There are times when games rely on a more subtle approach when the protagonist must go undercover in enemy territory. They put down their weapons of choice, don a mask and fancy outfits, and foray into a masquerade, filled with fun and mystery.

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Though there is an objective to follow, more often than not infiltration missions also have the option to partake in the festivities, be it sampling food or wine, dancing, dueling with opponents, or playing a game of guess who is behind the mask. Alongside the exciting element of subterfuge, these activities breathe life into the missions, adding more immersion and fun.

6 Wicked Eyes And Wicked Hearts – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Three people stand, one armed and armored, one in servant garb and the last in a fine blue dress, but all wear shiny golden masks.

With the threat of the Orlesian Empress being in the crosshairs of an assassin, "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts" have high stakes attached to it, rendering it more than just a party of drinks, dancing, and backstabbing. With multiple outcomes that will have an effect on the Inquisition, players must tread the intricacies of Orlesian politics with care.

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Including the resolution of an assassination plot, the possibility to change the course of Orlais, and even earning or losing court approval based on word choices, "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts" is a fantastic mission with plenty of meat to its bones. Depending on whom the Inquisitor brings along with them as a companion can have some minor effects such as gaining some court approval off the bat, and dancing with their love interest at the end of the long night of politics.

5 A Matter Of Life And Death – The Witcher 3

Triss and Geralt sitting at a table surrounded by wine cups.

In Novigrad, tensions are ever-bubbling as witch hunters continue to hunt for any magic practitioners in the city, driving those they don't kill out of the city or into hiding in the slums known colloquially as The Bits, where the franchise's famous fire witch Triss can be found.

Even the elite are not safe, as there are inquiries about noble Lady Ingrid's son Albert, who took a shine to alchemy and drew the attention of witch hunters. The masquerade ball in The Witcher 3 serves as a distraction for Geralt and Triss to smuggle Albert to safety, but that doesn't mean players can't take part in the festivities. Geralt can encounter acquaintances such as Dijkstra, partake in a Gwent tournament, explore the garden maze, or even initiate Triss's romance.

4 Carnevale Di Venezia – Assassin's Creed 2

Ezio at the carnival, a games master holding his arm up in victory.

Carnevale di Venezia, or Carnival of Venice, is a famed historical holiday still celebrated to this day, known for its colorful and creative Venetian masks and elaborate costumes to match. Though in Assassin's Creed 2, Ezio remains in his assassin garb even as he partakes in the festivities, other than the ornate golden mask that will gain him entry.

Hosted by one of his targets Marco Barbarigo, Ezio infiltrates the Carnevale to discreetly assassinate him with his hidden gun, made possible by the fireworks dazzling the guests with the lights and colors, and the noise suppressing that of his gun. But before that, players must play through a series of carnival games to win the golden mask that will gain them entry. The games consist of collecting ribbons from women, competing against an opponent in a game of capture the flag, and completing a parkour course within a time limit. These games are fun, keeping within the playful spirit of Carnevale while challenging the player.

3 The Isle Of Sgai – Hitman 2

A darkened ballroom plays host to many masked elite.

No stealth game would be complete without an infiltration mission, and Hitman 2 is no exception to the rule. The sixth and final mission of the game sees series protagonist Agent 47 infiltrating a masquerade hosted on a remote island. The highest of the global elite are invited by The Ark Society, leaning fully into a cult angle with robed costumes, rituals and finally, masks that allow anonymity and add further mystery. Players must successfully infiltrate the masquerade and assassinate the two sisters Zoe and Sophia Washington.

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The masquerade takes part across several floors inside of a lavish castle befitting the hosts' social status, and each one is more exclusive than the last. Players must increase their standing in the party by leveling up their attire to avoid guards becoming hostile and blowing their cover. Players will be given several opportunities to access Zoe or Sophia, so it is up to the player to gauge which opportunity to take. Since several of the options will be locked on certain floors, the players must ensure their outfit is up to snuff for them to rub shoulders with the higher echelons.

2 The Man from Cintra – The Witcher 3: Blood And Wine

Geralt partaking of some carnival games as a masquerade party.

CD Projekt Red featured a second masquerade mission in The Witcher 3, though taking place in the expansion pack Blood and Wine as opposed to the base game. "The Man from Cintra" is one of the many fun and exciting missions available in the DLC, seeing Geralt begrudgingly don a mask and finery for a night of espionage and games. There is absinthe to sample, a game of paint-throwing to enjoy, and even some performing mimes to interact with.

But soon, the light-heartedness comes to an end as Geralt stumbles across a dead body, and must follow the trail to try to uncover the mystery. With blood, murder on their hands, and fun party games, "The Man from Cintra" has everything a player might need to keep them hooked and eager to play more.

1 Lady Boyle's Last Party – Dishonored

A scene from the Boyle's masquerade featuring guests and decor.

"Lady Boyle's Last Party" is perhaps one of the most famous missions in the entire game. The Boyles host a themed masquerade every winter for select members of the aristocracy, over-indulging in the finer things in life while Dunwall's poor suffer. This makes Corvo's job that much easier, as their disinterest in the less fortunate in the city is glaringly obvious, and it's about time they experience a bit of suffering first-hand.

Even as a wanted criminal, Corvo can attend the party in his signature mask with little issues as long as he has an invitation, most guests remarking about what an impressive replica it is, displaying the depths of their ignorance. Alternatively, players can secretly infiltrate the mansion by sneaking past security and into the mansion, allowing the player the freedom to choose their method of entry. Once inside, Corvo must then discover the identity of the Boyle sisters to ensure he assassinates the correct one, and this can be achieved through multiple methods such as speaking to certain guests or offering bribes. The freedom of choice and the plethora of options offer a refreshing new way to experience this mission even after multiple playthroughs.

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