The societies of Westeros are cleverly laid out and consistently fascinating. The harsh but free Kingdom of the North, the constant upheaval of King's Landing, and the desert paradise of Dorne all have unique ecosystems and tons of fun details. Though nine Free Cities across the Narrow Sea from the continent are rarely the focus of the series, territories like Braavos remain independent as they hold immense amounts of power.

Imagine life in Westeros. Game of Thrones spends most of its time exploring the experiences of the rich and powerful, but the humble peasants, merchants, blacksmiths, and working-class citizens of the Seven Kingdoms lead strange lives. Most of the monarchs who sat on the Iron Throne were monsters. The leaders would make any option away from the crown extremely appealing.

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Where is Braavos located?

Game of Thrones Filming Locations Westeros Arya Stark in Braavos

Braavos is one of the nine Free Cities to the east of Westeros. They make up the north-western shores of Essos, the old continent from which humans traveled to Westeros. Braavos is the northernmost of the nine Cities, extending over 100 small islands. The chunk of Essos within Braavosi borders is a marshland. The islands are mountainous, acting as a defensive semicircle around the mainland. Braavos has only one channel broad enough to allow full-size ships into its ports. That waterway is guarded by the Titan of Braavos, perhaps the most impressive landmark outside King's Landing. The Titan stands almost 400 feet tall, stands as the city's symbol, sounds an alarm when ships pass through, and offers fortification for an army if Braavos is ever invaded. Bridges connect the cities 100 islands. Their biggest weakness is the sea, which regularly swallows a significant portion of their land mass. Braavos contains several impressive feats of architecture and clever infrastructure.

Why is Braavos a free city?


The history and culture of Braavos is inexorably linked to slavery. The city has one of the most engaging stories in the franchise. The Valyrian Freehold established eight of the nine Free Cities as colonies. They built those cities with the labor of countless slaves. A group of slaves escaped bondage and fled through the newly developed colonies. They found the land that would become Braavos and founded a city. For generations, Braavosi natives painted their stolen ships to disguise them. They lied to anyone who asked them where they were from, keeping their home away from prying eyes. For more than 100 years, Braavos stayed hidden. When they'd established their power and constructed their infrastructure, they announced themselves to the world. Their elected leader, known as the Sealord, sent ships to the Seven Kingdoms and around the known world to declare their presence. In a massive power move, Braavos offered to pay for the Valyrian boats they'd stolen as slaves. They refused to pay for the value of the slaves themselves. The Unmasking is celebrated with a 10-day festival every year in Braavos.

After its founders escaped slavery, Braavos developed an intense grasp of freedom. The arch over the Long Canal into Braavos is engraved with their first and most central law, "No man, woman, or child in the city is ever to be made a slave." Braavos is tragically unique in that rule, as slavery is common in Essos, even in the other "Free" Cities. Braavosi culture is ethnically and religiously diverse beyond almost any other. There is no specific Braavosi ethnicity because the city is a melting pot. The city's founders worshiped many gods, and that tradition remains consistent. Braavos seems to be the only home of the Faceless Men, worshipers of the Many-Faced God who assassinate targets as part of their religion. The Sealord, though a lifetime appointment, is one of the few elected leaders in Essos. Braavos goes out of its way to support freedom in all things.

Why does Braavos have so much money?

iron-bank-braavos-game-of-thrones Cropped

Braavos was the biggest winner of the Doom of Valyria. In short, the once-great kingdom of slave drivers whom the Braavosi citizens escaped was obliterated suddenly by a massive volcanic eruption. With the Freehold wiped out by a natural disaster, its economy dragged down everything dependent upon it. Eight out of nine Free Cities had their coin tied up in Valyrian vaults when they were consumed by lava. The resulting chaos drove off potential investors and businesspeople for generations. Braavos was the only city in the region not inexorably tied to a Doomed economy. As a result, after their Unmasking, Braavos became the central hub for commerce in the region. The Iron Bank of Braavos became the largest financial institution on the planet.

Braavos may seem like a cluster of wealthy decadents, but they're inarguably one of the finest places to live in the world of Game of Thrones. Their strong adherence to freedom, love of democracy, immense wealth, and impossibly cool architecture help them stand out. Westeros has a lot to learn from the Free City of Braavos.

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