Forza Horizon 5 is a game that has a lot going for it. It's one of the most successful games in the Forza Horizon franchise, and like its predecessors, offers a wide variety of vehicles to explore a large open map.

There's enough hidden in Forza's version of Mexico that the player will inevitably spend plenty of time in between races just cruising about. Those are the perfect times to sit back, relax, and listen to some music.

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Luckily, Forza Horizon 5 offers a wide selection of music to pair with its cars, split into multiple radio stations. But if the player doesn't know how to switch stations, they might get stuck listening to the wrong music genre for hours.

Forza Horizon 5 Radio Stations

Forza Horizon 5's Radio Stations

Forza Horizon 5 has over 100 songs in its official soundtrack, split into six different radio stations:

  • Horizon Bass Arena has dance music.
  • Horizon Block Party has hip hop and R&B.
  • Radio Eterna has classical music.
  • Hospital Records Radio has drum and bass.
  • Horizon Pulse has electronic and pop.
  • Horizon XS has rock and alternative.

Changing Forza Horizon 5's Radio on Console

As expected, the Forza Horizon 5 experience is slightly different if the player is playing on a gamepad controller, a keyboard, or a steering wheel controller. The differences in car control might be subtle, but thankfully the differences in radio operation are easy to understand.

If the player is using a gamepad controller, they need to hit right on the D-Pad. There's no "back" button on the radio unless the player binds one themselves, so they usually just need to keep tapping until they find what they want.

Changing Forza Horizon 5's Radio on PC

If the player uses a keyboard and mouse to play, then the button they have to press is a bit more out of the way. They need to hit the equals sign on their keyboard, the = symbol, to shuffle to the next station. Like the console version, there's no back button unless they set one themselves, so players shouldn't try and reach for the key while they're moving at high speeds.

The Sound of Forza Horizon 5's Silence

If the player doesn't want to listen to Forza Horizon 5's soundtrack, such as if they want to listen to their own music or a podcast while playing, then the game can accommodate that as well. The player doesn't need to manually go to the options menu and mess with the sound settings. All they need to do is keep changing radio stations until they hit "radio off." From there, they're free to enjoy Forza Horizon 5's environmental audio design.

Forza Horizon 5 is available now for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Forza Horizon 5: How to Get Daredevil Skills