
  • Betrayals in gaming can be more impactful when loyal friends turn into deadly enemies due to disillusionment or influence from the wrong people. It adds a sense of pathos.
  • In games like Sly 3 and Yakuza Kiwami , the protagonist's partners who were once trusted sidekicks turn against them, leading to heartbreaking splits.
  • The transformation of characters like Jason Todd in Batman: Arkham Knight and Prince Villem in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales , who were once on the side of good, into villains can be deeply impactful and create dramatic storylines.

Few twists hurt more than betrayals. That said, the greatest impact doesn't come from cold-hearted backstabbing. Plenty of traitors in gaming are only out for themselves from the beginning. Others might double-cross the heroes because they truly believe they're doing the right thing. These instances are effective and dramatic, but not all that poignant.

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What hurts more are loyal friends corrupted beyond recognition. Sidekicks may support the protagonists and trust them implicitly, but that trust can wither. By listening to the wrong people and/or becoming disillusioned with heroes' methods, these valued partners can grow into the deadliest enemies. The result is a heartbreaking split, one which often gives games a significant sense of pathos.

5 Dr. M

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves

Dr. M in Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

PlayStation 3
February 5, 2013
Sanzaru Games
Platformer , Stealth , Adventure , Fighting , Puzzle

In the Sly Cooper series, the eponymous raccoon has a gang to aid in his thieving exploits. He's the stealthy point man; Bentley is the brains; Murray is the brawn. Despite his name and calling card being so prominent, though, Sly sees his gang members as equals. They grew up in the same orphanage, so they have a lifelong kinship. They just translate that kinship into high-class crime.

Sly's father had a similar setup, but he apparently didn't treat his partners nearly as well. To him, they were little more than sidekicks. This mindset comes back to bite his son in Sly 3. The villain, Dr. M, was the brains of Daddy's outfit. He never got what he felt he was owed, so he decided to take it out of the Cooper Clan. Namely, he works to pillage the family's ancestral vault, which houses the legacy and loot of countless generations. Talk about a severance package.

4 Jason Todd (Robin)

Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman and Jason Todd in Batman: Arkham Knight
Batman: Arkham Knight

PS4 , Xbox One , PC
June 23, 2015
Rocksteady Studios

The temperamental Jason Todd was always a bad seed, but Batman tries to give him a second chance and a new outlook as the second Robin. Sadly, the kid grows frustrated with The Dark Knight's rules and unwillingness to kill.

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Fans see the results of that resentment in Batman: Arkham Knight. The game presents an alternative version of the Red Hood storyline. In it, Jason goes to kill the Joker, only to wind up captured and tortured. The evil clown plays on his victim's feelings of abandonment, cultivating his hatred of the Caped Crusader. Though presumed dead, Todd returns as the Arkham Knight. This new villain acquires a private militia and allies with Scarecrow to fill Gotham with fear toxin. In the process, they aim to destroy any hope the people have in their supposed savior. Only then will Jason kill his former mentor, having achieved absolute victory and reduced Batman's legacy to ashes. Luckily, the hero has plenty of other partners willing to carry on his work.

3 Akira Nishikiyama

Yakuza Kiwami

Akira Nishikiyama in Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , PC
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
Action , Adventure

The Yakuza/Like a Dragon world can be hazardous and tribal, but sworn brothers offer a light in the darkness, backing each other up through thick and thin. Such is the case with Kazuma Kiryu and Akira Nishikiyama in Yakuza 0. Both orphans are raised by a Tojo Clan captain, these two are practically inseparable once they join the ranks. Although Nishiki knows he doesn't have Kiryu's strength or conviction, he still strives to aid his friend in his exploits. In turn, Kiryu never looks down on him and goes to any lengths to protect him. Sadly, this works against the pair in the original Yakuza.

After Nishiki kills the Dojima Family patriarch in defense of the woman he loves, Kiryu takes the fall. He then spends the next decade in prison, leaving Nishiki a sheep among wolves. Not only must his friend cope with his guilt, but he struggles to survive in a merciless underworld. The compromises and betrayals eventually morph Nishiki into a colder character. He's even willing to stab his loved ones in the back if it advances his goals. Needless to say, when Kiryu gets out, he's shocked at how his brother has changed.

2 Darth Malak

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Darth Malak in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Xbox (Original) , iOS , Android , Switch , PC , macOS
July 15, 2003

He may be the villain of Knights of the Old Republic, but Malak was once a noble Jedi Knight. He and his master, Revan, work to ensure peace in the Star Wars galaxy. Unfortunately, the duo grows frustrated with their Order's penchant for contemplation over action. They and several followers soon break with their brethren to aid the Republic against the hostile and strong Mandalorians. Their actions send them to the Dark Side, leading them to form the Sith Empire. In short, they both turn evil by becoming Sith Lords. Malak just takes it one step further.

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In true Sith fashion, Malak betrays his master. Before the game's events, he fires on Revan's ship, causing the villain's downfall. The upstart then assumes command of their Empire. One would say the student surpasses the teacher, but that's not strictly true, as Revan ultimately returns and dismantles Malak's plans.

1 Prince Villem

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Queen Meve and Prince Villem in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

CD Projekt Red
Digital Card Game

Politics can be extremely cutthroat by nature. That's even truer than medieval politics. Queen Meve learns that the hard way in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. Ruling over Rivia and Lyria, she leads her people with valor and justice. She also trains her son, Prince Villem, to take over as heir. She even leaves him in charge while she's away. He desires to please his mother, but he's hesitant and weak-willed. The lords on her council easily exploit that.

While Meve is meeting with other sovereigns and clearing out bandits, they conspire with Villem to usurp his mother's throne. The prince forms a pact with the invading Nilgaardian Empire, content to bend the knee rather than risk a battle against the larger foe. Worst of all, he locks Mommy in a tower to keep her from jeopardizing the arrangement. Villem rationalizes this by saying that he's playing the political game his way and breaking free of others' expectations. However, he's only a pawn of ambitious vipers, becoming one himself. What's more is his betrayal makes Meve a fugitive from her own kingdom. It's a bitter pill to swallow, particularly from her flesh and blood.

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