Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows to have ever existed and despite years after its finale, it is still held in extremely high regard among fans. The final season of Game of Thrones was extremely controversial and the general consensus among the fans is that it certainly did not live up to the expectations.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones Star Jacob Anderson Defends The Series FinaleAs such, several character arcs were ruined and the potential finale that fans think should have been amazing did not deliver. That said, Game of Throneshas a very vast cast and as a result, there are some characters who got the perfect ending that their character arc deserved.

8 Samwell Tarly

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarly

Samwell Tarly joined the Night's Watch in the very first season of Game of Thrones. Joining such an ancient order for him was, at the time, not fitting, given that he was not a warrior and was afraid of things such as heights as well. However, as the series progressed, so did Samwell's character.

In the 8th season of Game of Thrones, Samwell took part in the Great War against the White Walkers and managed to survive. After everything was done, he ended up becoming Grand Maester, which fulfilled his dream of becoming a wizard of sorts, as Gilly once called it.

7 Sansa Stark

game of thrones sansa stark

Sansa Stark is another character that is very beloved among Game of Thrones fans. She started her journey as a little girl unaware of the harsh realities of the world. However, her short stint in King's Landing was enough to paint the true picture in her mind. Sansa immediately realized that no one would be able to help her and that she was on her own.

Little by little, she built up whatever strength she could and by the end of the series, Sansa had gained control over the entirety of the North. Following the destruction of King's Landing, she was made Queen of the North and her kingdom swore no fealty to the Crown anymore.

6 Tyrion Lannister

game of thrones tyrion lannister

Tyrion Lannister is one of the very few Lannister characters who fans thoroughly enjoyed watching in Game of Thrones. Tyrion's character arc has been very interesting. Although his allegiance lay to his house of Lannister at first, he soon switched to supporting the cause of Daenerys Targaryen, especially after murdering his own father.

When the plan to make Daenerys Queen failed, Tyrion ended up in a cell but was later pardoned by Brandon and made his Hand, which is what he was perfect for.

5 Arya Stark

Bran gives Arya the dagger in Game of Thrones

Arya Stark never looked like a character that wanted to settle down and sit in castles or dress pretty. Her character was full of adventure and passion for the many wonders that existed in the world from the very beginning. This passion did not die out towards the end of the series and she was able to live out her dream.

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Arya decided to set out on a sailing expedition towards the end of the series. She decided to go west of Westeros, which is a place where no one knows what exists. Previously, this area has seen a few expeditions, however, nobody has returned alive. Perhaps, Arya will be the first one to do so.

4 The Hound

Game of Thrones, The Hound

The Hound is another character that fans thoroughly enjoyed throughout Game of Thrones. He started his journey as the personal dog of Joffrey Baratheon, however, after the Battle of Blackwater, the Hound set out on his own journey. He served the role of a foster parent to Arya for quite a long time and eventually, suffered a terrible defeat at the hands of Brienne of Tarth.

However, this did not break him. In the end, the Hound managed to live and, later on, set out north with the Brotherhood Without Banners. Eventually, he fought in the Great War and survived. He met his end fighting his brother in King's Landing, delivering the Cleganebowl in the process.

3 Brandon Stark

brandon stark

Brandon Stark is arguably one of the less interesting characters in the series, despite being a main character. He was one of the triggers for the War of the Five Kings after he fell from a tower and lost his ability to walk thereafter. Bran was then visited by the Three-eyed Raven and headed out north to meet him.

Once he successfully did so and became the Raven himself, Bran helped in the Great War against the White Walkers. After everything was said and done, he then arrived in King's Landing and was elected as the next King. While his character arc was certainly not interesting, it was a fitting end for his character.

2 Littlefinger

Game of Thrones, Petry Littlefinger Baelish

Littlefinger was one of the most cunning and scheming people in the world of Game of Thrones. According to Varys, he was the most dangerous man in Westeros, despite not having as much of an influence as those of the major houses. Littlefinger came from nothing and yet managed to gain control of the Eyrie.

He was the primary reason why the War of the Five Kings broke out and he did all this to gain power. He attempted to gain control of the North as well, however, this mission of his failed and he was executed by Arya Stark on the orders of Sansa Stark, which was certainly deserved.

1 Theon Greyjoy

Theon Greyjoy 

Perhaps one of the best character arcs in the entirety of Game of Thrones is that of Theon Greyjoy. Theon is a character who started off as a ward or, in his terms, a prisoner of House Stark. Although he swore to follow Robb into battle every single time, he betrayed him after meeting his family once again. Instead, he chose to attack Winterfell and that is where everything fell apart for him.

He then went on to become a prisoner of Ramsey Bolton and was put through severe torture. However, when Sansa became a prisoner of the Boltons, it was Theon who helped her escape. He then went on to aid his sister to become the Queen of the Iron Islands, and when that failed, the two sailed to Daenerys and asked for aid. In the end, he sacrificed his life for Bran in the Great War and died fighting for the Starks, a family that he always felt he was truly a part of despite being a Greyjoy.

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