A healthy policy is to treat others how you want to be treated. Stories often push that positive message. As such, video games encourage a similarly heroic path. Not only does this yield special treatment from grateful denizens, but it creates an uplifting a noble tale that audiences should strive toward. Not all titles share that philosophy, though.

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Some games actually penalize good choices. This often manifests as more difficult gameplay, but it can also lead to narrative drawbacks. Some might say this emphasizes the moral complexities of real life. After all, being a hero just isn't worth the hassle.

7 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Captive Jedi in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

On the outset, playing a Star Wars game as a Jedi would seem the more heroic choice. Indeed, companions in KOTOR respond more warmly and form deeper bonds with those who practice good karma. Sadly, Light Side players miss out on the stronger Force powers - such as choking and lightning - in the character builder. This somewhat cripples them when fighting Sith Lords.

Nowhere is that scenario more annoying than with the final boss: Malak. The evil overlord has several prisoners littered about the room. He then saps their life energy whenever players get his health below a certain point. Jedi don't have the same ability and can't stop him from using it. It's a cycle which makes the duel far more difficult. On the upside, it might give fans a greater appreciation for those who resist the Dark Side.

6 Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows

Venom and Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

Dichotomy is apparent from the start of this somber adventure. In the wake of a symbiote invasion, Spider-Man regains his iconic black suit, complete with its gloriously destructive abilities. Embracing that raw power brings out the web-head's worst tendencies, alienating him from his friends and turning New York into a slimy wasteland. However, it's almost worth the cost given the gameplay alternative.

Tackling the tale in the regular suit is a more frustrating experience. Attacks have a fraction of the range and don't pack nearly as much of a punch. In addition, players must be more mindful of civilian casualties amid repetitive escort missions. In short, the "good" campaign takes all the stress of Spidey's regular duties and amplifies it tenfold.

5 Mass Effect 3

Salarian Dalatrass in Mass Effect 3

The finale of the Mass Effect trilogy sees Shepard try to rally the galaxy against the Reapers: machines seeking to wipe out all organic life. Unfortunately, some races take issue with the hero's choices. Even seemingly altruistic actions can incur the ire of certain people due to past grudges or ideological differences.

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Such is the case with curing the genophage. The Salarians and Turians cooked up this genetic virus to control the Krogan population. They were afraid of the battle-born people overrunning their neighbors. If Shepard opts to help these proud warriors and forge a more trusting future with other cultures, the Salarians back out of the alliance. The Reapers subsequently wipe these bug-eyed brainiacs. Optimism can be inspiring to some, but it can also drive away more cynical minds.

4 Medieval: Total War 2

A Chivalrous General in Medieval: Total War 2

People often measure a medieval knight by his chivalry, and this strategy title uses the same standard for commanders. What matters isn't whether players win; it's how they choose to win. The downside is that this comes at the cost of clever tactics.

It's apparently underhanded to outflank enemies, surprise them, or send spies to assess their strength. Rather, players must charge in and take the opponents head-on. This obviously allows those opponents to outmaneuver them, especially with greater numbers. Nevertheless, the chivalrous choice is to deliberately handicap oneself in battle and likely lose the war. Players can't even start said war; they must wait for the enemy to take the initiative. Why not just hand over the kingdom on a silver platter?

3 Europa Universalis 4

Buddhists in Europa Universalis 4

If players rule over a Buddhist nation, then they'd better abide by that religion's policy of non-attachment. Europa Universalis 4 conveys this by balancing the karma meter. Aggression obviously sows distrust in other nations. After all, rival factions won't want to associate with evil despots. That said, a goodie two-shoes won't get far, either.

Investing too much in good karma causes problems at home. If leaders are too forgiving, then their followers consider them a pushover. As a result, their discipline starts to slip, thereby hampering the efficacy of players' units It's hard for troops to fight for someone they have no faith in. Buddhist monks seem to have the same principle.

2 Digimon: Survive

Evolution Chart in Digimon: Survive

In addition to the titular digital monsters, this Digimon game prioritizes three attributes in achieving success: Moral, Harmony, and Wrathful. It goes without saying that heroic players go for the first two, but they may want to reconsider. Ignoring Wrathful karma robs Digimon of the Virus trait in battle, making them less effective against certain types. On top of that, fans' alignment extends beyond the main story.

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Karma also comes into play during Free Battle mode. It affects which Digimon one can recruit. Forsaking the Wrathful attribute means doing the same for some monsters. It's only through a balance of all three that players can attain a well-rounded team.

1 Divinity: Original Sin 2

Red Prince in Divinity: Original Sin 2

It's tough to maintain the moral high ground when everyone else goes low. Divinity: Original Sin 2 takes plops players in a hostile world of prejudice and greed. Most residents are looking to get one over on their peers, and they'll try to cheat the heroes on rewards or otherwise strongarm them into conflict.

The righteous path robs players of the skills to refute these affronts. Good guys will accept a job for no payment, and they don't have the skills necessary to intimidate enemies into submission. In the end, even children can use the protagonist as a doormat.

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