Minecraft is one of the most influential games of the current generation. Not only is it one of the best-selling games of all time, but its limitless freedom has fostered insurmountable levels of creativity within its fan base. However, there is one way where this could be improved upon even further.

Though Mojang has done an excellent job of cultivating Minecraft through its success, there is another group to thank as well. Modders have long assisted in getting Minecraft to the level it is at today, and allowing modders to have further influence on the game might be a step in the right direction.

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Implementing the Ingenuity of Modders to Minecraft

Minecraft Applied Energistics 2 Mod

To understand why this is important, it is important to have an idea of the role modders have played throughout Minecraft's history. During update droughts that would have hurt Minecraft's player count, Minecraft mods would help make the game feel completely different, preventing it from feeling stale. Minecraft provided the perfect template for modders to create any kind of content they wished. As a result, this boosted Minecraft's longevity while Mojang worked hard on new updates. In fact, Minecraft modders have even assisted in the actual development history of Minecraft before too.

For example, various features found in Minecraft actually came as a result of Mojang working with modders. Minecraft's smooth lighting feature came from a collaboration between Mojang and a player known as MrMessiah. Even Minecraft's horses came from a modder, that being Dr Zhark, the creator of the famous Mo' Creatures mod. Mods have shaped Minecraft's history in a variety of ways, but have stopped doing so within recent years. Mojang should consider returning to that tradition, not just for the sake of returning to form, but in order to further involve the community in the development of the game that it loves.

There are ways Mojang had continued this trend though it is arguably in a much more limited capacity than before. Minecraft mob votes are both a beloved and disliked aspect of this. Though they offer quite a bit of potential for the game's future content, there have been mistakes in the past. For example, Minecraft's infamous phantom, though voted in by players, has become so heavily disliked that there is a command to disable its spawning. This also only allows players to vote on future mobs, rather than more significant features that might change how the player approaches the game as a whole.

Allowing modders to have a hand in developing future content aside from mobs for Minecraft not only brings a fresh perspective but one that players usually come to appreciate. Often what players want the most from Minecraft is usually manifested in the form of a specific mod becoming popular. Mojang has taken note of this in the past as well. For example, though the Aether dimension mod would never come to be, it would largely inspire the creation of The End dimension. Minecraft's mods allow for a player's vision of the game to come true. Whether it be adding a new dimension to Minecraft or a plethora of new mobs, modders have the potential to help shape the game the way players want.

Though it is unlikely that Mojang will ever return to this method of development any time soon, the potential for it to further shape Minecraft's development history is huge. The return of this feature to Minecraft would forever change how players interact with it.

Minecraft is out now for PC, PS4, Switch, Mobile, Xbox One, and legacy platforms.

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