
  • Fans can finally get a glimpse of the long-awaited Furiosa prequel with the release of the trailer in December 2023, coinciding with Aquaman 2.
  • This prequel will delve into Furiosa's backstory, highlighting her kidnapping, her role as an Imperator, and her personal connection to Immortan Joe.
  • Chris Hemsworth is rumored to play a villainous character in Furiosa, offering a departure from his traditionally handsome roles and adding a gritty element to the Mad Max universe.

The Furiosa trailer may finally debut soon, giving fans a much-anticipated first look at the long-awaited prequel to Mad Max: Fury Road.

Fans have been anticipating the backstory of Imperator Furiosa, first played by Charlize Theron in Mad Max: Fury Road. The film raised the bar for George Miller's Mad Max franchise by putting Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy) in the middle of a sex trafficking plot. Stumbling onto the nonconsensual wives of Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne), Max ultimately accepts the duty to help Furiosa get them to safety. The two sadly part ways at the end of the film, but fan fervor for Furiosa could not be subdued.

5 Things We're Excited To See In Furiosa

While the anticipation for the Furiosa movie rises, here are all the things fans and casual viewers alike are excited to see.

Now viewers can glimpse what Miller has been working on all this time and see if it is a return to classic Mad Max. According to Daniel Richtman, an online scooper with a respectable track record, the first Furiosa trailer will premiere in December 2023. The long-awaited trailer will reportedly be released with Aquaman 2, another anticipated Warner Bros. blockbuster.

Mad Max Furiosa Anya Taylor-Joy delay

Taylor-Joy plays the titular character in Furiosa, replacing Theron in the role. With additional cast members, including Immortan Joe's son Rictus (Nathan Jones), it's seemingly safe to say that Furiosa will include her kidnapping mentioned briefly in Fury Road. Furiosa tells a tale that she and her mother were taken away from their matriarchal society and put to work in Immortan Joe's commune. From there, she lost her arm and became one of the dictator’s feared Imperators.

The film will also put to rest many theories about Furiosa's relationship with Immortan Joe. Not explicitly stated, many have wondered if the character was once also breeding stock in addition to his young wives depicted in the film. Furiosa seems personally moved by the plight of these women, and when she goes to kill Joe in the film's climax, she asks if he remembers her. This theory could all be conjecture but may be explored in the upcoming film.

Other details have been kept securely under wraps. Chris Hemsworth was also cast in Furiosa in an unconfirmed part but is rumored to play a villain. His character could be the rare opportunity to see Hemsworth in a gruesome role. Typically, Hemsworth is featured in glamorized roles. He has played a literal deity in the MCU for the past decade, and it is high time fans see him as a character that isn’t traditionally handsome. The Mad Max universe is the perfect role for an actor looking to spice things up. There is nothing glamorous about the dystopian world of Mad Max, and Furiosa's origin is certain to be harrowing.

Furiosa will premiere on May 24, 2024.

MORE: The Furiosa Prequel Can Set The Stage For A Mad Max Cinematic Universe

Source: Daniel Richtman