
  • The Faith Militant in Game of Thrones is a militaristic faction that enforces their religious ideals forcefully and without exemptions, causing chaos in the Seven Kingdoms.
  • Reinstated by Cersei Lannister, the Faith Militant targets anyone who violates their beliefs, leading to the arrest of key characters such as Cersei herself for crimes of adultery, incest, and regicide.
  • The downfall of the Faith Militant comes when Cersei orchestrates the destruction of the Great Sept, resulting in the death of Margaery Tyrell and the loss of Cersei's power and alliances, ultimately leading to her defeat against Daenerys Targaryen.

There's a reason that nowadays there's an emphasis on the separation of the church and state. So much danger and violence have transpired throughout history when religious factions ruled equally alongside the government and enforced their ideals on the people. In Game of Thrones, this dangerous practice comes to life with the reinstating of the Faith Militant.

The Faith Militant follow the ancient religion of the Faith of the Seven and enforce their ideals forcefully, relentless against anyone who may disagree or stand in their way. They've had many leaders in their history, but during Game of Thrones, they were led by the High Sparrow.

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The Faith Militant would hold no power in the Seven Kingdoms if it weren't for the assistance of the Crown in some manner. But unbeknownst to those in power residing in King's Landing, the Faith Militant holds absolutely no one exempt from obeying their beliefs and, in turn, suffering the consequences of their sins.

Who Are The Faith Militant?


The Faith Militant are members of the Faith of the Seven who enforce their ideals through means of militia-type force. The military order can be traced back to the very beginning of the conquering of Westeros, where they worked alongside the Andal Invaders to both conquer and convert their captives as per the orders of their leader, the High Septon. The members of the Faith Militant were referred to as Septons, and they could be identified by the carving of the seven-pointed star on their foreheads. During the time of King Jaehaerys Targaryen, though, after the Faith Militant's uprising grew more and more out of control, the king put an end to their organization, a disbandment that would last for many years.

Queen Mother Cersei Lannister reinstated the Faith Militant during King Tommen Baratheon's rule during the War of the Five Kings. This time, she used a specific faction of the Faith of the Seven, known as Sparrows, and their leader, the High Sparrow, to bring the Faith Militant back to life in her attempt to take down House Tyrell. She speaks to the High Sparrow in the slums of King's Landing, and tells him:

The faith and the crown are the two pillars that hold up this world; one collapses, so does the other. We mus do everything necessary to protect one another. - Cersei Lannister, "High Sparrow" (Season 5, Episode 3)

With their reestablishment, they began raiding King's Landing of anyone guilty of committing crimes against their religious beliefs, including homosexuality, adultery, incest, and murder. While Cersei made it clear to them that their main target should be the Tyrell family, in which various family members had committed such crimes, she soon learned that their only loyalty was to the Faith of the Seven, exempting no one from disobeying their religious laws.

The Faith Militant in Game of Thrones


High Sparrow/Faith Militant

First Appearance

"High Sparrow" (Season 5, Episode 3)

Last Appearance

"The Winds of Winter" (Season 6, Episode 10)

What Happens to the Faith Militant?


While the Faith Militant arrest Ser Loras Tyrell for his homosexual relations, and his sister, Queen Margaery Tyrell, for falsely testifying against her brother's charges, they soon also arrest Cersei for crimes of adultery, incest, and regicide (murdering or plotting to murder a king). Cersei is then taken to the Red Keep dungeons and held there until she confesses to her crimes.

Eventually, Cersei admits to adultery, but denies the other charges. The High Sparrow accepts this confession, and has Cersei complete her initial sentence before the trial by participating in a "walk of atonement". Here, Cersei was shaved and stripped down naked before being forced to walk the streets of King's Landing, all the while being shamed by both the Faith Militant and the citizens of King's Landing.

Embarrassed and infuriated, Cersei decides to not attend her own trial, in which both Margaery and Loras Tyrell -- as well as Lady Olenna Tyrell -- are also present. The people in attendance of the trial, including all of House Tyrell, the majority of the Faith Militant, and the High Sparrow, initially thought Cersei's absence was because of her arrogance and embarrassment, they soon realized she purposefully didn't show because she had rigged the place to blow by wildfire. The Great Sept explodes, killing everyone inside, thus ending the new Faith Militant's reign.

How Do the Faith Militant Cause Cersei's Downfall?


Because of the death of Margaery Tyrell, King Tommen takes his own life, leaving Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion as the only living Lannisters. Cersei is made officially queen upon her last child's death, but her power is already in question from her people. The citizens of King's Landing had seen Cersei at her most vulnerable during her walk of atonement, so they no longer saw her as that much of a powerful threat. Right away, Cersei had lost an enormous amount of power over her own people.

Additionally, House Tyrell brought a significant alliance to the Lannister army, as they had several alliances themselves. However, upon their murder in the Great Sept, Cersei lost all of their allegiances, forcing Cersei to search for soldiers elsewhere, the majority being from simply hiring mercenaries to fight beside them. But Jaime Lannister beseeched his sister to either find another way or concede to the power of Daenerys Targaryen, for he saw firsthand the power of both the Dothraki army and the dragons on their way to take over King's Landing.

Cersei refuses her brother's pleas, and proceeds to arrogantly go against Daenerys' warnings. She would ultimately regret this decision because she was utterly crushed by the opposing armies, standing absolutely no chance against the power and fury of the dragons.

game of thrones
Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones, based on the Song of Ice and Fire book series by George R.R. Martin, tells the sprawling story of warring families in Westeros. This includes the Starks, the Lannisters, the Baratheons, and the Targaryens. Along with human conflicts, Westeros is also threatened by the re-emergence of dragons, and an undead enemy from beyond the Wall.

Where to watch

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