One gamer has shown what it looks like when someone hogties an entire town in Red Dead Redemption 2. While players can role-play as a bounty hunter in Red Dead Redemption 2, this particular player may have taken that a step too far here.

The acts seen in the video are definitely not something the average player will experience in the game. Most players will spend their time experiencing Red Dead Redemption 2's incredible story, or completing various missions alongside posse members in Red Dead Online. But gamers are always shown to be versatile, and it's interesting to see the extent to what they're able to achieve in Rockstar's robust sandbox.

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The strange clip was posted to Reddit by user Alexc518, who had managed to hogtie an entire town and place them all in one room. The user dubs the bunch "Wiggle Buddies" as they squirm around in their restraints. The feat has come at a cost, with the gamer amassing an enormous bounty of $1045 in the game. In the thread, players were amused and cracked jokes about the achievement, with one player describing them as an "actual contender for least sane Red Dead player." Ultimately, this isn't even the strangest hogtie-based incident in the game, with one Red Dead Redemption 2 bug turning a hogtied enemy into a pile of guns.

While Red Dead Redemption 2 is often praised for its groundbreaking detail and commitment to realism, this clip definitely edges closer to the realm of cartoon. Seeing everyone wiggle around at the same time is quite bizarre, to the point where it's unclear how they even managed to get all of them in one place without dying. Unfortunately the player didn't say how long it took to put the whole scene together. They did have one thing to say, however. When asked how they kept everyone in line, they responded with "Fear."

The freedom in Rockstar's cowboy Western is one of the big reasons players continue to return to the game. The open-world fulfillment of a power fantasy is a formula that Rockstar has mastered over the years, with many considering Red Dead Redemption 2 to be its masterpiece. When GTA 6 finally releases at some point in the next few years, it has some enormous boots to fill on the heels of Rockstar's latest efforts, with GTA 5 remaining one of the most played games in the world to this day due to the incredible success of GTA Online.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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