
  • King Robert I Baratheon successfully united multiple kingdoms and overthrew the ruling Targaryen dynasty, sparking a war named after him.
  • Robert's rebellion was based on a lie, as his betrothed, Lyanna Stark, willingly ran away with Rhaegar Targaryen.
  • Robert's weapon of choice, a massive Warhammer forged by Donal Noye, played a pivotal role in his victory over Prince Rhaegar at the Trident.

At the beginning of Game of Thrones, King Robert I Baratheon (Mark Addy) is Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and the first Baratheon king to sit on the Iron Throne. The war that saw the unification of the Kingdom of North, the Vale of Arryn, the Tullys of the Riverlands, and ousted the ruling Targaryen dynasty is retroactively named after him.

Robert ushered a new era for House Baratheon by successfully deposing Aerys II - the Mad King. He took the Iron Throne after killing his betrothed, Lyanna Stark's presumed abductor, Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident. The truth is, that Lyanna stole away with Rhaegar, and Robert's Rebellion was built on a lie. At the Trident, Robert dealt a fatal blow to Rhaegar's chest using an intriguing weapon, i.e., his Warhammer that happened to suit his stature and muscular build.

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Robert Baratheon In His Youth

Storm's End in House of the Dragon.

The eldest son of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont of Storm's End, Robert was raised to take up his father's reigns as Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, and the head of his House. He didn't particularly have a loving relationship with his brother Stannis who was born shortly after him. Robert's youngest brother, Renly was born at a later point. Robert and Eddard Stark of Winterfell were fostered at the Eyrie by the honorable Lord Jon Arryn as wards. The two boys had opposite personalities, in that, Ned mirrored his father figure's virtues and Robert was a reckless fellow who desperately needed mentoring. Jon Arryn did what he could with Robert and eventually went on to serve him as his first Hand. Robert shared a close relationship with Jon and in Game of Thrones, he admitted that the man showed him "what was what."

Game of Thrones lore says that Robert's parents died while returning unsuccessful from Aerys II's mission to find his cousin, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen a match. He and his brother, Stannis watched as the Baratheon galley, Windproud sank during a storm in Shipbreaker Bay. Lord Steffon Baratheon's death meant that the Lordship of the Stormlands was passed on to him.

The Smith Who Forged Robert's Warhammer

Lyanna Stark's crypt statue Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark in Game of Thrones.

Robert's weapon of choice - the Warhammer as well as Stannis' first sword were forged by a famous armorer and smith named Donal Noye who served House Baratheon of Storm's End before the civil war. Noye is described in Game of Thrones lore as a "muscular" and "strong" man who worked at Storm's End. Having lost an arm during the siege of Storm's End, he decided to become a sworn brother of the Night's Watch. Donal Noye in the books guides the youth, Jon Snow at Castle Black. Even though Jon doesn't agree with Noye at first, he eventually comes around. Later in the lore, Jon also helps Noye at the armory of Castle Black where the training equipment is kept.

The Warhammer That Killed Prince Rhaegar Targaryen

Rhaegar Targaryen And Lyanna Stark's secret wedding ceremony performed by High Septon in Game of Thrones.

Though the young Robert Baratheon carried a blade, he preferred to fight with his Warhammer. The spiked weapon was fashioned out of iron. Game of Thrones lore says that Robert wasn't one for jousting and preferred melees, so he could wield his Warhammer to hurt the enemy. Robert wielded Donal Noye's Warhammer during the war against the incumbent king, Aerys II, and his heir, Rhaegar of House Targaryen.

Aerys' heir, Prince Rhaegar, and Robert engaged in single combat on the crossing of the Trident. While Robert led the rebel host, the latter was the commander of the loyalist forces. In this combat, Robert struck Rhaegar's chest heavily using his Warhammer and the Prince fell. The loyalist army disbanded and left the battlefield while Robert laid claim to the Iron Throne. This crossing of the Trident which lies in the eastern Riverlands is recognized in Game of Thrones lore as Ruby Ford as the death blow of the Warhammer crushed and scattered the rubies off of Rhaegar's breastplate into water. In Game of Thrones season 1, episode 1 "Winter Is Coming," Robert confessed to Ned Stark that he kills Prince Rhaegar in his dreams every night.

Game of Thrones lore waxes eloquent on Robert's battle prowess and his massive Warhammer. It says that the fierce warrior, Ned Stark had trouble wielding (per georgerrmartin.com) Robert's massive weapon. A typical Baratheon - Robert was tall, quick-tempered, powerful, well-built and muscular. While a Warhammer isn't commonly wielded by the Westerosi, Robert is arguably the finest warrior in the lore. Because of his fighting prowess, he was able to bring Prince Rhaegar of the ruling Targaryen dynasty of Westeros down to his knees in the climactic battle of the rebellion.

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