The newest addition to the prestigious Forza series, Forza Motorsport, offers more than just the adrenaline rush of high-speed racing. Developed by Turn 10, this immersive racing simulation introduces new features and modes, adding depth to the gameplay experience.

With an impressive lineup of over 500 vehicles, Forza Motorsport showcases racing cars from all eras. The most expensive ride in the game comes with a price tag of 450,000 credits. To unlock the full potential of their Forza journey, players must strategize to enhance their credit balance, ensuring they have the means to purchase their dream cars.

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How to Earn Credits in Forza Motorsport

Similar to earlier installments of Forza, players can boost their credit earnings by disabling driving assists and increasing difficulty levels. Here are all the methods through which players can make money fast in Forza Motorsport:

Builder’s Cup Career Mode

builder's cup career mode in forza motorsport

The Career Mode is a comprehensive and structured journey that offers players the opportunity to not only refine their racing skills but also earn credits along the way. Throughout the Builder’s Cup, players can participate in a wide variety of racing events. By successfully completing these races and achieving higher finishing positions, players can earn money easily in Forza Motorsport.

Additionally, players are rewarded with trophies and have the opportunity to unlock new cars as they complete each series within the Builder's Cup.

Rivals Mode

rivals mode forza motorsport

Rivals Mode in Forza Motorsport offers an exhilarating competitive experience, where players face off against virtual counterparts created by other players. Each rival has chosen a particular track and car combination, setting a target time to beat. By outperforming the rival's recorded time or establishing a new record on the track, players can earn credits and valuable experience points. The number of credits earned depends on the specific event type, the class of the car used, and the time difference between the player’s performance and the target time.

Changing Grid Position

In various races of the Career Mode, players have the option to manually select their starting position on the racing track. Choosing to start further down the grid, even as far back as the last position (24th), provides an opportunity for players to earn extra credits. The further back they choose to start, the more money players can earn per race. Securing victory in the race lies in the player’s confidence and skill to effectively overtake rival cars. However, it's fairly easy to navigate into the middle ranks due to the slower pace of the cars in the back.

Increasing Difficulty

difficulty forza motorsport

A simple way to quickly earn money in Forza Motorsport is by tweaking the difficulty settings. The Drivatar Difficulty spans from levels one to eight, with higher levels promising increased credit earnings. Setting the Drivatar Difficulty to level five results in a 41% credit bonus. Races at difficulty levels four or five offer a challenging experience but remain winnable. If players find themselves struggling in a particular race, they can always lower the difficulty levels, with no penalties or loss of progression incurred.

Directly below the Drivatar Difficulty is the Ruleset Bonus, which has the potential to further boost a player's credit earnings. The Expert Ruleset enables players to earn 10% extracredits. However, it is a bit more challenging to play with, as it involves simulated damage, fuel consumption and tire wear, enforces full penalties, and turns off the rewind feature.

Practicing Laps

Practicing laps can be a highly effective method for players to enhance their racing skills and earn more money. The credits earned in practice mode are comparable to the credits players would receive from actual racing laps. Therefore, it makes sense to complete these practice sessions, as they provide a dual opportunity for players to improve their driving skills and cash in on the rewards. Additionally, for every driver level a player advances, they can earn even more credits.

Avoiding Penalties

Completing a race in Forza Motorsport with no penalties offers an added bonus. The most frequent penalties in the game are typically associated with collisions and going off-track. Collision penalties occur when players either rear-end another vehicle or deliberately engage in contact with it. Off-track penalties are triggered when players take shortcuts, particularly by cutting corners during turns. To avoid penalties, players must strive to avoid conflicts whenever possible by paying attention to other cars on the track and respecting track limits.

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VIP Membership

vip membership forza motorsport

The fastest way to earn money in Forza Motorsport is by investing in the VIP Membership. The VIP Membership features five special Forza Edition Cars, exclusive VIP driving gear, and gives players a permanent 2x credit boost. Completing Builder’s Cup events with the credit multiplier active is a quick way to maximize earnings in the game.

The Premium Edition of Forza Motorsport, priced at $99.99, includes the VIP Membership in its package. Players who have the Standard Edition game can purchase the Premium Add-on bundle, priced at $39.99. This provides them with all the additional perks from the Premium Edition.

Forza Motorsport is now available for PC, Xbox Game Pass, and Xbox Series X/S consoles.