Thanos wished to do good for the universe by wiping out half its population. While his idea of help was seriously flawed, he did have a point in his mission. Thanos was a ruthless conqueror who left death and destruction in his wake but not even the most ruthless characters in movies can escape the meme world.

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These Thanos memes are incredibly funny and well thought out. For a being that brought about so much sorrow and despair, Thanos seemed to be a favorite subject for memes and as such, there are a ton of Thanos memes on the internet today but these are some of the best.

10 How Dare You Stark!

Thanos saying "I'm here to complete the my infinity stones" Iron man replies "Why don't you complete the CGI on your face first" Then Thanos punches Iron Man

It seems Thanos cares about his appearance more than fans thought. For someone who loves nothing and nobody, it would have been really something if he took interest in his appearance. Though, it is rude to make fun of someone's appearance especially in the middle of a fight. If this did happen then Iron Man would have deserved that punch in the face.

9 The Power We All Crave

An image of thanos with the reality stone saying "reality can be whatever I want" with the caption "when you tell your friend a story but you change it to be more interesting"

It's nice to have the power to change reality and telling a story that one alone witnessed gives one said power. A person can change the story of events that transpired but tweak it a little to add a bit more flare. One could argue that lawyers are closest to achieving this power but Thanos had the real deal. With the Reality Stone, Thanos could alter reality to be whatever he wished.

8 Mind Boggling

Third grader when you tell them that there are numbers below zero - a picture of thanos saying "impossible"

Kids live the first few years of their lives without knowing the truth about math. They can't even begin to comprehend the fact that there are numbers less than zero.

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It's understandable that they'd be confused but they were going to have to face the facts sooner or later. Discovering this side of math for a kid is like a moment of transition and evolution into adulthood.

7 Newfound Power Has Never Been More Useful

Thanos with the infinity stones with the caption "when YouTube gives you an unskippable ad so you refresh the page and it goes away

YouTube ads can be frustrating, especially the unskippable ones. It feels like being tied to a cross for 5-10 seconds - the longest couple of seconds of anyone's life. One can't blame them though as it's a source of revenue, but those few times when by some stroke of luck one is able to get past those ads by refreshing has to be especially satisfying. It really feels like one has some divine power that just manifests when one is in a time of need.

6 Nope! No Problem Here

Thanos balancing a knife on his finger with the caption "4 hours of building a base and 10 minutes of study - perfectly balanced as all things should be"

There's never enough time to play games. Having to study for ten minutes has to feel like an eternity for gamers so of course, it's balanced.  Gamers are able to find the most brilliant ways to balance things out. It's frustrating how time flies when one is playing games but crawls when one is studying. The best way to balance life is to drastically reduce study time. That way gamers can play and study to their heart's content — everyone's happy.

5 The Height Of An Irony

an image of a guardian saying "I guide others to a treasure i cannot possess" with the caption " When your barber is bald but still gives a good haircut"

Many people have encountered sage barbers like these. The usual question is, how does he do it? They must find it a bit of a shame that they'll give people the haircut of their dreams but they themselves are not able to live the dream of those with hair to call their own. This meme is perfect for them because that's exactly what goes on in situations like these.

4 Don't They Know When To Give Up?

When a mosquito flies 700 feet to the 7th floor apartment to bite you - "all that for a drop of blood?"

They just don't know when to quit and it's literally a drop of blood. Most people find the noise mosquitoes make more annoying than their bite.

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A lot of people are also under the impression that mosquitoes don't fly so high - think again. Mosquitoes can be found as far as the 20th floor of apartments. Good luck avoiding them, those creatures are relentless.

3 One Can Hardly Run Out Of Thanos Memes

an image of thanos saying "Then you are more of a fool than i thought" with the caption "there are no more thanos quotes you can turn into memes"

The internet is filled to the brim with people that can make lemonades out of lemons. All it takes is the proper motivation and someone somewhere will do the impossible. If one were to run out of quotes to make memes, all one has to do is be creative enough to make memes out of regular sentences. Lucky for us, the internet is filled with such minds.

2 He Cared Deeply For The Environment And Its Resources

Thanos, devout environmental activist and amateur gemstone collector, dies at 1000 during home invasion

This meme is just one big sarcastic comment. Thanos was a terrible guy who let his warped concept of helping the universe guide his journey in life. The part that said "amateur gemstone collector" was most hilarious.

Those "gemstones" is an obvious reference to the Infinity Stones Thanos used to wipe out half the population. This meme made The Avengers killing him look like a bad thing. If only Thanos was even remotely as kind as this meme made him out to be.

1 Just Another Day At Work For Thanos

a riddle that says " you have 3 chairs and 6 kids what do you do?" Iron Man suggests to build 3 more chairs but thanos says "kill 3 kids"

Thanos always takes the more sinister approach. One has to wonder what his childhood was like. The look on Tony Stark's face is simply priceless. Judging from the actions of Thanos in The Avengers movies, this kind of thinking is completely in line with Thanos' character. There were definitely other ways to balance the universe's resources with its population but no - Thanos opted for universal genocide.

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