As the newest installment in Playground Games' flagship franchise, Forza Horizon 5 offers players the opportunity to customize and upgrade their cars like they could in the previous games. However, there are some differences between the most recent game and its predecessors, so it can be difficult for players to tune and upgrade their cars and know what it means to do so.

In Forza Horizon 5, players have immense control over their cars. They can change everything from handling to aerodynamics. Because of all these options, it can be a little bit confusing for new players. When jumping into Forza, players can go to the Garage menu and navigate to the Upgrading and Tuning screen. Once there, cars can be optimized to perform exactly as fans want them to perform.

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Tuning Cars in Forza Horizon 5

Within this menu, there are many things that players can change, all of which will change the way their cars perform. Spoilers will change aerodynamics and handling, for example, and tires will alter performance on (and off) the road. These options only change vehicles up to a certain point, though. Depending on players' gameplay settings, handling, braking, and more might already be optimized to help drivers operate their cars.

To get the most out of tuning cars, players should consider setting their steering, braking, and damage options to 'simulation.' This will make cars drive exactly as they do in real life, which creates a better canvas for tuning and upgrading.

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This is not to say that everyone should change their settings Forza Horizon 5. But for people who want to take their driving skills to the next level and experience more challenging Forza activities, these settings can be incredibly useful. In addition, Forza Horizon 5 and the previous titles in the franchise are meant to be fun games to play with friends.

Gameplay settings, then, should only be changed if players want to experience a different level of play. Indeed, these tuning and upgrading options can be applied to any car and can take Forza to an extreme level. You can optimize cars to oversteer or understeer, to have more grip, to increase speed, and more. These options, of course, are best applied to cars that are already high-performance.

It's also important to mention that one of the best ways to get new cars is to take advantage of Forza Horizon 5's in-game auction house as well as wheel spins. These cars are much cheaper than you can find them in the garage, and the auctions are fun to participate in. When it comes to actually upgrading cars, it's good to focus on adding weight and tuning handling. Personally speaking, it makes cars more grounded and easier to use in challenging races.

Again, not everyone wants to tune their cars (nor should everyone). In fact, some players argue that altering cars changes their authenticity and makes it harder to get used to others. At the end of the day, though, Forza Horizon 5 is meant to give players an experience they could possibly wish for.

Especially now that Playground Games has added a new multiplayer arena, fans are expected to customize their vehicles and personalize the game. Indeed, for anyone who wants a unique gameplay experience, car tuning and upgrading is the place to start.

Forza Horizon 5 is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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