UPDATE: Stray won Best Indie Game at The Game Awards 2022!

The Game Awards are a great opportunity for indie games to have their time in the spotlight and be recognized for their contribution to the gaming medium. With a tendency to be buried by the wave of AAA titles releasing throughout the year, indie games deserve recognition for the love that these smaller developers put into their work. Whether a large or small experience, indie games bring unique stories and gameplay that are worth experiencing. This year was a particularly strong year for indie games, and it will likely be a competitive category at the Game Awards as a result.

There are many aspects to consider when determining what makes an indie game great. Beyond the factors that contribute to any game's greatness, indie games need to stand out as impressive examples of what a small team can create and help the player feel the passion that the developers poured into crafting it. Indie games often bend genres or gameplay mechanics in unexpected ways. Even more so, indies are often a love letter to a particular game or genre, bringing their inspiration into the modern age with a twist or unique take. The Game Awards did a great job in choosing games that exemplify these traits. This year's nominees for Best Indie includeCult of the Lamb, Neon White, Sifu, Stray, and Tunic.

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Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb

Developed by Massive Monster and published by indie powerhouse Devolver Digital, Cult of the Lamb offers players an engaging rogue-lite meets cult simulator wrapped up in a cute, yet demonic aesthetic. Praised for its robust cult-building system and easy to pick up rogue-lite gameplay, Cult of the Lamb earned its spot as one of the best indie titles of the year. Many players were captivated by its unique, papercraft-like art style and chibi character designs. Underneath that art style was a satisfying and addictive gameplay loop that saw players venturing into demon-infested levels to collect resources to build up their cult, recruit new cult members, and defeat the four Bishops guarding the land.

While it received some controversy at launch for its technical issues including an array of bugs and performance problems, the core gameplay was solid enough that a few patches fixed many of the issues players had. Players who stuck around through its rocky launch were treated to the charming, addictive gameplay that Cult of the Lamb had advertised.

Neon White


Speaking of slaying demons, Neon White's fast-paced, demon-slaying antics have earned it a spot as a nominee for Best Indie. Developed by Angel Matrix and published by Annapurna, Neon White was praised for tight controls, fast gameplay, and an interesting hybrid of FPS and card collecting mechanics. On top of great gameplay, Neon White offered a unique cast of characters, including the titular Neon White—an assassin from Hell competing for a permanent residence in Heaven. Fans quickly fell in love with this cast due to their quirky banter and over-the-top antics.

Neon White checks a lot of the boxes an indie game needs in order to be great. From fantastic gameplay and a unique twist on its genre, to memorable characters and a compelling story, players had many a reason to keep coming back to Neon White.



Sifu was a game that flew under the radar of many as it released very close to big hits like Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring. Those who slept on this game really missed out as developer Sloclap really captured something special with Sifu. Players will embark on a quest for revenge as they try to take down those responsible for their father's death using the martial arts skills he taught them. The game plays as a third-person brawler as players attempt to master a variety of techniques to take down tough opponents. Sifu adds a twist on the brawler genre by introducing rogue-lite elements that affect the player character each time they are defeated. Once defeated, players age and start their journey again with all the benefits and deficits that come with aging.

Sifu was praised for its precise yet difficult combat and unique aging mechanic. Players were captured by the game's replayability as they attempted to take down their foes before old age claimed them. With such fine-tuned gameplay, Sifu is a worthy contender for Best Indie game.

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stray title

Fans have been enamored with Stray's adorable feline protagonist since it was first revealed during the PS5 showcase in June 2020. But Stray is worth more than just the cuteness of its playable cat. It's clear BlueTwelve Studio put a lot of thought into crafting this game as its vibrant, cyberpunk world feels alive and its robotic inhabitants relatable. Stray follows the story of a nameless cat as they try to regroup with their pack after falling into a domed city full of robots trapped after the outbreak of mutant bacteria called Zurks caused it to be quarantined. Players will embark on an emotional journey as they meet a cast of compelling characters, encountering unique puzzles and platforming gameplay that takes advantage of having a cat as a protagonist.

Stray touched the hearts of many gamers and animal lovers alike with its endearing attention to detail and bittersweet narrative. The lovingly crafted cyberpunk world and accessible gameplay invited many players outside the typical gaming sphere to share in this wonderful experience. The fact that it has been nominated for many categories—including Game of the Year—is a testament to just how special of an experience Stray is.



When Tunic was first revealed, many fans likened it to The Legend of Zelda—only with a charming fox for a protagonist. The resulting game Tunic Team and Finji produced was far more like Dark Souls than its colorful exterior would lead one to believe. Tunic features elements of both series with its isometric puzzle-solving gameplay that is coupled with difficult combat and checkpoints that act as fail safes for the player. Where Tunic really shines is with its homage to the game manual classic adventure games used to tell players about the game's narrative. Tunic puts a spin on this concept as it features an in-game manual written in a language indecipherable to players until they adventure around, taking note of translations of this language in order to uncover the story of the game.

Old-school adventure game fans and new players alike applauded Tunic's innovative story telling mechanism. Along with challenging, yet satisfying gameplay, Tunic had players hooked on its adventure and mystery-solving elements. The combination of these elements lands Tunic a well-deserved nomination for Best Indie.

Final Prediction

bluetwelve indie game narrative world design

While in another year, any one of these games could win the title of Best Indie. But when stacked up against each other, the game most likely to win the coveted title this year is Stray. It's gorgeous world, unique narrative, and endearing protagonist all make for memorable experience—one of the hardest feats to accomplish among a stream of new game releases. Stray was very popular among a wide audience of players, netting it almost universal acclaim despite its rather short runtime. But it's the approachable gameplay and charming narrative that captured fans' attention upon reveal that carried over to the game's release and helped it stand out from the competition.

Although it may not be the first choice for Game of the Year, Stray stands out as a shining example of what an indie game can be. It's among tough competition, so there is the possibility for an upset. However, with its collection of nominations across several categories, it's clear the Game Awards recognize the triumphs of Stray, which propels it to the top of the list for Best Indie.

MORE: How Stray Balances the Light and Dark Elements of its Story