One might think that those closest to the king of any country would be the safest in the land, but when it comes to Game Of Thrones, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. As evidenced time and time again throughout the series, the closer a person gets to the King, the closer one comes to their untimely demise. It may be dangerous, but many figures in Game Of Thrones actively seek to be put on the King’s Small Council.

Over the course of the series, the lineup of the Small Council changed from time to time, but that doesn’t mean that just anyone can take up the roles. Each member of the council is chosen for unique reasons, something that is supposed to aid in the prosperity of the kingdom. As some will know, it’s not uncommon for those with grander plans to wind up on the council, but it is rare for them to eventually manage to become King themselves, though triggering the War of the Five Kings is a good place to start.

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What Is The King’s Small Council?

Tyrion sits at the head of the King's Small Council with Bronn, Brienne, Sam, and Davos

The King's Small Council Members:

Hand of the King

Head of the council when the King is not present. Can act with the power of the King.

Master of Coin

Head of the realm's economy

Master of Whisperers

Head of spy networks across the realm

Master of Ships

Head of the realm's naval fleet

Master of Laws

Head of law enforcement and legal advisor

Lord Commander of the King's Guard

Head military advisor to the King

Grand Maester

Unappointed representative of the Maesters to provide guidance through wisdom

Master of War

A new and mostly meaningless role created by Cersei Lannister in order to garner more control over the council

Dornish Member

Created by Tywin Lannister to provide representation for Dorne

A group of some of the most powerful people and most creative thinkers in the kingdom, the King’s Small Council was a group that essentially ran the Seven Kingdoms for the King. Each position in the Small Council is hand-picked by the King, with each of them seeking to guide the King’s decisions in some way, though regardless of what one of the experts says, the King has the final say over what will actually end up happening. The council can make a recommendation, but never a decision, that is, unless the King is absent. In such a case, the Hand of the King then acts as the King when it comes to decision-making.

It is easiest to understand the inner workings of the Small Council if one views it similarly to a typical government. The King is the head of state and the Small Council is essentially their various appointed cabinet members whose expertise aids their decision-making. The problem is that, as is made quite clear in Game Of Thrones, the King isn’t always a reliable figure, leading to short and forgettable reigns. Should a King be useless or refuse to listen to their council, a lot of strife can be caused across the kingdom. A failure of leadership at the level of the council can result in a shockingly weak kingdom.

It should be noted that even taking up a position on the Small Council was drought with potential danger, especially if the council wasn’t living up to expectations in some form. Cersei Lannister makes this clear in a stark manner in A Feast For Crows:

“What was her council doing? Cravens and traitors. When I get out of here I will have the lot of them beheaded and find better men to take their place.”

There are a number of key members of the King’s Small Council typically including; The Hand of the King, the Master of Coin, the Master of Whisperers, the Master of Ships, the Master of Laws, the Lord Commander of the King’s Guard, and the Grand Maester, though other roles like the Master of War do exist. Each of these roles confer significant power over different areas required for a thriving kingdom. Just because those who sat on the council had power does not mean everyone wanted to be a part of it. Jamie Lannister’s thoughts demonstrate this very thing in A Storm Of Swords:

“Jaime watched from the foot of the table, thinking of all those lords who aspired to a seat on the king's small council. They can bloody well have mine. If this was power, why did it taste like tedium?”

Both the Master of Coin and Master of Laws are self-explanatory positions in which the person in the role is in charge of the kingdom from an economic standpoint and from a legal perspective respectively. The Master of Whisperers is an incredibly interesting role, essentially serving as the head of the lands’ spy network. The Master of Ships is in charge of the navy, ensuring that the King has the capability to engage in warfare on the seas whenever it is required. This is in contrast to the Lord Commander of the King’s Guard who handles the advice on the operations of the standard military, especially during times of war.

The Grand Maester is the one role on the council that isn’t directly appointed by the King, though they can be ignored altogether at the King’s request. This role is purely set up by the Maesters of the kingdom to provide the unique insight of an inherently wise individual. Each and every one of these roles is trumped by the Hand of the King, a figure who has the power to act as the King in their stead. This role oversees the entire counsel when the King isn’t present, rendering a competent Hand working under an incompetent King as the true leader of the kingdom, something that may or may not apply to House Of The Dragon's King Viserys.

Who Are Some Notable Members Of The King’s Small Council?

Some of the most notable people to ever serve on the King’s Small Council are the likes of many Baratheons and Lannisters, Peytr Baelish, Pycelle, Otto Hightower, and Varys. Interestingly, the members of the council who manage to stand out in the minds of many fans of the series tend to be the ones with the most ill intent. Many members of the council have higher ambitions of either becoming the King or at the very least Hand of the King in order to effectively rule the kingdom.

Pycelle is one of the most well-known members of the council purely because of how long he managed to serve across various rulers as the Grand Maester. Peytr Baelish is known for being a strong Master of Coin for the council while on his quest for the Iron Throne, helping to bring the kingdom into prosperity despite the land also having a great deal of debt. Varys is easily known as one of the greatest Master of Whisperers to ever grace the kingdom, with his schemes only finally getting the better of him when he begins working under and against Daenerys Targaryen.

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