Fans of FromSoftware games like to refer to the developer's collection of titles as part of the Soulsborne genre. This is mostly defined by the world and combat design approach that the esteemed Japanese developer takes with their titles and is a mashup of the names of their Dark Souls and Bloodborne series. Boss fights are the main attraction and often serve as the make-or-break point for players looking to see the games through to completion.

FromSoftware: Every Souls-Like Game, Ranked By Their Replay Value

FromSoftware's Souls-like games are known for being highly replayable, but which game has players coming back the most?

Many of their games feature bosses that look like animalistic beasts, either serving as caged creatures or tortured souls simply looking for an escape. It's said that nothing's more dangerous than a cornered animal, and many of the beasts FromSoftware forces the player to defeat lend truth to it. These monsters are intimidating to deal with, especially thanks to FromSoftware's incredible work when it comes to animating these foes to be as wild and unpredictable as possible. Players need to focus on the battle at hand and not get comboed into oblivion by FromSoftware's hardest beast bosses that have become legendary battles.

Updated on May 22, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: FromSoftware has developed many stellar action RPGs, with Dark Souls serving as the game that kickstarted their rise to the very top of the gaming industry. The company hasn't looked back since, leaning heavily on these games and turning Miyazaki into one of the most important people in their company. What followed is a string of Soulsborne games that have all maintained the highest levels of quality, with Elden Ring pushing into the mainstream with its focus on open-world design to wow players and become one of the biggest games developed by FromSoftware. There are many kinds of bosses that make an appearance in these games, with many beasts serving as tough bosses that will push players to get better before defeating these tough foes.

19 Father Gascoigne


bloodborne gascoigne
  • HP: 2,031
  • Blood Echoes: 1,800
  • Location: Tomb Of Oedon
  • Drops: Oedon Tomb Key

Father Gascoigne is the boss who lets players know that Bloodborne is a completely different beast compared to Dark Souls. The combat demands that players are aggressive, and people who fail to get out of their defensive mindset will be punished by Father Gascoigne, especially when it comes to the second phase.

The first phase of this boss is fairly manageable. Players are able to inflict a decent amount of damage on this hunter, even if they're on the back foot. However, once he transforms into a beast, trying to hide behind tombstones won't work. Gascoigne will rip and tear through these obstacles, sending players back to the Hunter's Lamp over and over until they understand that the best way to counter this aggression is to stay on the offensive and perfect their dodges.

18 Armor Spider

Demon's Souls

FromSoftware SoulsBorne Bosses Beasts Armored Spider
  • HP: 1,732
  • Souls: 5,950
  • Location: Smithing Grounds
  • Drops: Hard Demon's Soul

Humans are afraid of many different things, but among the most common fears shared by all is that of spiders. Demon's Souls decided that having players fight an iron-clad eight-legged freak known as Armor Spider would be a neat surprise. This fight, due to it taking place in a mining shaft, feels claustrophobic.

The limited space makes it so timing and patience are key to overcoming both the webs and firebombs the giant spider has at its disposal. Finding a comfortable rhythm, taking what the openings provide, and not getting greedy can change an insufferable encounter into a dance of death.

17 Blood-Starved Beast


Blood-Starved Beast Bloodborne Flayed Creature
  • HP: 3,470
  • Blood Echoes: 6,600
  • Location: Old Yharnam
  • Drops: Pthumeru Chalice

Players who are still getting used to Bloodborne's frenetic combat will find the Blood-Starved Beast to be an absolute pain to deal with. The only respite they have here is that this boss is optional, meaning that players won't have to deal with this abomination if they don't want to. Still, the reward of being able to access the Chalice Dungeon makes this beast worth taking on, with its flayed skin serving as a cloak of sorts that makes the beast even more harrowing to deal with.

Players should make it a point to add an antidote to their quick-use slot if they don't want to waste precious Blood Vials trying to heal any poison damage that this beast inflicts as the battle rages on. As long as players have their dodges timed to perfection and nail the countershot window, they should be able to take out this ultra-aggressive boss that punishes any Hunter who stays on the back foot, which is a statement that can be used to describe almost every foe in this challenging game.

16 The Duke's Dear Freja

Dark Souls 2

giant spider boss dark souls 2
  • HP: 4,220
  • Souls: 42,000
  • Location: Brightstone Cove Tseldora
  • Drops: Soul of the Duke's Dear Freja

Dark Souls 2 was a mixed bag for many fans. Many players felt that FromSoftware added way too many bosses to the game. As a result, the pacing of the game suffered, and a lot of bosses became unfair mob battles that weren't all that stimulating and made these encounters more annoying than awe-inspiring.

