Fortnite's newest iteration, the second season of its second chapter, has brought about some pretty major changes to the game, too many to list here. The biggest ones are a map overhaul and, even more out of the ordinary for the game, a slew of NPC villains for players to challenge.

The new villains are a big part of the Spy theme that dominates the entire Season 2 patch, and they guard some pretty powerful stuff in their lairs. All around the new Fortnite map, they hoard their wares, waiting for players to try and grab them. One of the biggest and best of these new villains is a character hinted at in a secret message hidden in the Season 2 release teasers: Midas.

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Midas is, for the most part, a relatively simple-looking human who resides in the Agency HQ, with his most distinguishing feature being the fact that he is made of pure gold. His SMG is likewise golden, and quite powerful, although not as dangerous as the multiple turrets that surround him. He is the keeper of the Agency HQ's keycard, which can be used to open its underground vault. Rather than turning things into gold, this Midas guards a cache of ridiculously powerful Mythic weapons, and whichever team or solo player manages to survive, grab his keycard, and make it into the vault will have them all to themselves.

he is the one in the middle

The Agency HQ that Midas calls home is not exactly a safe place to go hunting however, so players should expect any mythic items they walk away with to be hard-won. Not only is the Agency HQ one of Fortnite's premier places to find henchmen, but it is also a great place to find hostile players. The HQ is one of the most prominent places on the map where these prizes can be found, so there is always a high likelihood of treasure hunters being there at any given time, all looking for the same prize.

Besides his golden boss version, Midas is also a skin that players can only obtain by purchasing the Battle Pass and attaining Level 100. Perhaps the idea of chasing gold caught on in Fortnite after the Scavenger Medals, or perhaps the devs had just been watching the first few Duck Tales episodes when designing the new season, but it is very gold-based all around, so much so that any weapons or vehicles the new Midas skin touches become gold.

Keep in mind that Midas is only one of several Villains on the new map, and his is not the only vault in town. There are several Vaults in the new Fortnite map, each locked by a keycard, guarded by dangerous NPCs and other players, and filled with metals far more deadly than gold.

Fortnite is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One

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Source: PCGamesN