Fans can finally immerse themselves back into the world of Westeros with the upcoming House of the Dragon prequel hitting HBO streaming services next month. A fine time to witness the Targaryen dynasty in its prime before its inevitable decline.

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Long-time GOT fans will be eager to watch the cinematic showdown between the Black and Green factions from the civil war known as the Dance of Dragons. Whilst Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon have and will demonstrate impressively fearsome creatures, there are things from A Song of Ice and Fire that are decisively more terrifying. For reasons unknown, these individuals, creatures, and horrors were not featured in Game of Thrones, and perhaps that was for the best...

5 Euron Greyjoy

euron greyjoy game of thrones

Although Euron did make an appearance in Game of Thrones, some fans of the books noticed that his character arc and personality were dimmed down. Whilst most avid viewers of the series consider Joffrey or Ramsay to be horrible characters, they pale in comparison next to Euron from the books. Euron was responsible for the death of 2 of his brothers and raping 2 other brothers in his youth. He knowingly forced himself upon another brother’s wife, knowing that the laws of the land would force his brother to kill said wife for ‘adultery’. The guy even cut out the tongues of all his crew members, so that it would befit the name of his ship - Silence.

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Whilst Joffrey is a cruel piece of work and Ramsay brutally terrorizes others into submission, Euron is certainly more capable than Joffrey and his ambition far extends beyond Ramsay’s. Euron wants to become king and is willing to earn that title through dark magic, as seen by the item he’s acquired (the Dragonbinder) which he plans to use to control Danaery’s dragons. Euron will murder, terrorize, torture, and destroy anything to get his way. Whilst other characters from the show demonstrate similar traits, they were either incapable of executing that in its entirety or had redeeming qualities. Euron on the other hand has no redeeming qualities and is perfectly capable of carrying out his plan for world domination.

4 Lady Stoneheart

lady stoneheart from a song of ice and fire

Though she didn’t make an appearance in Game Of Thrones, Lady Stoneheart is a revived Catelyn Stark minus all the empathy and loving qualities. After Catelyn died alongside her son and many of the Stark loyalists, her body was dumped into a nearby river. The Brotherhood without banners eventually stumbles upon the corpse ultimately leading to Berric Dondarrion giving his life to resurrect hers, as he was once a loyal retainer of Ned Stark.

Catelyn, now Lady Stoneheart rises from the grave and eventually leads the Brotherhood. Her sole mission is to enact vengeance on those who murdered her son at the Red Wedding and she has her men hunt down and butcher anyone associated with the Lannisters, Freys, and Boltons, regardless if they are young boys. Resembling more as a zombie or even as a wight, Lady Stoneheart's milky white appearance and deep wounds remain, making her a terrifying sight to anyone in her presence.

3 Ice Spiders

ice spiders from a song of ice and fire

The Ice Spiders were legendary creatures that were said to have been mounts and beasts of the White Walkers and were often mentioned in historical accounts and fables. Rumored to have been around the size of hounds or larger, they appeared in Westeros during the Long Night, which ended in the Night King’s defeat and the creation of the Wall, the Night’s Watch, and the beginnings of House Stark.

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The idea of giant spiders as mounts has been etched into the imaginations of the people of Westeros. An example is Sam who remembered the spiders during the retreat from the Battle of the Fist of the First Men. Perhaps it was for the best that these creatures are merely hinted at and not depicted at all, for they would have been a fearsome sight to behold.

2 The Horrors Of Valyria

ruins of valyria

Many fans will be familiar with some of the history of Game of Thrones.The Doom of Valyria is something that has been referenced and alluded to many times in both the books and the TV show. Whilst it is unclear what specific entities stalk the ruins of Valyria, the stories, missing persons and survivor accounts still send chills down the spine. However, none are as eerie as in the case of Aerie Targaryen.

A great-grandchild of Aegon I Targaryen, Aerie Targaryen who was trapped on Dragonstone which she found cold and stagnant, escaped on the back of Balerion the Black Dread. After having gone missing for a year, she and Balerion returned to King’s Landing but she was significantly ill and emaciated. Septon Barth who tended to Aerie recorded in his private journal that Aerie’s fever was so severe that her skin began to look like pork cracklings. That smoke came out of her nose, mouth, and nether regions. The Septon even mentioned that swellings moved beneath the princess’ skin. That when the princess was lowered into a bath of ice, ‘slimy, unspeakable things that made horrible sounds’ emerged from under her skin. Fortunately, the things died as they were ‘creatures of fire and heat.’

Although unsure of the specifics, Barth believed that Balerion had taken Aerie to Valyria as it was the only living creature left that had known Valyria before the doom came. He believed that Balerion had gone home and that those accursed creatures then attack the princess. The account so terrified the Septon and the king, that King Jahaerys had Balerion imprisoned in the dragon pit. He also decreed that any Westerosi who visited Valyria would be put to death upon their return.

1 Everything In Sothyros

sothoryos from game of thrones

Sothyros is a large continent that resides south of Essos and east of the Summer Isles. Known for its jungles and its mystery, it is one of the few places left in the world that remains unexplored, and for good reason. The northern areas of the continent are littered with ruined cities whilst the south is still an enigma.

What’s terrifying is that this region is highly inhospitable to outsiders. The continent is full of strange peoples known for their cannibalistic ways and dark rituals. The land is also a breeding ground of terrifying creatures including the large vampire bats, carnivorous fish that enjoy the taste of man flesh, and bugs that lay their eggs under the skin. If that doesn’t scare someone enough, the continent is a haven for horrific and fatal diseases which may not kill instantly but will bring an immense amount of suffering. Nothing like a continent that's trying to do its best to kill someone.

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