Various software and games have released over the years that have given players the ability to bring their imaginations to life. From unique and interesting creations in games like Minecraft to the worlds created within the powerhouse of Dreams, players interested in game design have several avenues where they can create something new. The recent release of Game Builder Garage from Nintendo has given players yet another creative outlet for experiementation.

Through seven basic lessons, Nintendo introduces players to game design in Game Builder Garage using a distinctly Nintendo approach. With the help of seemingly sentient beings called "Nodons," players are given an extra way to engage with the concepts in each lesson. After learning the skills, players are able to start experimenting on their own accord. It wasn't too long after the launch of Game Builder Garage that players began to share their interesting creations. Some are recreations of classic Nintendo properties, some are entirely original, and others are somewhere in between. While there are too many games made through Game Builder Garage to count, there are some cool ideas that have really stood out.

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Shooter Game by Masahiro Sakurai

While he might not be the most surprising person to spend time in a Nintendo game development engine, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai played around in Game Builder Garage right at launch. Sakurai's game is a relatively simple creation, but it demonstrates the fun that anyone could have making something in Game Builder Garage. The player controls a rocket that accelerates and shoots using the same input button. To make any sharp turns, the player has to time when to take their finger off the button. Additionally, the boss starts to throw purple disks when it gets to low health, and the music also changes when the boss is almost defeated.

F-Zero and More by ZeldaBoi

Fans have often recreated various Nintendo games for fun, such as a fan making a 3D version of Donkey Kong through Dreams. Twitter user ZeldaBoi1 decided to recreate some of Nintendo's hits through Game Builder Garage, and one such game places players in the driver's seat of a racer from F-Zero. Zooming around the night-time track, players are able to accelerate, reverse, and drift through turns.

However, ZeldaBoi didn't just stop at F-Zero. They also created a build of Super Mario Kart in Game Builder Garage that looks similar to the original's design. Some other demos and creations by this user include a Kirby platformer test, a small demo based on Earthbound, a version of the motocross racing game Excitebike, and a first-person take on the original The Legend of Zelda. Overall, this creator's dedication to remaking various Nintendo properties through the power of Game Builder Garage is to be commended. For those interested in ZeldaBoi's most recent builds, here are some of their Game Builder Garage IDs:

  • Mario Kart ID: G-001-MG6-7VB
  • F-ZERO ID: G-008-V91-GVN
  • 1st Person Zelda ID: G-005-PHW-XB1
  • Excitebike ID: G-002-91N-DF7

Luigi's Mansion Arcade by Giulytsme


The next cool creation made in Game Builder Garage is an arcade-style take on the Luigi's Mansion series made by Giulytsme. In this game, players operate in a room only lit by a flashlight, but still need to eradicate all the ghosts that come flying around. The controls are pretty simple, with the A button used to grab the vacuum, and ZR used to suck up the ghosts. This fun title captures the spooky quality of Luigi's Mansion in a short and fun game.

ID: G-005-DR6-B0D

Also from Giulytsme is the quirky game "Link Goes Crazy in Town." Players don't have to be geniuses to grasp the concept of this game, as they take control of Link and wreak havoc on the environment around the town. One aspect of this Game Builder Garage creation that stands out is really the design of the town. It is clear that the creator put time in to make sure that the level had plenty to do, even though players will mainly be breaking pots and boxes. This game does have the fun addition of a traditional Zelda cucco, and players can rest assured knowing that angering the cucco will summon the rest of its flock.

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DOOM Eternal by Mr Tiffles

ID: G 002-CYJ-CW1

One user by the name of Mr Tiffles set out to bring DOOM Eternal to the Switch, albeit just as a demo through Game Builder Garage. The highly energetic teaser showcases a player jumping and dashing around the level while shooting enemy Nodons. While the level itself is bare, there is no doubt that it took a great amount of dedication to even get this demo up and running. With the more complicated controls and advanced AI in the enemy Nodons, players are sure to have at least of bit of fun in this DOOM-inspired demo.

Alone ? by Borri

alone screenshots of buildings in space-like world

Programmer ID: P-007-K6G-VRC

One cool creation from Game Builder Garage isn't based on any Nintendo property, but is an entirely original concept. Alone ? by Borri is a four-part series of interconnected games within Game Builder Garage. Borri describes Alone ? as a sci-fi exploration game that requires players to solve different puzzles to progress through each section.

As for the story, players appear in a strange world, and first have to investigate a vibrating sound coming from a small black tile buried in the ground. From a design standpoint, this is an impressive creation with unique environments and interesting puzzles. Alone? is worth checking out for Game Builder Garage players.

Game Builder Garage is available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Game Builder Garage is the Next Big Step in Nintendo's Mission to Foster Creativity