Foxhole is a first-person shooter game (FPS) and a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game. Players take control of their character and fight for their team, securing victory against hordes of other players using only the best of their skills on their side.

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There are many players who may be able to immediately take to the game - games such as Team Fortress 2 are also first-person shooters, and a lot of advice carries over. However, there are also people who may not be the best at first-person shooter games, and as such need some beginner tips in order to ease into the gameplay of Foxhole.

7 Load Those Pistols

Foxhole - Night

As soon as the player loads into a new match, they need to load their pistol up. This is one of the best ways to ensure that they will be ready for anything that comes their way.

It is very easy for a player to get swarmed by enemies, even right at the beginning of the game. As such, loading the pistols as a player spawns into the game right at the beginning will ensure that they are, at the very least, on guard and ready to shoot at any enemy that strays in their direction.

6 Close The Gates

Foxhole - Tanks

It may not seem like much at first, but it would actually be a really good idea for a player to close the gates behind them as they go through them. Surprisingly, a lot of players do not close the gates even after running through them.

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If a player does not close the gates behind them after running off, it is basically just inviting the enemy in. It is downright impossible to get an enemy out of a building after they get in, so it would be best to just completely avoid this issue whatsoever.

5 Get Gas Masks And Medic Bags

Foxhole - People

As a player goes through the game, it will become very quickly known to them the most important pieces of items to pick up during gameplay. The items that every player should try to grab are gas masks and medic bags.

Medic bags are essential because they are one of the best ways for a player to heal other teammates. Gas masks will also keep a player from needing to run if an enemy hurls a grenade in their direction, which makes it important.

4 Help The Team

Foxhole - Shooting Tank

It is possible to go through an "every man for themselves" style of gameplay in the game Foxhole. However, while it is possible, that does not mean it is easy - quite the opposite, actually.

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A player will have a much better time if they work together with their teammates to the best of their abilities. This will ensure that everyone can fill in one another's gaps and weak spots so that the entire team can be led toward the sweet release of victory.

3 Try Playing Support As A Beginner

Foxhole - Trains

It can be difficult to play a full-on attacker when a player is a beginner - they have no idea about who gets shot where. On top of this, a newer player may not have the same skill and amount of items that veteran players would have, putting them at another disadvantage.

However, a player can actually choose to play as a support unit in the game, and it will be much easier for them as a beginner. This is because it can let them get hands-on experience in the game, while also helping to support their teammates in any way that they can.

2 Wall Off Territories

Foxhole - Buildings

A player needs to always ensure that their territories are completely protected against any enemy units coming their way. This can be as simple as blocking off the enemy by closing the gates behind them, or can also include some more complex maneuvers that take a pro at the game to pull off.

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However, there is one goal in mind that every player who wants to execute tactics like this should know. That goal is, no matter what, a player should always remember to keep their territories fully protected - otherwise, there will be lone enemy units wandering in, ready to take on the player.

1 Learn About The HUD

Foxhole - Stairs

This is something that a surprising amount of players do not do - they jump straight into the game without learning about what everything does and then become confused when they do not understand any of the HUD and what they all represent. This is not something that a player wants to do.

It would not take long for a player to learn about what the HUD does while they are learning about the different types of gameplay in Foxhole. They just need to ensure they actually learn what each HUD means.

Foxhole is available on Macintosh operating systems, Microsoft Windows, and Linux.

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