The Demon's Souls game, both the original and the remake, are incredibly beloved by fans. The original was considered to be ahead of its time by many, and the remake is seen as a very faithful adaptation of a game that is already phenomenal. The players love a game like this for the challenge that it offers and the incredible lore behind it.

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The lore in Souls-like games is unlike any other. The storytelling manner is very unconventional, yet it is very satisfying to those who have taken the time to explore the game to uncover its mysteries. Thankfully, there are so many more games like this out there that can satisfy their curious minds.

10 Dark Souls Series

A Dark Souls bonfire like Assassin's Creed Valhalla

The original Demon's Souls game may be the first true Soulslike title to come out of FromSoftware's hivemind, but it's the Dark Souls series that really propelled the genre to epic heights. It's impossible to talk about Demon's Souls without talking about Dark Souls, but that is completely justified.

It's a massive understatement to say that you will love Dark Souls if you loved Demon's Souls. Both play similarly and they're both rich in lore. More incredibly, there are three games to complete if the Dark Souls series is to be considered. The players will have a lot of lore and backstory to uncover, which should be more than enough to satisfy their need for more lore.

9 Bloodborne

kirkhammer in in its faster form.

Aside from Demon's Souls and the Dark Souls trilogy, the other brilliant entry FromSoftware Games provided to the gaming ecosystem is Bloodborne. Like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, the only thing more interesting in this game than its visuals is its lore and backstory.

The world of Bloodborne is incredibly rich with details and story. Anyone who enjoys an amazing and interesting title with immense world-building will find this game absolutely delightful.

8 Shadow Of The Colossus

Wander looking at imposing Colossus

One interesting fact about Hidetaka Miyazaki, the current head of FromSoftware games and the brain behind their incredible Soulsborne titles, is that he was inspired to make games while playing Ico. Truly enough, every single one of his games follows the same principle when it comes to storytelling: what's told in-game is just the tip of the iceberg.

RELATED: 10 Games To Play If You Love Demon's Souls

One of Team Ico's greatest hits Shadow of the Colossus. Those who enjoy a game that takes gameplay first and everything else second, like FromSoftware's games, they'll definitely enjoy Shadow of the Colossus as well.

7 Journey

Journey - view of the landscape

Journey may be the most far-removed game when talking about games with a similar approach to Demon's Souls, but in terms of lore, storytelling, and worldbuilding, they absolutely fall under the same umbrella.

Journey is a game that is more contemplative than it is adrenaline-inducing. It's heartwarming, it's gorgeous, and there's a deep story underneath this facade only those willing to dive deep will be able to discover. That's the beauty of games like this.

6 Mortal Shell

cover art for mortal shell

Mortal Shell is a souls-like title that came out in 2020. One of the most common things said about this game is that it'll make players feel the same way they did when they first played Dark Souls, and that's a very accurate description of what this game brings to the table.

Mortal Shell is everything you'd expect a Souls-like game to be, added with a few unique touches. It's also challenging, it has an incredible level design, and its storytelling approach is taken right out of Demon's Souls' formula.

5 Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight promo art of protagonist

Hollow Knight is a game that's absolutely gorgeous to behold. Everything about the game is beautiful. It's art direction, gameplay, difficulty, and of course, its story. Like many souls-like titles, the story of Hollow Knight is incredibly deep, but the players won't be able to get a grasp on it if they simply scratch the surface.

Underneath the gorgeous facade of the world of Hollow Knight is a beautifully told narrative. It's up for the players to discover it themselves.

4 Code Vein

code vein Iceblood and Harmonia

Code Vein is so massively compared to Dark Souls that its fans have started calling it "anime souls" affectionately. The game does indeed feel like Dark Souls, but it also has its very own unique identity. On top of that, it also tells a story that's not immediately told upfront.

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Upon finishing Code Vein, the player will immediately be flooded with questions, and they'll be dying to have those questions answered. Games created with subtle storytelling in mind will force players to do this, and Code Vein did this really well.

3 Salt And Sanctuary

Protagonist facing a spikey boss

Salt and Sanctuary is a very melancholic title. It's essentially Dark Souls but on a 2D platform with a darker filter. This isn't a bad thing either as the game itself is so incredibly well-made, right from the art design to the world-building.

Those who have played and loved FromSoftware's Souls games will appreciate this one to the core. Ska Studios, headed by James Silva, really knew how to take the Dark Souls formula and apply it on a different platform.

2 Chronos: Before The Ashes

Chronos Before the Ashes in-game screenshot

Chronos: Before The Ashes is the follow up to Remnants, and while both games can be considered Souls-like titles with deep and subtle lore, this game is closer to Demon's Souls and Dark Souls in the spectrum than its predecessor.

The game also feels like a Souls game, albeit much more forgiving. It may be easier than most Souls-like games but it is still gorgeous and rich in lore and backstory. Chronos was originally released for the Oculus Rift in 2016 but was overhauled and released on PC and consoles in 2020.

1 Blasphemous

Blasphemous screenshot

Blasphemous is a video game that will haunt its players to the bone. It's not an easy experience, but for gamers looking for a thrill and games will incredible lore, Blasphemous is the perfect title for that.

This game has been compared to Metroid and Dark Souls, and for good reason. It's challenging, both in gameplay difficulty and atmospheric experience. It's tantalizing and satisfying, exactly what you'd expect from a Souls-like title.

NEXT: Demon's Souls: 10 Things About The Lore You Need To Know About