Game ZXC

Game ZXC Advance


How Another Crab's Treasure Balances Blocking, Parrying, and Dodging

Game ZXC speaks with two Aggro Crab developers about how Another Crab's Treasure balances blocking, parrying, and dodging in its Soulslike combat.

How Another Crab's Treasure Comments On Pollution

Game ZXC speaks with two Another Crab's Treasure devs about how the game comments on pollution, climate catastrophe, and so forth.

Another Crab's Treasure's Bobbit Worm Explained

In a Game ZXC Interview, Another Crab's Treasure devs discuss the inclusion of the terrifying Bobbit Worm as an enemy for protagonist Kril to face.

Another Crab's Treasure Dev Calls Dark Souls Games 'Funny'

Another Crab's Treasure's developers weigh in with Game ZXC about the subtle humor that underpins much of FromSoftware's grimdark series.

Another Crab's Treasure: The Life Force of Umami Explained

Game ZXC speaks to two Aggro Crab developers about Umami, the life force that connects all things in Another Crab's Treasure.

Another Crab's Treasure Devs Detail Its Corpse Run

In an interview with Game ZXC, Another Crab's Treasure devs open up about the struggles of balancing accessibility with core Soulslike mechanics.

Another Crab's Treasure Cut a Level That Was Similar to Zelda: Ocarina of Time

In a Game ZXC interview about Another Crab's Treasure, Aggro Crab details a cut level that was similar to Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Another Crab's Treasure Devs Detail Its Underwater Setting

In a Game ZXC interview, the Aggro Crab team discusses the rich underwater world of the upcoming Soulslike game Another Crab's Treasure.

Another Crab's Treasure Devs Talk Putting a Colorful Twist on Soulslike Games

Game ZXC speaks with developers of Another Crab's Treasure about making a uniquely vivid and humorous Soulslike game that stands out in the genre.

Another Crab's Treasure's Gun is About Making Accessibility Fun

Another Crab's Treasure developers talk with Game ZXC about making accessibility more than just a button to skip a boss fight.

How Another Crab's Treasure Devs Chose Which Sea Creatures to Include

Developer Aggro Crab speaks with Game ZXC about its selection process for sea creatures to feature in Another Crab's Treasure.

Another Crab's Treasure's Adaptations and Shell Spells Explained

During a Game ZXC interview, Another Crab's Treasure devs discuss the unique skills players can gain through the game's Adaptations and Shell Spells.

Another Crab's Treasure is Set in a 'Decaying, Sad World'

It may not look like it at first glance, but during a Game ZXC interview, Another Crab's Treasure devs detail the darkness of its Soulslike world.

Another Crab's Treasure: What Is the Gunk?

During a Game ZXC interview, two Another Crab's Treasures devs explain how Gunk is more than just a pointed pollution allegory.

Another Crab's Treasure is More Like Sekiro Than Dark Souls, Says Dev

Game ZXC speaks with Aggro Crab developers about how Another Crab's Treasure's gameplay feels more similar to Sekiro than Dark Souls.

Another Crab's Treasure Has Exactly 69 Shells in the Game

Game ZXC speaks with Aggro Crab, the developer of Another Crab's Treasure, about the number of Shells players can find in the game.

Another Crab's Treasure Devs Talk All Things Combat

In a Game ZXC interview, two Aggro Crab developers talk about the various combat elements in play in Soulslike game Another Crab's Treasure.

PSA: You Might Die Petting the Dog in Another Crab's Treasure

Game ZXC speaks with two Another Crab's Treasure devs, who discuss how one of them died while 'petting the dog' in-game.

Another Crab's Treasure Operates on SpongeBob Logic

In an interview with Game ZXC, Another Crab's Treasure devs discuss how SpongeBob SquarePants influenced the game's underwater movement physics.

Another Crab's Treasure is a Soulslike Game Built on Vibes

Another Crab's Treasure is a Soulslike game, but aside from a few important mechanics, it marches to the beat of its own drum.

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