Sucker Punch Productions recently released Ghost of Tsushima. Instead of a cartoonish thieving raccoon or an accidental superhero, the new game follows a Jin Sakai, a samurai in thirteenth-century Japan, as he fights off a Mongolian invasion. Fans waited for this game for over two years, and most are more than pleased with the final result.

Related: 10 Hardest Bosses In Ghost Of Tsushima

The following ten memes below detail fans' experience with Ghost of Tsushima both prior to and after its release. Despite the serious story, plenty of hilarity surrounds the gameplay and the community. Gamers tend to find humor in even the darkest of tales.

10 The Day Couldn't Come Over Here Soon Enough

Ghost of tsushima get over here

People excited for Ghost of Tsushima waited more than two years without receiving new information other than a release date and a delay. Only several weeks before the release did Sucker Punch show off more of the title and explain how the game actually plays.

The wait paid off, as Ghost of Tsushima is receiving stellar reviews and is the PS4's fastest-selling new IP.

9 No Need To Fight

Ghost of tsushima vs. Nioh 2 and Sekiro

Few games take place in feudal Japan, though they are typically beloved with dedicated fanbases. Sekiro and Nioh are of a different breed, however, including fantasy elements while being two of the hardest games of the generation.

Ghost of Tsushima is more grounded and accessible, with an adjustable difficulty level. Despite their differences, they have no reason to fight and should ultimately hold hands in harmony.

8 Sound Logic

Wolf mask for the fox dens

There is a ton to do in Ghost of Tsushima, but everything yields a special reward. Sometimes, however, these prizes do not make sense. For example, completing the fox dens nets a wolf mask.

Related: 10 Pro Tips For Ghost Of Tsushima You Need To Know

Why a bonus activity associated with foxes grants a wolf mask is beyond us, but only a fool would turn down a prize for being illogical. One imagines foxes are scared of wolves, making this gift even more nonsensical.

7 Maybe In The Future

Ghost of tsushima infamous meme

Before making Ghost of Tsushima, Sucker Punch created the Infamous franchise, spanning the PS3 and PS4 generations. The series had a strong fanbase and was a notable Sony exclusive.

However, the team abandoned the superhero concept to travel back in time to Japan. While the new game is a hit, plenty of Infamous fans are heartbroken they have yet to receive a sequel to Second Son.

6 We Want More!!

Ghost of tsushima meme gordon ramsey copy

Feudal Japan is such an interesting setting, yet so few games are set there. When one comes along and promises a rich experience set in the era, gamers are endlessly excited.

Sekiro satiated the thirst, and now Ghost of Tsushima is offering another large gulp of goodness, though in a slightly different tone. Fans of the setting will be pleased with both titles, assuming they can hold their own in Sekiro.

5 Sort Of Honorable Samurai

Ghost of tsushima Rainbow 6 meme

Ghost of Tsushima is a big adventure. Going through the main story probably takes around fifteen hours, but adding side quests and bonus activities extends that to anywhere between thirty or forty hours.

Related: 10 Mistakes Newbies Make In Ghost Of Tsushima (And How To Fix Them)

When friends are trying to organize a squad for some Rainbow Six Siege, those exploring the island of Tsushima will have to let them down while they hunt down invading forces and save their homeland.

4 The Summer Of Exclusives

Waiting for Ghost of tsushima meme

PS4 owners had a good summer with two massive blockbusters hitting the marketplace in June and July. While most Sony fans were hyped up for both, a few had no interest in The Last of Us Part II and let the game pass them by while their hype for Ghost of Tsushima heightened even further.

They are both incredible experiences, but they don't vibe with every gamer the same way.

3 Mutual Admiration

Ghost of tsushima meme dark souls

Often times people are fascinated by cultures foreign to their own. FromSoftware, a Japanese studio, draws inspiration from European fantasy and Victorian-era England in titles like Dark Souls and Bloodborne, while Ghost of Tsushima is a recreation of feudal Japan by a Western studio.

There's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from another culture as long as it is treated with respect, which both games do, by all accounts.

2 Bad Timing

Ghost of tsushima Xbox series x meme

This article is doing its best to stay neutral, but Ghost of Tsushima's release certainly stole some of Microsoft's thunder with social media focusing much of their attention on the gorgeous photo mode.

People are still excited for many of Microsoft's titles, like Avowed and Halo Infinite, but more significant hype would have taken over if Sucker Punch's game did not come out the week before. Enthusiasm will no doubt increase for the Xbox Series X in the coming months, however.

1 The Hero We Need

Ghost of tsushima meme

Despite the urgent situation plaguing Tsushima, Jin Sakai spends much of his time goofing around with the camera, appreciating the environments, playing his flute, and petting foxes.

While the latter is at least connected to the character progression, all the other diversions waste time as the Mongol army further desecrates Jin's home. It is Sucker Punch Productions' fault for making the world so darn gorgeous.

Next: 10 Hardest Trophies To Get In Ghost Of Tsushima (And How To Get Them)