The Dragon Ball franchise has gone through a myriad of villains over the years, each of them different in ability, appearance, and motive. Of all the evildoers Goku and company have bested in that time, none stuck out quite as much as Frieza. The space tyrant’s introduction to the series changed its trajectory forever, increasing the scope of the narrative in various ways.

Frieza’s popularity led to him being brought back in Super. Having been featured in two films and a considerable chunk of the anime, Frieza is arguably more important now than he was in the original series. It’s been stated that Frieza himself is a prodigy who excels in battle, but not much is known about the rest of his Family or race.

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History of the Frieza Family


Not much is known about Frieza’s family. The most prominent members of the Frieza Family, Frieza, and King Cool, never revealed much about their kin or lineage, making it a mystery to both fans and the series’ main cast. Though Cooler has been included in a number of projects over the years – including Xenoverse 2 and Dragon Ball Heroes – he’s not yet considered canon in the same way that Broly wasn’t until his re-introduction in DBS: Broly.

Frieza’s race is just as mysterious and doesn’t even have an official name assigned to them. They’ve sometimes been referred to as Frost Demons or even Friezas, but nothing concrete is known about them. Though their homeworld is unknown, the Universe 7 members of the Frieza Family are known to own different planets, presiding over and traveling to them via their monstrous space ships.

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The Frieza Family have been shown to be conquerors, using their incredible strength and proficiency in battle to subject and overtake different planets and races. Even warrior races like the Saiyans are shown to be easily overmatched by not only Frieza and King Cold, but by members of the Frieza Force as well.

The power and influence of the Frieza Force itself are fairly expansive, as it survived following the deaths of Frieza and King Cold on Earth. Though Sorbet would eventually find it necessary to revive Frieza with the Dragon Balls, the sustained influence of the Frieza Force shows the extent of the influence Frieza and his kin exerted over the rest of the universe.

What Makes Them So Special


The overall strength of the Frieza race is hard to gauge, as there aren’t as many of them in the series as there are Namekians, Humans, and even Saiyans. As a result, the species has not been explored and developed as in-depth as others have been in Dragon Ball. Frost has displayed certain characteristics similar to his Universe 7 counterparts, such as the ability to transform, but there’s something about Frieza’s Family that specifically makes them stand out from other members of their race.

Both Frieza and King Cold – and Cooler though he again, isn’t considered canon – are notably stronger than the average member of their race due to a mutation within their genealogy. Frieza himself is a prodigy and has easily surpassed those around him without much effort, likely making him the most powerful member of his race to exist.

What most stands out about Frieza’s race are their incredible healing abilities. This seems to vary from person to person, with members of the Frieza Family shown to be particularly proficient. Frieza has endured an incredible amount of damage throughout the series, to the point that he’s been able to survive in various pieces much like Cell. The only two times that Frieza has died was when he was completely obliterated by blast attacks, making him one of the series most difficult antagonists to truly takedown.

Though there might not be much information on them, Frieza’s Family is one of the most influential families in the series. Their grasp on the universe has a massive impact on Dragon Ball’s events and lore, and its members are depicted as some of the strongest fighters the galaxy has to offer. While fans would certainly like to know more about them, it might be best to keep some things ambiguous.

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