Westeros may be the most textured of all the sprawling settings in the fantasy genre. Seven kingdoms stretched across around seven million square miles with endless details, historical influences, and stories to tell. The continent covers frozen tundra to blasted desert sands. Dorne was the last of the Seven Kingdoms to enter the titular Game of Thrones, but its independent streak put most of the continent to shame.

Game of Thrones generally follows the people at the top of Westeros's societal hierarchy. The books and the first few seasons of the HBO show found the time to capture the experience of the common people. One of the most intriguing elements of the story is the experience of an everyday citizen of a kingdom like Dorne.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones: How Did Dorne Resist Aegon's Invasion?

Where is Dorne?

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Dorne is the southernmost region of Westeros. It covers most of the lower eighth of the continent, leaving some room in the west. The Sea of Dorne borders the nation to the north, separating Dorne from the Stormlands. Though the country is surrounded by water on three sides, its ports pale in comparison to those of almost every other kingdom. The shores are rocky and dotted with cliffs. Dorne's northwestern border is guarded by the Red Mountains, which feature few natural passageways. The population of Dorne is smaller than that of almost every other kingdom. Most of its citizens live on the coasts or around the river called Greenblood. From the end of the Greenblood to the start of the Red Mountains, Central Dorne is an unforgiving desert. The lion's share of the region is inhospitable due to the intense heat and lack of water. Dorne holds Westeros's only desert, but it also exports some goods that can't be found elsewhere. Citrus fruits and spices only come from Dorne.

Who are the rulers of Dorne?

Dorne is thought to be the first settlement of the First Men who settled Westeros. The Dornish were then said to squabble for centuries. No leader emerged for many generations. A warrior princess named Nymeria sailed to Dorne from the old continent Essos with a fleet of 10,000 ships. The rising families of Dorne rejected Nymeria. Only one accepted her. Mors Martell fell madly in love with Nymeria the moment he saw her. Mors married Nymeria, combining their military might and eradicating the competition. Mors and Nymeria put House Martell onto the Dornish throne for generations, though their reign did not last forever.

The HBO show differs from the books in its take on House Martell. Oberyn Martell, the brother of Prince Doran, is killed by Gregor Clegane while defending Tyrion Lannister in a trial by combat. He dies in both versions, but its impact is more significant in the show. Oberyn birthed eight bastard daughters. His daughters and a romantic partner formed a formidable army called the Sand Snakes. His partner Ellaria poisoned Doran, his young ward, and his son. This leaves the throne without a Martell. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes seize power to pledge their allegiance to Daenerys's army. After Ellaria is imprisoned by Cersei Lannister, an unnamed member of House Martell retakes the throne.

How did Dorne maintain its independence?

Aegon's coronation in House of the Dragon.

Dorne was never conquered. King Aegon I Targaryen attempted to invade Dorne multiple times, but he was unable to take the kingdom. Part of Dorne's success is its geographical seclusion. Any army attempting to invade through the Red Mountains bottlenecked themselves into a bad situation. Naval attacks were also almost impossible because Dorne's shores were so inhospitable. Dornish forces regularly used guerrilla tactics that crippled Aegon's supply lines. Aegon couldn't defeat Dorne, so he retreated.

Over 150 years after Aegon's attack failed, Daegon I Targaryen led a semi-successful attack. He bested Dorne on the battlefield, but House Targaryen couldn't keep the people down. Dorne rebelled immediately, borrowing many of the tactics that beat Aegon and assassinating the steward left in charge of the region. Daegon tried to stop the resistance, but he was killed in the battle. It took four years for House Martell to retake Dorne. Dorne was the only region of Westeros that never fully fell to Targaryen control. Dorne entered a relationship with the Targaryens decades later when Elia Martell married Rhaegar Targaryen. During Robert Baratheon's rebellion, Rhaegar and Elia were butchered. Their first foray into international politics having ended in disaster, the Dornish became isolationists for the rest of known time.

Dorne is one of the most compelling kingdoms in Game of Thrones. It doesn't get as much focus as the North or King's Landing because it deliberately stays out of the franchise's biggest events. From House Martell's humble beginnings to their centuries of unconquered freedom, Dorne is a kingdom worthy of renown. Thanks to its inhospitable geography, brilliant tactics, and social freedom, Dorne is the only kingdom in Westeros that stood unbent and unbroken.

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