
  • The Forza Horizon game showcases the stunning visuals that can be expected in Fable, as they share the same engine, making Fable a graphical powerhouse.
  • Playground Games' expertise in creating visually stunning open worlds in their racing games will be utilized to deliver a sprawling and visually impressive new vision of Albion in Fable.
  • The ForzaTech engine used in Forza Motorsport brings impressive levels of detail and visual flourishes, such as a fully procedural cloud system and light-reactive shaders, which will enhance the immersive and lifelike visuals in Fable.

When speeding through picturesque locales like the Nurburgring Grand Prix Track in the recently released Forza Horizon, it’s easy to become entranced by the stunning scenery surrounding players. But not only does Turn 10 Studios’ latest AAA racer do a fantastic job of replicating some iconic real-world racetracks, it also gives gamers a glimpse of what they can expect in terms of visuals from Playground Games’ upcoming Fable. This is because, while the two titles couldn’t be more dissimilar when it comes to their core gameplay, the same ForzaTech engine that powers the realistic racer will be used to bring Fable’s world of Albion to life.

It’s unlikely there will be many racing-related missions in Fable, but the comedic fantasy title should still benefit immensely from sharing an engine with some of the biggest names in racing games. Developer Playground Games, known for its Forza Horizon series, should be able to tap into the same skills used to bring the eye-catching open worlds of its acclaimed arcade racers to life to deliver a sprawling and stunning new vision of Albion. This technical prowess, when combined with the improvements to the ForzaTech engine on display in Forza Motorsport, should ensure that Fable is a graphical powerhouse whenever it releases.

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Playground Games’ Open-World Expertise Should Pay Dividends for Fable

Fable 4 Fairy near hero sword

While Playground Games has always been praised for the gorgeous open worlds featured in its games, Forza Horizon 5 took things to another level in terms of graphical fidelity. From picturesque coastlines stretching into the distance to the smoldering caldera of an active volcano, the ray-traced world of Forza Horizon 5 showcases Playground Games’ skill at creating visually stunning landscapes in the ForzaTech engine. This is good news for Fable fans, as it means that Albion’s latest incarnation should have no problem featuring a wide variety of fantasy environments.

Although the Fable franchise has often been praised for the breadth of content packed into its open world, it’s never been at the forefront of tech when it comes to visuals. This should change drastically with the ForzaTech engine’s use in the upcoming entry, finally bringing the quality of the graphics up to the same level as the gameplay. And while Forza Horizon 5 showcased the impressive scale of the worlds that can be created with ForzaTech, it’s the visual improvements introduced with Forza Motorsport that will truly make Fable’s Albion shine.

Forza Motorsport’s Impressive Level of Detail Hints at What’s to Come in Fable


Giving players a massive open world to explore as part of their hero’s journey in Fable is a good start, but it’s the small details that will sell its version of Albion as a living place. Luckily, Forza Motorsport shows that the ForzaTech engine is just as adept at handling these sorts of visual flourishes as it is at rendering large landscapes. Improvements to the engine like a fully procedural cloud system, physically based rendering, and light-reactive shaders that pair with Forza Motorsport’s ray-traced lighting to create stunningly lifelike visuals should be even more refined by the time Fable releases.

Even the realistic dirt on Forza Motorsport’s cars that accumulates throughout a race shows the level of detail players should expect from Fable. This ability of in-game assets and textures to reflect real-world wear and tear over time should pair nicely with Fable’s often-rustic locales, allowing players to get suitably grimy as they traverse the game's forests and fields. When combined with the impressive weather effects on display in Forza Motorsport, an unexpected rainstorm in Fable could turn both players and Albion into a beautifully muddy mess.

The sim racing of Forza Motorsport may be worlds away from the fairy tale lands of Fable, but the gorgeous graphics of the former give a tantalizing taste of what to expect from the latter. And although players still have awhile to wait until they get their hands on Fable, its almost assuredly stunning visuals should make that patience worth it.

Forza Motorsport is available on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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