
  • Life By You, a highly anticipated life simulation game, will allow players to swear at NPCs, adding a unique and customizable dialogue feature.
  • NPCs in Life By You will react differently to players based on their relationships, ranging from friendly to hostile, creating a more realistic experience.
  • The game's customization tools for characters, homes, and dialogue options add depth and immersion for players.

The highly anticipated life simulation game Life By You will allow players to swear at NPCs. The Paradox Interactive title had been compared to The Sims because of its character and home customization. But what sets Life By You apart is that it will simulate every second of every character's lives.

Developed by Paradox Tectonic and published by Paradox Interactive, Life By You will give players the power to take charge of their characters' stories in the game. So far, the developer revealed the customization tools for characters, homes, and even dialogue options. The latter had piqued the interest of many players as this feature was unique to Life By You.

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Interestingly, one of the dialogue options available for players will be swearing at NPCs when their characters are annoyed. Paradox Tectonic senior game designer Hannah Culver showed PCGamesN that her character had the option to either flirt or swear at her co-worker. When she chose the latter, her character flipped the NPC off and let out a profanity.


Culver told the outlet that Life By You NPCs would have different reactions based on players' relationships with them, which could range from friendly to hostile. As players keep talking to NPCs, they will unlock a range of interactions they could use in conversations, as well as reach certain relationship stages with them. In the past, Paradox head Rod Humble said that the game had adult themes, which included nudity and romantic relationships, but not death due to sickness in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, it's clear that swearing was also part of this feature.

While The Sims also allows players to choose who they want to romance or antagonize, Life By You certainly took it a step further with the customizable dialogue, and how seemingly natural NPCs would react to specific prompts. Based on initial previews, it didn't seem like players would have to spam certain dialogue options or actions to progress or regress relationships with other characters, which would make the experience more realistic in a way.

As of now, Life By You is still in active development, but Paradox Interactive and Paradox Tectonic have already confirmed that an early access version will launch on September 12. Not only will this allow players to experience Life By You early, it will also let them provide feedback that the developers could use in improving the game before its full release.

Life By You is in development for PC and enters Early Access on September 12.

MORE: Life By You Needs a Lot More Juice to Stack Up to Its Competition

Source: PCGamesN