10 Things Elden Ring Does Better Than Any Other FromSoftware Game

FromSoftware innovated a fair bit when it comes to Elden Ring. Here's how the game rises above the rest of FromSoftware's titles.

The Duke's Dear Freja is one such boss who can be irritating for this reason alone. On its own, the boss may not be that much of a challenge, which is why players also have to deal with numerous small spiders that can eat into their health bar if they're not careful enough. Thankfully, players can always equip a torch to scare these enemies into submission, letting them focus on the main boss instead.

15 Amygdala


amygdala bloodborne
  • HP: 6,404
  • Blood Echoes: 21,000
  • Location: Nightmare Frontier
  • Drops: Ailing Loran Chalice

Bloodborne starts off with elements of gothic horror before showing its Lovecraftian influences as players slowly uncover the mysteries of this world. A great way this title creates its unsettling atmosphere is the Lesser Amygdalas that players can see hanging about in 'safe' areas like the Grand Cathedral, either after defeating Rom or attaining enough Insight.

If players decide to tackle the optional area of the Nightmare Frontier, then they'll have to deal with the area boss at the end — an Amygdala. This boss can be tricky to damage, as its second phase starts with the creature ripping off two of its arms to extend the reach of its attacks. That's pretty metal and also horrifying. The Defiled Chalice version of this boss is one of the toughest encounters in the entirety of Bloodborne.

14 Lud And Zallen, The King's Pets

Dark Souls 2

FromSoftware SoulsBorne Bosses Beasts Kings Pets
  • HP: 5,070 each
  • Souls: 56,000
  • Location: Frigid Outskirts
  • Drops: Soul of Lud, Soul of Zallen

Like the Maneaters of Demon's Souls or the Gargoyles in the original Dark Souls, Lud and Zallen in Dark Souls 2 are the token clone 2-for-1 boss fight in that FromSoftware title. Sure, fighting two giant sabertooth cats is tough enough on its own, but the part of the fight most players complain about is how poorly designed, and miserable everything leading up to the showdown is.

Like with most handicap boss fights, it's best to focus on one of the two in an effort to remove the advantage as soon as possible. In the case of the King's Pets, it's advised to rush down Lud and lower their health as much as possible before Zallen joins and changes the whole dynamic.

13 Bell Gargoyles

Dark Souls

Dark Souls - Bell Gargoyle boss arena
  • HP: 999 & 480
  • Souls: 10,000
  • Location: Undead Parish
  • Drops: Gargoyle's Halberd, Gargoyle's Shield, Gargoyle Helm, Gargoyle Tail Axe (if tail is cut), Twin Humanities, Homeward Bone

While most players are used to boss fights against two enemies in the Soulsborne games now, there's no denying that most people were taken by surprise when they tried to ring one of the two bells to open the door to Sen's Fortress, only to encounter a Bell Gargoyle that stood in their way. The boss fight seemed simple enough despite the Gargoyle's tricky attacks, but things got really serious when another foe joined the fray.

What follows is a chaotic boss fight where players must learn how to juggle both bosses and try not to be taken by surprise while they focus on one foe. To make things worse, players can fall off from the boss arena, meaning that players can't just panic roll to avoid the attacks of these bosses. Doing so will lead to an embarrassing death that punishes players for being too wild and not having any positional awareness.

12 Vicar Amelia


FromSoftware SoulsBorne Bosses Beasts Vicar Amelia
  • HP: 5,367
  • Blood Echoes: 15,000
  • Location: Cathedral Ward
  • Drops: Gold Pendant

Very rarely in games like Dark Souls, Elden Ring, or Bloodborne do players regret their actions in the heat of battle. Many of the challenges they face are meant to end with the player feeling a sense of accomplishment. That's hard to do with a boss like Bloodborne's Vicar Amelia.

The 22 Most Powerful Bosses In Bloodborne

Bloodborne, like any of the Soulsborne games, features a strong lineup of incredibly powerful bosses. These are the toughest of the bunch.

This giant deer-like transformation will pull no punches in the small boss arena it calls home and isn't afraid to let the player know their attacks are inflicting pain. With each successful attack, not only will players see Vicar Amelia's health bar lower, but they'll be met with a sickening cry. It's a reminder that even though beasts can present as apathetic nightmare machines, they feel agony and despair all the same.

11 Elden Beast

Elden Ring

FromSoftware SoulsBorne Bosses Beasts Elden Beast
  • HP: 22,127
  • Runes: 500,000
  • Location: Stone Platform
  • Drops: Elden Remembrance

Typically, the final boss fight in a FromSoftware title has the most pomp and circumstance, operating in a very grandiose manner. For Elden Ring, that moment happens when the player comes upon Radagon of the Golden Order in his closed-off arena. Those who manage to overcome and defeat this lightning-wielding god among men will then have to take on a semi-transparent reptilian entity known as the Elden Beast.

