The hit HBO show Game of Thrones may have ended, but the popularity of it and its spin-off, House of the Dragon, is still going strong. The show’s writing was one of the major highlights of the eight-season run, and many characters were left with a long list of legendary quotes.

Arya Stark was one of the characters who managed to have a somewhat happy ending. Her list of people to kill running out by the end of the final season, Arya departs Westeros to seek a future elsewhere. But the terrifying, ingenious child assassin had her fair share of incredible moments, with some great quotes.

15 Best Episodes Of Game Of Thrones, Ranked

Game of Thrones is often regarded as one of the best TV shows of all time, and these episodes prove why.

8 “Every Hurt Is A Lesson, And Every Lesson Makes You Better”

Season 1, Episode 4

Arya Stark With Her Father
  • Said to Eddard Stark

Early in the show, Arya was already very much herself without reservations. Instead of ever dreaming of becoming a lady like her sister, Arya always wanted to learn to fight and do her own thing. The story of Arya is that of a young girl growing up and realizing that what she wants is to tread her very individual path, without being told what to do.

The first thing she does when she arrives in King’s Landing is getting her father to enroll her with Syrio Forel. His quotes to her, repeated here to Eddard, make up just some of the many lessons she takes from various tutors throughout the series, and she takes this one to heart, always continuing to fight onward, no matter what has happened, though she wasn't the least lucky character.

7 “Not Today”

Season 1, Episode 8

Arya Stark With Syrio Forel
  • Said to Syrio Forel

Throughout the first season, Arya continues to learn valuable life lessons from Syrio Forel, who defends her bravely when the Lannister men try to detain her along with Sansa and Eddard. This first mentor and friend meant a great deal to Arya, and while he was assumed dead following the conflict, their final words together meant a great deal.

After he asked her “What do we say to the God of Death”, Arya responded with the words he had taught her. What’s more, as she continued her journey, Arya simply kept refusing to die. Whether she was imprisoned, tortured, or caught in the grasp of the Night King himself, Arya always managed to find a way to survive.

6 “Anyone Can Be Killed”

Season 2, Episode 5

Arya Stark serving Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones.
  • Said to Tywin Lannister

Arya finds herself in a tricky situation during the second season. She’s already moved on from being a child and is already finding her determination to kill those who wronged her family and took her father from her. She finds herself after being captured in the employ of Tywin Lannister, without his knowledge of her real identity.

5 Best Game of Thrones Sword Fights, Ranked

Game of Thrones has a lot of things it does well throughout the series, and sword fight scenes are one of them.

When questioned by him about what Northerners say regarding Robb Stark, she answers but tells him she doesn’t believe stories that say Robb can’t be killed. She already views death differently than most people and already has the strength of character to face down Tywin, one of the most intimidating men in all of Westeros. This showcased the character growth she would continue over the next several years.

5 “I Can’t Sleep Until I Say The Names”

Season 4, Episode 5

Arya Stark Reciting Her List
  • Said to Sandor Clegane

Arya and The Hound hated each other in some ways, but they were a hilarious duo during their time together. Sandor only kept her around for the ransom he hoped to get from one of her family members, but they kept dying before they could reach them. While they traveled, Arya continued her quest for revenge, letting this grow all-consuming.

Sandor didn’t try to stop her, he even supported her ambitions, telling her that revenge was as good a thing as any to keep a person going. Her list of people she wished to kill continued growing, and some names were even checked over during their time together, but in the end, she would leave him, dying, refusing to kill him.

4 “A Girl Is Arya Stark Of Winterfell, And I’m Going Home”

Season 6, Episode 8

Arya Stark And Jaqen H'ghar
  • Said to Jaqen H’ghar

After learning what she could from mentors like Syrio and even The Hound, Arya found her way into the service of Jaqen H’ghar and became one of the Faceless Men. However, eventually, he tries to have her killed, and she manages to subvert his expectations, which she does countless times throughout the series.

Having been disconnected from the main stories of Westeros for so long, Arya finally decided to turn away from even the Faceless Men, realizing that wasn’t where she belonged. Instead, she managed to get out and become her own woman, and a force of absolute destruction while she was at it.

3 “Tell Them Winter Came For House Frey”

Season 7, Episode 1

Arya After Killing House Frey
  • Said to Kitty Frey

Arya’s grandest moment of vengeance came when she finally managed to avenge the betrayal of Walder Frey, who helped kill her brother and mother at the Red Wedding. After killing Walder, Arya went on to eliminate all of House Frey by posing as Walder and having a feast where she had every single one of them poisoned.

6 Underwhelming Deaths In Game Of Thrones

The quality of Game of Thrones took a dive in later seasons, exemplified by these underwhelming character deaths.

As they all lay dying, Arya revealed herself and told Kitty Frey, whose life she had spared, to tell whoever came asking that the North Remembers. This incredible moment of brutal murder was the coldest moment Arya ever had and one of the most sweeping pieces of vengeance enacted throughout the entire show.

2 “I’m Not A Lady, I Never Have Been”

Season 8, Episode 4

Gendry Proposes To Arya
  • Said to Gendry

After Arya successfully killed many of her foes and even the Night King with the Valyrian steel dagger, she had an opportunity to live a life that many would have considered a happy ending. Having shown her affection for Gendry previously, some fans thought she would accept to rule Storm’s End alongside him when he was legitimized as a Baratheon.

However, she turned down his offer of marriage, deciding instead to live out her own life elsewhere. This refusal was the culmination of her insistence throughout the series that she would never be a lady to some lord. Even her father, whom she loved very much, was wrong in thinking this was her destiny. Arya maintained the notion that she would choose her future, and she was entirely correct.

1 “It’s Where All The Maps Stop. That’s Where I’m Going”

Season 8, Episode 6

Arya In The Game Of Thrones Finale
  • Said to Jon Snow

Arya’s finale, her personal one, was entirely of her own making, just as it was for her actress. While Bran was given the destiny of becoming King, Tyrion was forced to stay as his Hand, and Jon was returned to the Night’s Watch. Arya had all the choice in the world. Not forced to rule the North, or take on a burden of responsibility she’d never have wished for, she decided to leave Westeros.

Asking Jon, during their final goodbye, what is west of Westeros, she tells him that’s where she is going. Exploration, getting to choose her own life, was always the way that an ending had to be for Arya. This moment which was left open-ended and unexplained, is the best way to leave the mystery of Arya’s remaining life, for even she could not predict where it would go from there, she merely hoped to find more beautiful places after seeing much of what Westeros had to offer.

game of thrones
Game of Thrones

First Episode Air Date
April 17, 2011
Where to watch