Gamers Outreach is a non-profit charity that provides access to video games for children in hospitals through four main programs. The charity is perhaps most widely known for its GO-Kart portable video game kiosks for kids to play all kinds of modern video game consoles while receiving hospital care. However, it also has Save Point providing kids with vending machine-style goodies and swag, a volunteering program called Player 2, and a video game management system for hospitals called Portal.

Gamers Outreach runs an annual fundraiser called Gamers for Giving that began in 2008. March 2023 marks the event's 15th anniversary and the first in-person LAN party since pre-pandemic, with the event held virtually in recent years with opportunities to get involved in its various video gaming tournaments and more. Game ZXC recently spoke with Gamers Outreach Founder Zach Wigal about the charity's plans and goals for Gamers for Giving this year, including the funding targets and the various ways anyone, including gamers, can get involved.

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Gamers For Giving LAN Party And Streamathon Plans

Gamers for Giving LAN Party Gamers Outreach

This year's Gamers for Giving takes place March 20 - 26 and includes an online Streamathon and an in-person LAN party event. Streaming runs for the whole week running March 20 - 26 and the LAN portion of the event takes place at the end of the week between March 25-26. Therefore, those wanting to join in and help fundraise either join in from home by streaming video games, attend in person, or do both. When asked about this year's LAN event and if Gamers Outreach has any special anniversary plans, Wigal talked more about plans to unveil its latest GO-Kart 3.0 at the LAN and more. As Wigal described,

"We're pretty excited. The whole event begins on March 20 and ends on March 26. The LAN party takes place at the end of the week, March 25-26. We'll have streamers who start broadcasting on March 20 continue streaming throughout the week. And then at the end of the week during the LAN party, we'll be gathering together on the 25th and 26th to play video games, s tay up all night, eat our favorite foods, and raise money for kids in hospitals. We have a few exciting announcements to share during the weekend. Mainly we'll be celebrating the launch of our newest gaming Kart [...] We're going to display the prototype at Gamers for Giving, and we're trying to raise a million dollars .

Wigal also explained more about what those attending the LAN event can expect and the kinds of events they can get involved in, including tournaments for Counter-Strike, Valorant, Starcraft, and more. Wigal additionally mentioned there are some special awards for participants, such as the Best Camper award for those who set up the best campsite. Wigal added they usually have some special guests in attendance. Although it's not currently known which special guests are attending this year, it's worth noting that many celebrities have supported the charity's work in the past in previous partnerships with Microsoft, including a team-up with Xbox and Gal Galdot and with Dwayne Johnson and special Xbox Series X consoles towards the end of 2020. As Wigal put it,

"We do usually have special guests attending the LAN. The LAN is really like a music festival. Attendees bring their PC, connect with the community, make new friends, kick back, and play video games. As an adult now in my 30s, I really have to be intentional about making time to play video games - something I took for granted as a kid! So for those of us who have grown up and are adults now with jobs, the LAN is a great weekend to just set aside time and focus on play. It's a chance for folks to relax with their friends and support a great cause - helping bring video games to kids in hospitals. LAN parties are a way to feel connected to the core aspects of being a gamer."

Gamers For Giving Fundraising Goals, Streamer Support, And Other Gamers Outreach Opportunities

Streamer Gamers for Giving Gamers Outreach

Wigal emphasized Gamers Outreach are looking for video game streamers worldwide to help them reach their funding targets through online fundraising campaigns, adding "most the fundraising happens thanks to streamers getting involved online and broadcasting from their homes." Wigal also described the various plans of the charity for the funds raised through this year's Gamers for Giving, with the goal being to raise $1 million with the help of the gaming community. Wigal also explained how they aim to split the funds raised. As Wigal explained,

"All the money raised is going to help us complete a number of projects. We've detailed how the funds will be budgeted in a recent blog. This year's event has three different goals: a 500k goal, a 750k goal, and the full million. Each goal accomplishes something different. We have a wish list of hospitals who’ve reached out and requested gaming Karts. We'd like to deliver gaming Karts to at least 100 of those facilities, and if we can raise at least 500 grand, we’ll be able to do that. We're also looking to upgrade equipment on some of our GO Karts that were donated many years ago. That's all part of goal number one.

"We have hospitals that have requested Save Point machines. For Save Point: we want to have resources to keep machines fully stocked. We also want to build 2 more machines for a couple of hospitals that have reached out that want to place these in their facilities. [...] Our last goal if we get to the million-dollar area past 750k – that section is reserved for international deployments. We want to be able to deliver GO Karts to hospitals outside the United States, so there’s an opportunity for international streamers to get involved and help us reach that benchmark.

Charity streams often prove very successful, with a Minecraft stream hitting its $25,000 goal for Gamers Outreach before it started. It's also clear involving streamers is significant for furthering Gamers Outreach's overall mission and its plans to increase its worldwide reach, including increasing GO-Kart deployment beyond the US. As Wigal put it,

A lot of our impact is driven by donor support. Our progress throughout hospital facilities in the US has really been thanks to people getting involved on a regional level. Our hope is to continue working with streamers and donors in various countries, partnering with them to gather resources in support of this work. Once funds are raised, we can deploy a Kart in a hospital. That's the initial goal. Gamers for Giving is an opportunity for streamers around the world to get involved and help us further that mission."

In addition to the upcoming Gamers for Giving event, there are many other ways for people to support the work of Gamers Outreach all year round through its various programs and other activities. This includes opportunities for volunteering and even making video game donations, as Wigal also added they also "want to help create a platform for sustainability" through their programs. Wigal also encouraged those interested in finding out more about Gamers Outreach to check out the organization's website and social media for further details. As Wigal described,

"I'd encourage anyone interested in getting involved to check out our website, T hat's where they can learn about volunteer opportunities. They can contribute to Gamers Outreach programs, they can join our Discord community, stay in touch with things that might pop up throughout the year. We have another website for the Gamers for Giving event,, which is where people can sign up to host streams in March, or buy tickets to attend our LAN party. "

The next Gamers for Giving fundraising event run by Gamers Outreach is taking place March 20 – 26 2023, with the online streamathon running March 20 – 26 and the LAN Party taking place March 25 -26. Further information is available at

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