Nature is amazing. Life has evolved to adapt to even the harshest conditions. Everything that has evolved has also done so alongside everything else. Because of this, Earth has incredibly complex ecosystems.

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Video games are an avenue to explore the interdependency of life. They can demonstrate slow processes in a timeframe that makes them easily observable. Different creatures in games can have abilities that complement each other. It is also possible in video games to travel from deserts to Arctic landscapes. Here are a few games that pull this off.

8 Spore

creatures in SPORE

Sporewas a fun, interesting evolution simulator. Players can create virtually any creature of their imagining, as well as interact with other diverse creatures created by other players.

The game takes creatures through five stages of evolution. Each creature can be either a herbivore or a carnivore, as well as interact with other species, which can be either befriended or attacked for food. Multiple species can be in a pack, which may help with approaching more hostile creatures. They can even evolve to sentience and form their own civilizations.

7 Endless Ocean: Blue World

A diver (center) swimming over a reef, with multiple blue tangs and yellow fish above. Image Credit:

The great thing about the Nintendo Wii and DS was that they featured diverse experiences for anyone and everyone, many of which challenged the notion of just what a video game could be. One such experience is Endless Ocean: Blue World, a scuba diving/exploration video game that puts divers in the flippers of L&L Diving Service's newest recruit.

The oceans are teeming with life of all different colors, shapes, and sizes. They range from giant whales to dolphins for catching a ride on, and even small creatures in nooks and crannies on the ocean floor. Upon discovering a creature, the diver will learn a little bit about them, including their diet and behaviors. One will also get to build their own coral reef, which will also attract marine life.

6 Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Gungan Frontier

The HUD of the Gungan moon, with creatures roaming around on the surface. A control panel is on the bottom, with Artoo at the bottom right, and the Kresh at the bottom left. A radar is on the top-left. Image source:

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace was met with a glowing-turned-lukewarm reception, to be generous. The movie did, however, spawn a few Star Wars video games, ranging in quality. One of the more unique entries, brought by Lucas Learning, was Star Wars: Episode I – The Gungan Frontier.

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The game tasks players with assisting in the creation of a new Gungan colony on one of Naboo’s moons. In order to do this, Boss Nass tasks either young Obi-Wan Kenobi or Queen Amidala to bring to the moon a selection of plant and animal life to sustain the colony. Introducing a food chain of predators and prey, the game stresses the importance of balancing the populations of different species. On top of the food chain, of course, is the mighty Rancor.

5 Pikmin 3

Alf walking along a lake with his Pikmin army in Pikmin 3

While the Wii U was not the success that Nintendo wanted, it did come with an excellent library that put quality over quantity. Among its lineup was the third entry in Nintendo’s Pikmin franchise, Pikmin 3, which later came to the Switch as Pikmin 3 Deluxe.

Pikmin 3’s gameplay and visuals give the impression of being in a rich ecosystem with a large assortment of flora and fauna. Multiple species exist with their own strengths and weaknesses. Rival species are more vulnerable to some Pikmin than others, so having the right ones for the right job is essential for survival.

4 Pine

pine game

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been a major milestone for the franchise. It goes back to the series’ roots while evolving the formula, creating a massive world that is still being explored today. Future titles have and will continue to take inspiration from Breath of the Wild, including Pine, which takes a novel approach to its wildlife.

Each tribe in the game is based on a different species. They can be friendly or hostile to the protagonist, depending on the offerings presented to them at specific locations. Improving a relationship with one tribe may damage relations with other tribes. In the wild, members of different tribes can be seen attacking hostile animals and each other, creating the feel of a constantly changing world.

3 Minecraft


Minecraft has come a long way since its humble beginnings. It has introduced all kinds of creatures, elements, and mechanics. Among the new additions to the game is the constantly expanding wildlife.

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Different animal mobs are introduced across a variety of biomes. Some have been added to raise awareness of endangered species in real life. These also interact with the surrounding environments in unique ways. Bees, for instance, pollinate flowers and produce honey in their hives. Axolotls will ignore some species but are particularly aggressive towards fish and squids.

2 Thrive

organism in Thrive

A few video games have explored the gameplay mechanics introduced in Spore. One example is the open-source gameThrive. Currently, it is only in the cell phase, but what is here builds upon Spore’s foundation.

The microbe initially created must consume a number of chemicals in the surrounding environment in order to create energy for itself, while at the same time competing with other organisms. When the microbe is ready to split, organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts can be added in order to increase its chances of survival. This will be stimulating for fans of biology and chemistry.

1 Secrets Of Raetikon

A small bird flying next to a giant fox on a ledge.

Secrets of Raetikon is a beautiful game with tight gameplay. The main protagonist is a bird that must find and return artifacts to an ancient machine, all the while evading the dangers that await in the Alps.

The plant and animal life are tightly integrated into the game’s mechanics. Predator birds will attack the hero and drive them into thorny spikes. At the same time, a prickly plant can be pulled out of the ground as a weapon, creating thrilling and satisfying dogfights. If fighting is not an option, other creatures can be dragged into the predators’ path, so that they will occupy their time with those instead.

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