Although the open-world environment of Forza Horizon 5 is beautiful to look at, its jagged rocks and deep beaches can lead to vehicles getting stuck. When even rewinding won't fix the mess a car has got into, players can reset its position and respawn instead.

However, like many of the helpful features in Playground Games' newest entry into the franchise, respawning in Forza Horizon 5 isn't something the game tells players they can do, let alone how to do it.

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How to Respawn in Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5 pause menu with arrow pointing at respawn button prompt

To respawn in Forza Horizon 5, players need to first pause the game, and then click L3 on consoles, and the X button if playing on PC. This is the default key binding for PC. If it has been changed, players should check their personal settings to see what key they have mapped resetting car position to instead.

This will respawn the trapped car to a flat surface nearby. Rewinding can also help players escape from a bad position, but it only goes back so far. If players left the vehicle there for a long time while trying to fix their position, the timer could have reached its limit. Respawning is also quicker than rewinding most of the time. Except when trying to attempt certain events, like Drift Zones in Forza Horizon 5.

There have also been some minor single-player bugs and glitches in Forza Horizon 5, which have affected the rewind feature occasionally. Players have been getting stuck while in the rewind animation for a prolonged period of time.

An image of multiple cars drag racing in Forza Horizon 5.

This is particularly frustrating when playing in Open multiplayer races in Forza Horizon 5, as rewinding does not stop the progress of other players. Meaning they gain a huge lead while players wait for the animation to load. Respawning to reset the car position has not been hit with inconveniences like these.

Getting stuck often means that players have taken cosmetic damage as well. Any car can be repaired in Forza Horizon 5 with just a few button presses. Cosmetic damage can also be turned off from the settings if players prefer to race and explore while their vehicle remains in perfect condition.

There are lots of other hidden features for players to discover in the arcade-style racing sim. Although, none are as helpful at getting players out of a difficult position as respawning in Forza Horizon 5. It's been a helpful mechanic in previous entries in the series, and will most likely appear in future titles as well.

Forza Horizon 5 is out now for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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