With a popular TV show, book series, and game trilogy, The Witcher has proven to be one of the most recognizable fantasy settings in modern media. Blending a grounded and gritty world with interesting and likable characters, The Witcher has impressed many fans, with the games especially being seen as the way most new fans were attracted to the franchise. The Witcher 3 proved to be a widely successful game that has kept fans engaged with new secrets even seven years beyond its initial release date.

Considering the popularity of The Witcher 3, many were speculating on when developer CD Projekt Red would be continuing the franchise. It had been suspected for some time that after the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 that the studio would be focusing again on another Witcher project. Therefore, it came as little surprise when recently CD Projekt Red announced that The Witcher game series would be entering "A New Saga."

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Already speculation on what the new Witcher game will contain is running wild throughout the internet. Though, CD Projekt Red has confirmed some details on the game via its website. Firstly, the game will be running on Unreal Engine 5, which means the studio will be dropping its previous RED Engine. There's also the confirmation of no development time frame or release date, meaning fans could be waiting a while. One further detail was given by Game Director Jason Slama, who announced his position at the studio via Twitter and sought to calm fans who had worries about crunch.

Slama responded to a fan pointing out CD Projekt Red's previous culture of crunch that was associated with the release of Cyberpunk 2077. Crunch appears most often when a game studio is struggling to meet the release date of a given title, meaning developers have to work ridiculous amounts of overtime to ensure the game is ready. Slama appeared to have a positive outlook on the situation, stating that crunch will "never" happen on their watch, implying the new Witcher game will seek to avoid pressurized development scenarios.

It seems then that CD Projekt Red is more than willing to spend its time making sure this new Witcher title. Besides information on the development of this new game, fans are also looking for details on where a new Witcher story will go. As Geralt's story officially ended in The Witcher 3, some believe that the new entry will step away entirely from the School of the Wolf, instead focusing on a new Witcher school as shown in the promotional image for the next Witcher title.

A new Witcher game is currently in development.

MORE: Every Witcher School Explained