
  • Westeros is home to countless beautiful locations including the Great Sept of Baelor, the Eyrie, Highgarden, Beyond the Wall, the Water Gardens in Dorne, Oldtown, and Winterfell's Godswood.
  • The Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing is an impressive and beautiful building with its seven-sided structure, crystals adorning the towers, stained-glass windows, and a huge plaza.
  • Winterfell's Godswood, centered around a weirwood tree, is a tranquil and beautiful place where followers of the Old Gods can come to pray and reflect, especially when covered in snow.

Although Essos and other continents exist in the world of Ice and Fire, it is Westeros that most people think of when imagining the backdrop of Game of Thrones and the book series it was based on. As a huge continent that was previously home to seven kingdoms and the lands beyond the Wall, it is no surprise there are countless beautiful locations scattered across the land.

6 Underwhelming Deaths In Game Of Thrones

The quality of Game of Thrones took a dive in later seasons, exemplified by these underwhelming character deaths.

From the snowcapped mountain ranges of the far north to the rich farmlands of the Reach and the endless dunes of Dorne, even the most unlucky characters often have stunning scenery around them. The most beautiful locations in Game of Thrones also include castles and cities or even specific parts of these.

7 The Great Sept Of Baelor

King's Landing as it appears in Season 1 of Game of Thrones

The capital of the Seven Kingdoms, King's Landing, is a city of both beauty and filth, but the crowning jewel of the city in terms of architecture has to be the seven-sided Great Sept of Baelor. Atop Visenya's Hill, the huge Sept looms over much of the city and with crystals adorning the seven towers it is easy to see why not just lives were lost on the day of Cersei's revenge.

Made mostly out of marble, with stained-glass windows, and a huge plaza that served as the location for a certain high-profile execution, the Great Sept of Baelor is easily one the most impressive and beautiful buildings in Game of Thrones.

6 The Eyrie

The Eyrie in Game of Thrones.

The Eyrie, home to House Arryn, is both the most impenetrable and awe-inspiring castle in Game of Thrones for a number of reasons. Situated atop the shoulder of one of the tallest mountains in Westeros and several thousand feet above ground, the Eyrie is a masterclass in engineering, with simply reaching the fortress being a massive undertaking, never mind building it.

Game Of Thrones: 21 Most Iconic Quotes

Game of Thrones featured dozens of memorable quotes that stayed with fans well beyond the series finale.

The Mountains of the Moon and the Vale itself are said to be breathtaking with mist, snow-capped peaks, and Alyssa's Tears, a waterfall whose water never reaches the valley below, turning into ice instead.

5 Highgarden

The sack of Highgarden in Game of Thrones.

Although the show's version of Highgarden ultimately failed to live up to the tales of splendor spun by House Tyrell, the real Highgarden is easily one of the most beautiful castles in Westeros. Placed atop a perfectly symmetrical hill with three tiers of concentric white walls, Highgarden is a sight to behold both from afar and from within.

As the name of the castle suggests, the seat of House Tyrell is home to much greenery, including a massive maze between the two outer walls. The courtyards also feature fountains and other luxuries, making it arguably the most desirable place to live in the Seven Kingdoms.

4 Beyond The Wall

Jon Snow riding beyond the Wall with Wildlings in the season 8 finale

Although a life given over to the Night's Watch isn't exactly an easy burden to bear, the Black Brothers do at least get one of the best views in all of Westeros from atop the 700-foot Wall. Beyond the Wall, the land is more natural and mostly unscarred by agriculture.

In winter and particularly the further north one goes, snow and ice dominate the region with a mountain range known as the Frostfangs in the west. These lands are scary and for the most part inhospitable, but beautiful nonetheless in a very similar way to Iceland where many of the scenes north of the Wall were shot.

3 The Water Gardens In Dorne

dorne-game-of-thrones Cropped

Dorne usually conjures up images of endless dunes and dusty settlements built around wells. However, the lush palace and private retreat of House Martell, known as the Water Gardens, is easily one of the most beautiful locations in Game of Thrones.

Game Of Thrones: The Known Traits Of The Great Houses Of Westeros

The Lannisters, as Robert I disparagingly says are yellow-haired, but what about the known traits of various nobles in Game of Thrones?

With elegant architecture, pools, and fountains, as well as trees to offer shade from the southern sun, it is easy to see why Prince Doran Martell moved to the Water Gardens from Sunspear on a more permanent basis, calling it his favorite place in the world.

2 Oldtown

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarly Citadel

Before King's Landing emerged on the map with Aegon's conquest, Oldtown was the primary city in Westeros, a center of religion, study, and commerce. Steeped in history, the port city of Oldtown is home to the tallest structure in the land, a massive lighthouse known as Hightower from which the occupying House takes its name.

Built incrementally with careful planning over thousands of years unlike the new capital, Oldtown is much more pleasing to the eye with cobbled streets and beautiful architecture all around. Most notable are the Citadel of the Maesters and the Starry Sept, with many others dotted around the city.

1 Winterfell's Godswood

Ned Stark cleaning his sword by the Weirwood tree as Catelyn approaches in the Game of Thrones pilot

All the Godswoods in Westeros are beautiful, or at least the ones that haven't been cut down by followers of the Seven. Centered around a weirwood tree, Godswoods are places of tranquility where followers of the Old Gods can come to pray and reflect in peace.

Arguably the most beautiful of these is Winterfell's Godswood where Ned Stark would come to clean his sword and conscience after taking a man's life. Winterfell was built around the ancient Godswood, particularly a small pool of black water over which the heart tree looms. Winterfell's Godswood was equally beautiful covered in snow when the Stark children were reunited in Season 8.

Game of Thrones Series

Release Date
March 24, 2013