Video games have plenty of unique interactive elements that keep players engaged. One example of this is the boss fight, which might exist in certain tabletop games, but is best known for its place in the gaming space.

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Bosses are often the best test of a player’s abilities that a game has to offer. They are capstones to levels, stages, areas, and entire games, that require mastery over the game’s systems to overcome. One interesting way to spice up boss fights is by adding a second boss into the equation. This can easily create a chaotic mess that is more frustrating than fun, but if done well, can turn up the challenge, while creating memorable scenarios.

8 The Xehanort Court – Kingdom Hearts 3

Ansem, Young Xehanort, and Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 3

Kingdom Hearts 3 had a lot to contend with, including a lot of characters who had to receive satisfying send-offs as the KH series transitioned into a new phase. Its answer to this was to fill the endgame with multi-boss battles galore.

While technically being a triple boss fight, the battle against Ansem, Xemnas, and Young Xehanort was easily the best of these fights. From boss synergy to setting and even music, this fight was a perfect storm of tension and chaos, specifically built to please long-term KH fans.

7 Ko-Shi And Ro-Shi – Nier: Automata

ko-shi and ro-shi nier automata

Nier Automata’s lasting legacy is due in great part to the ways it shakes up much of what other games take for granted. One of the things it plays with is the very concept of a double boss.

While ascending a tower, A2 and 9S have to face off against the bosses Ko-Shi and Ro-Shi separately. The player is forced to switch back and forth between the fights, with each using a completely different gameplay style before they are combined into a singular boss that must be fought while alternating between both characters.

6 Master And Crazy Hand – Super Smash Bros. Melee

Master Hand and Crazy Hand

Since the release of the original Super Smash Brothers on the Nintendo 64, Master Hand has been the series’ iconic final boss. In the very next game, however, his counterpart Crazy Hand was introduced, forming a dynamic duo that persists to this day.

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The two hands have a shocking amount of synergy, often using attacks that cover each other’s blind spots and leave little room for players to dodge. They are usually reserved for harder difficulties for a reason, as the duo really tests the mastery players have over their chosen characters.

5 Seltas And Seltas Queen – Monster Hunter

Seltas Queen render from monster hunter 4 ultimate

Monster Hunter as a series usually excels when monsters are fought individually. While there are many quests in the series that pit players against multiple monsters at once, these enemies are rarely designed with a partner in mind, and so aren’t especially compelling in duos.

The Seltas Queen is an exception. As a queen bee of sorts, her fight is designed around the presence of the smaller, male Seltas, who she will even replace if he is killed. The pair are especially terrifying when combined into one entity, allowing for the Seltas’ speed and flight to be fused with the Seltas Queen’s power and range.

4 Brothers Oro And Mato – Hollow Knight

Brothers Oro and Mato Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight is one of the premier "metroidvanias" of gaming’s modern era and brings with it a host of impressive fights. In the Godmaster DLC, several new bosses were added, including the twin brothers Oro and Mato.

When entering the arena, Oro is the first to appear, and fights the player for a little while, helping them ease into the fight before Mato appears to turn up the heat. Together, their wide slashes and vertical drops make much of the screen unsafe, and they’re even smart enough to alternate attacks on players in the corner, making escaping their assault even more tricky.

3 Theseus And Asterius – Hades

Theseus and Asterius Guide

Hades actually has several possible instances of multi-boss encounters, including a fight against all three of the fury sisters when "extreme measures" is activated. Theseus and Asterius however, are the game’s flagship double boss.

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With Asterius being a close-range brawler and Theseus a ranged sniper with an impenetrable shield, they force the player to be constantly monitoring both entities. They both also power up at half health, forcing clever strategy, lest they both be allowed to power up and run roughshod over poor Zagreus.

2 Agni And Rudra – Devil May Cry 3

Agni and Rudra from Devil May Cry 3

As a game series that excels in flashy, focused combat, Devil May Cry tends to play better against smaller, singular bosses. However, it does dabble in quality multi-boss fights, including the battle against Agni and Rudra in DMC3.

As twin demons, Agni and Rudra both wield a sword and attack in similar ways. Their secret weapon is that when one dies, the other will pick up his brother’s sword, and fight Dante while dual wielding. This escalates the difficulty immensely and forces players to be mindful to not hyper-focus on just one of the pair.

1 Dragon Slayer Ornstein And Executioner Smough – Dark Souls

dark souls remastered ornstein and smough

Easily one of the most iconic battles in a series full of them, Ornstein and Smough are a mean and complementary pair that force not only expert dodging and awareness but also strategy. The smaller Ornstein is fast and nimble, while Smough is slow and powerful, even being able to destroy the environment.

When one dies, the other will receive a power-up. However, Smough’s solo fight is considerably easier, balanced out by Ornstein being harder to get a hold of. Meanwhile, solo Ornstein is more of a challenge, since the big, burly Smough is a much easier target to focus down. It’s a fight not only great for its spectacle and challenge but also its variability.

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