The fight is more frustrating than it is difficult, as the boss will retreat and use long-range attacks in order to gain an advantage over the player. Elden Ring fans wouldn't have been so harsh on this fight if it preceded the encounter with Radagon instead of following it.

10 Watchdog Of The Old Lords


bloodborne watchdog of the old lords-1
  • HP: 3,528
  • Blood Echoes: 1,696
  • Location: Pthumeru Chalice - Layer 3
  • Drops: Central Pthumeru Chalice

Most people who encounter the Watchdog of the Old Lords when they delve into the Chalice Dungeons for the first time won't really understand why people consider this boss to be one of the hardest in the series. While this first encounter is pretty easy as long as players dodge the boss' well-telegraphed attacks, things take a turn for the worse when players encounter the souped-up version present in the Defiled Chalices.

With a health bar that's shaved in half, players must avoid pretty much every attack from this boss if they don't want to be one-shot by its attacks. It's a true test of patience that's just a taste of things to come, with the Defiled Chalices being some of the hardest dungeons to complete in the game simply because of their lower pool of health.

9 Maneaters

Demon's Souls

FromSoftware SoulsBorne Bosses Beasts Maneaters
  • HP: 2,790 each
  • Souls: 13,880
  • Location: Upper Latria
  • Drops: Mixed Demon's Soul

As with many game developers, FromSoftware has a history of repeating some design elements or choices from game to game. One such case is having the player face off against two copies of the same boss at the same time. Most fans of Soulsborne games will point to the Gargoyles in the first Dark Souls as the first form of this, but it was actually the Maneater fight in Demon's Souls where this cruel joke was established.

They move in such a sporadic manner, and it doesn't help that they'll often fly into the air and hang out for a bit. Add to this that the entire fight takes place on a narrow bridge with little railing, so the chance of getting knocked off into the abyss is way too high.

8 Beast Clergyman

Elden Ring

FromSoftware SoulsBorne Bosses Beasts Beast Clergyman
  • HP: 10,620
  • Runes: 2,400
  • Location: Bestial Sanctum
  • Drops: Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

Boss fights in FromSoftware games where the twist or evolution of the fight comes out of nowhere tend to be the ones that stick with players long after they've rolled credits. Despite Elden Ring having dozens of spectacular showdowns, when players come across the Beast Clergyman, it feels like a moment of culmination.

Every FromSoftware Game (Ranked By Metacritic Score)

Ranking games developed by FromSoftware is a mighty feat given that the company has been around for years, but thanks to Metacritic, we got it done.

Those who manage to overcome the vicious and primal aggression of the Beast Clergyman will be rewarded with the reveal of it being Maliketh, the Black Blade in disguise. The second phase keeps the aggression but morphs it into an attacking style that is much more fluid and timed in a way to catch the player off guard.

7 Guardian Ape

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

FromSoftware SoulsBorne Bosses Beasts Guardian Ape
  • Deathblows Required: 2
  • XP: 3,000
  • Location: Sunken Valley Passage
  • Drops: Memory: Guardian Ape, Slender Finger

The Guardian Ape fight in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is arguably the game's most memorable. After players defeat the ape and celebrate, the giant beast rises from the dead, and the second phase of the fight begins against a headless version of the giant primate. This boss fight happens to be one of the harder challenges in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice simply because players don't see the second phase coming.

FromSoftware is as brutal as they are talented, and they thought it'd be fun to add an optional fight later in the game where players must not only take on the Headless Guardian Ape but do so while also fighting a female ape that presents itself as the original ape's companion.

6 Slave Knight Gael

Dark Souls 3

  • HP: 15,037
  • Souls: 120,000
  • Location: Filianore's Rest
  • Drops: Soul of Slave Knight Gael, Blood of the Dark Soul

Dark Souls 3 is a game that served as a great conclusion to one of the best gaming trilogies of all time. The game may have been a bit too linear for some people, but players who forgave the title for its rudimentary level design enjoyed a truly great game with a faster combat system, excellent lore additions, and some callbacks to the first game that was truly impressive in every way.

The first DLC for the game, Ashes of Ariandel, didn't receive the warmest reception from fans, who weren't huge fans of the expansion's mediocre content. Thankfully, The Ringed City made up for the first DLC's defects by adding a wondering area for players to explore, full to the brim with great additions to the Dark Souls lore and ending with a boss fight against one of the best enemies in the game, Slave Knight Gael. This enemy fights like a beast early on before becoming more human-like in his approach, and his new moveset is a genuine treat to witness.

