise follows the protagonist Kratos on his journeys to dispatch the entirety of Greek Gods after being betrayed and banished. Without spoiling anything too much, let's just say Kratos is quite successful and definitely not someone to mess with.

10 Strongest Gods & Goddesses In Gaming

Many game franchises explore the world of gods and goddesses, creating some of the most exciting and strong characters in gaming history

More recent entries have seen a more tamed Kratos, but his power is still considerable, and he's still got the ability to slay a few gods. Featuring some awesome level designs, iconic weapons, and epic combo skills, God of War is one of the best franchises available that allows the player to feel the power of being a rage-filled god.

4 Prototype


Prototype is an excellent series of two entries where players control a shape-shifting man called Alex Mercer who has gained some very powerful abilities. In an attempt to stop the spread of a deadly virus called Blacklight, players throw everything they have into defeating enemies and containing the spread. Alex can shape-shift his arms into deadly spears of red, alien substance, or form large shields that can take out enemies quickly and efficiently.

It's one of the most unique concepts for any game and there's nothing else out there that quite matches the feeling of power it grants players. From running vertically up skyscrapers to hulk smashing down on large tanks, there's nothing that can stop Alex Mercer and nothing that can stop the player.

3 Infamous

inFamous 2

June 7, 2011
Sucker Punch
Action , Adventure

Here's a franchise that gives fans a classic choice of following a good or evil path. Either way they choose to go, the player will feel incredibly powerful, but slightly more so if they choose the evil route. The first two entries in the franchise follow Cole, who gains super-powered abilities after a freak explosion (classic superhero origin stuff).

While Cole gains electricity-based powers, the third game's protagonist, Delsin, has a more varied palette from smoke or neon to concrete or video. There aren't many games out there that allow players to experiment with superpowers, and the Infamous franchise is one of the few that nails a true feeling of power coupled with excellent gameplay and stories.

2 Just Cause

Just Cause-1
Just Cause

PC , PS2 , Xbox (Original) , Xbox 360
September 27, 2006
Avalanche Studios
Action , Adventure

Just how many islands have Rico Rodriguez liberated now? Although just a man, the series' protagonist, Rico, has liberated four separate islands from corrupt governing bodies in four different games... single-handedly. He's got no superpowers or any special abilities, but he does have a grappling hook!

Each Just Cause game is excellent at making the player feel powerful because it's over-the-top, unrealistic fun. Players are encouraged to experiment with new ideas and attempts, use the best weapons, and be completely creative in stopping enemies and destroying bases. It makes the player feel powerful because of the creative freedom it provides, and Rico is genuinely unstoppable.

1 Doom

DOOM (2016)

PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
May 13, 2016
id Software

A classic FPS shooter that has returned to the limelight with its newer entries, Doom provides players with the ultimate feeling of power through the control of Doomguy, an unstoppable and mute killing machine.

Players can kill demons with their bare hands, smashing their skulls in, or opt to wield a dangerous chainsaw that tears limbs from enemy bodies. But the most legendary and powerful weapon is the BFG launcher, a series staple. When coupled with the epic soundtrack, Doom makes players feel unstoppable.

MORE: The Most Powerful Video Game Heroes Ever (From Weakest To Strongest)