During the toys-to-life craze, players were treated to a wide assortment of unique experiences. Skylanders put Spyro front-and-center for a new type of experience, Disney Infinity brought together some of the studio's biggest IPs, and LEGO Dimensions served as the crossover to end all other crossovers. Although these games found some success in their time, the genre ended up dying out as quickly as it began. And since its death, LEGO Dimensions fans have been clamoring for a sequel, but they have yet to get one -- although Funko Fusion may fill the void.

LEGO Dimensions was unlike anything Traveller's Tales has made before or since, and because of that, their remains demand for more. LEGO has yet to deliver another massive scale multiversal adventure, even though the end-credits teased something to come. While it does not seem like fans will ever get that, Funko's upcoming Funko Fusion may be able to fill that void. Even though it leaves LEGO behind, the concept sounds exactly like what some fans have been yearning for.

Funko Fusion Preview: A Massive Pop Culture Mash-Up

10:10 Games offers a first look at Funko Fusion, a pop culture mashup featuring IP like Jurassic World and Five Nights at Freddy's.

Funko Fusion May Fill the Void Left by LEGO Dimensions' Closure

LEGO Dimensions Was Unlike Anything LEGO Fans Had Seen Before

Up until the release of LEGO Dimensions, Traveller's Tales kept its LEGO games focused on specific franchises. There may have been nods to other series, like Indiana Jones' appearance in LEGO Star Wars 2, but the majority of the time was spent focusing entirely on the IP it was adapting. However, with the release of LEGO Dimensions, Traveller's Tales took a completely different approach. No longer was it tied down by just one franchise, but instead, it delivered one of the biggest crossovers ever.

At launch, LEGO Dimensions brought together 14 distinct franchises, both brand-new and previously adapted ones. In its second year, that number rose to 30 different IPs. Not only were players able to play as characters from these IPs, but each one also had its very own open-world area to explore. Additionally, some of them even had new stories to embark on, and the main story saw many of them come together in a massive multiversal adventure. That all helped make LEGO Dimensions a massive hit, as it was unlike anything they had seen before. Yet, with the death of the toys-to-life genre, the game ended up shutting its doors before its third round of content could kick off.

Funko Fusion Seems to be Doing Almost the Exact Same Thing

The lack of a LEGO Dimensions sequel leaves other video games to pick up the slack, which is where Funko Fusion comes in. While not much is known about the game just yet, it promises to bring together over 20 iconic franchises, like Jurassic World, JAWS, The Umbrella Academy, and more in a brand-new adventure the likes of which Funko has never attempted before.

Funko Fusion looks to be taking a lot of cues from Traveller's Tales' LEGO series, which makes sense as 10:10 Games was actually formed by Traveller's Tales' co-founder Jon Burton. Because of that, it might feel pretty similar to those titles, with a Funko Pop skin attached. The gameplay trailers already show a game that looks practically identical to those, so hopefully the blend actually succeeds.

Even though Funko Fusion is not LEGO Dimensions, it looks like it may be as close to a sequel that fans will get. The concept sounds similar, the gameplay seems heavily inspired by it, and the crossovers seem similarly bold. If it ends up being a hit, then Funko may give LEGO some major competition within the gaming space. But even if it does not match Traveller's Tales' franchise, it will at least give LEGO Dimensions fans something to sink their teeth into after all these years.

Funko Fusion Tag Page Cover Art
Funko Fusion

Funko Fusion is a four-player action-adventure game featuring Funko Pop! forms of iconic TV show and movie characters. There are dozens of playable characters available, with each boasting their own unique personalities and abilities inspired by the NBCUniversal shows and movies from which they originated.

10:10 Games
10:10 Games