2005's Resident Evil 4 not only provided players with an engaging and thrilling main story campaign, but its accessible DLC after the main game's completion added to its replay value. With the Resident Evil 4 Remake now available, fans were expecting the same, and whilst the Mercenaries mode has now been released for fans to indulge in, two of its major characters, Wesker and Ada, are missing despite being found within the game's data files.

Given the files that suggest a Separate Ways DLC is in the works, fans have been speculating whether this could mean the two characters could be used as DLC for Mercenaries. Among all of this, there are a plethora of opportunities for Capcom to double down on the DLC the original game provided, whilst adding brand-new content that veterans of the original have not yet experienced.

5 More Maps (Mercenaries Update)


Among the disappointment of the full roster in Mercenaries not being available at launch, is the lack of improvement that has been made in the region of the mode's maps. The original contained four different maps based on the areas players would venture through throughout the main campaign. Once the remake was announced, it was one of many fans' big hopes to see a greater variety within this particular DLC.

Currently, fans are only able to play within three maps with one missing, which many assume will play a part in the Separate Ways DLC. Given the great number of locations and regions that are in the main story, Capcom must certainly increase this for the mode which will expand the amount of content available to players while doing so.

4 Co-Op (Mercenaries Update)

Leon in Mercenaries

One of the greatest aspects of Resident Evil 4 was its post-game content, not only in DLC such as Lost In Nightmares, but the Mercenaries mode itself. This mode gave players a huge set of characters to choose from, as well as the ability to play with friends. With the assumption that the Resident Evil 4 Remake's ending and its partner-like segment with Luis have set up a Resident Evil 5 remake, it was a surprise for many to see that Capcom did not choose to include Co-Op in Mercenaries on this occasion and feels like a huge opportunity missed.

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Given the mass amount of requests for co-op to be implemented in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, Capcom should look to address this. It would take the game's replay value beyond the high level that it currently sits at, and test the waters for the supposed Resident Evil 5 remake.

3 Operation Javier

Leon kicks Krauser

Released in 2009 on PS3 and WII, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles features the most important pieces of the backstory between Leon S. Kennedy and Krauser, and what resulted in Krauser's shift in sides in Resident Evil 4. The title is dated, and not many gamers these days have played it since it was based on the Wii's controls and House of the Dead-like gameplay. As such, the opportunity to implement an Operation Javier DLC for the Resident Evil 4 Remake would be refreshing for both old and new fans.

Regarding what happened to Krauser at the end of both his and Leon's mission during their encounter, players would most certainly want to know more and see this redone with the RE Engine. Despite the chance of the entirety of The Darkside Chronicles being remade, Operation Javier is directly linked with Resident Evil 4, so Capcom would be doing fans a great service to provide this as DLC.

2 Separate Ways


Though it is yet to be confirmed by Capcom, everything so far, including the data mining and Ada's current omission from the Mercenaries mode, points toward the well-known Separate Ways DLC arriving in the near future. Considering its canon elements, and its relevance in the original game as players follow Ada's journey during Leon's, this is a must for Capcom to include later down the line.

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With the main campaign including its changes and surprises compared to the original, the opportunity to fully revamp and upscale Ada Wong's journey is definitely there. Many players who were disappointed with the lack of expansion on Ada's appearances or scenes in the main story, could be provided with this in Separate Ways. Depending on what it includes, it could spark future appearances in new titles.

1 Luis Backstory

Luis Serra

On a path of redemption from working for Umbrella, Luis Serra spends his time with Leon in the main campaign in order to help him and Ashley remove the Las Plagas parasite from within them. Despite it being incredibly unlikely, an interesting DLC for Capcom to include for Resident Evil 4 Remake would entail Luis' moments before Leon arrives, or during the moments where he is separated from Leon and Ashley just like Ada's Separate Ways.

With the character now playable in the Mercenaries mode, it would be a fun and fresh experience for all to play through and further flesh out the character, as well as the main campaign did on this occasion.

Resident Evil 4 Remake is now available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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