5 Darkeater Midir

Dark Souls 3

Darkeater Midir can cover the whole arena in flame
  • HP: 15,860
  • Souls: 150,000
  • Location: The Ringed City
  • Drops: Soul of Darkeater Midir, Spears of the Church

After The Old Hunters DLC turned out to be one of the greatest expansions ever released for a game, players were hyped to see what Dark Souls 3's DLCs brought to the table. However, while Ashes of Ariandel was engaging in its own right, there's no denying that the boss encounters featured in this additional piece of content felt rather tame in comparison to what FromSoftware had shown before.

10 Hardest Locations From The Soulsborne And Sekiro Games That Are Optional

The soulsborne line (and Sekiro) are filled with some challenging optional areas. Here are some of the absolute hardest.

All of this changed with The Ringed City DLC, which satiated most players' demands for a great piece of DLC for Dark Souls 3. An optional boss in this expansion pack that would hurt and humiliate players over and over again is Darkeater Midir, a truly daunting boss fight that will make players beg for the torture to end as he continues to stomp and decimate many unlucky Ashen Ones over and over again.

4 Laurence, The First Vicar


Laurence the First Vicar Fire Boss Bloodborne
  • HP: 21,242
  • Blood Echoes: 29,500
  • Location: Nightmare Grand Cathedral
  • Drops: Beast's Embrace Rune

The Cleric Beast will serve as the first boss for many Bloodborne players. While this wild beast is a decent introduction to the game's combat, most people feel that this boss comes too early and isn't a substantial threat to players who are familiar with how the game works.

Players who want to fight an endgame variant of the Cleric Beast will find their wishes answered in The Old Hunters DLC, where one of the optional battles is against Laurence, the First Vicar. This is essentially a fiery version of the Cleric Beast that somehow becomes harder after splitting in half, making players tear their hair out until they finally enjoy a satisfying victory against this abomination.

3 Manus, Father Of The Abyss

Dark Souls

Manus, Father of the Abyss
  • HP: 6,665
  • Souls: 60,000
  • Location: Chasm of the Abyss
  • Drops: Soul of Manus, 10 Humanity

Dark Souls was a great game, so fans were understandably elated to find out that the game was going to receive a DLC that expanded on the game's lore even more. This led to the release of the Artorias of the Abyss DLC, which features some of the game's toughest and most beloved boss fights.

The DLC ends with a battle against Manus, Father of the Abyss, who is huge yet ridiculously aggressive. This malicious being can be a pain to deal with owing to how fast he is, but players who learn his moveset and figure out the best way to dodge his attacks will be able to defeat one of the toughest beast bosses developed by FromSoftware.

2 Ludwig, The Accursed/Holy Blade


FromSoftware SoulsBorne Bosses Beasts Ludwig
  • HP: 16,658
  • Blood Echoes: 34,500
  • Location: Underground Corpse Pile
  • Drops: Guidance, Holy Moonlight Sword

Bloodborne on its own is considered by many in the Soulsborne community to be FromSoftware's most difficult game. That notion became stronger when TheOld Hunters DLC was released, an expansion that included multiple bosses much more difficult than anything in the base game. Ludwig, the Accursed & Holy Blade is a deformed horse-like beast that is filled with anger and misery.

The level of aggression and power one-shot attacks Ludwig possesses make him quite the challenge. As an untamed beast of sorts, he's plenty to deal with, but just when players catch a rhythm in the fight, he changes the whole dynamic of the fight by wielding a giant sword and attacking with it.

1 Orphan Of Kos


Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne fishing hamlet
  • HP: 19,217
  • Blood Echoes: 60,000
  • Location: Fishing Hamlet Coast
  • Drops: Kos Parasite

The Orphan of Kos is the final boss fight of The Old Hunters DLC, and boy does it bring forth an incredible challenge. The fight occurs on a beautiful beach where the boss is just staring at the moon, contemplating something truly sad that lulls players into a false sense of security, until the players enter his aggro range. At that point, the fight begins, and the Orphan of Kos shows how foolish it is to underestimate him.

The fast-paced attacks of the Orphan make it hard to deal with his relentless barrage of attacks, and getting a healing window during this battle is an achievement in itself. The fact that this boss can be parried yet still destroys the player at every step of the way shows how well-constructed this battle is, and defeating this hellish abomination will prove once and for all that the player has mastered Bloodborne in every way, shape, and form.

15 Things About FromSoftware Games That Everyone Loves

From Dark Souls to Sekiro, FromSoftware's catalog of games keeps players coming back for more — these are the features responsible for that loyalty.