
  • Fortnite has collaborated with various franchises, including John Wick, Kratos, Master Chief, and Resident Evil characters.
  • The Silent Hill franchise could be the next crossover for Fortnite, with iconic characters like James Sunderland, Heather Mason, and Pyramid Head potentially appearing in the game.
  • A Silent Hill x Fortnite crossover would make sense as a promotional strategy, especially with the upcoming release of the Silent Hill 2 Remake in 2024.

With its cartoonish art style, comic violence, and free-to-play structure, Fortnite has become known as a fairly family-friendly video game. Officially, Fortnite actually has a Teen rating from the ESRB, though that hasn't stopped the game from getting a reputation that it's mainly targeted towards a younger audience. That being said, Fortnite hasn't been afraid to get a little more adult-oriented when it comes to its crossover content.

While Fortnite's crossovers began with Marvel, DC, and Star Wars, one of its other very early crossovers was with John Wick, a pretty violent action movie series. But John Wick is far from the only adult-oriented franchise that Fortnite has collaborated with. Between Kratos, Master Chief, Alan Wake, Isaac Clarke, and a good few Resident Evil characters, Fortnite has plenty of experience with more mature content, and right now it seems as though anything could be on the table. With Metal Gear Solid's Snake coming to Fortnite very recently, a fellow Konami series like Silent Hill might not be too far behind it.

LEGO Fortnite Could Be a Stepping Stone Toward Another Fun Crossover Game

After LEGO Fortnite brought something new to Epic Games' flagship title, there's another series that could benefit from a LEGO twist.

The Best Silent Hill Characters for a Fortnite Crossover

James Sunderland

Possibly the most iconic protagonist of the entire Silent Hill franchise, James Sunderland is the most likely pick when it comes to possible Fortnite x Silent Hill crossover characters. Introduced in Silent Hill 2, James Sunderland heads to the titular, foggy town after receiving a message from his dead wife to meet him there at their special spot. What follows is a 10-hour descent into madness where James is faced with his deepest fears and regrets. With the Silent Hill 2 Remake set for a 2024 release, it would make complete sense for James Sunderland to appear in Fortnite just before the remake's launch, just like Isaac Clarke and Alan Wake did last year.

Heather Mason

While James Sunderland is probably the most iconic Silent Hill protagonist, Heather Mason might be the most beloved, at least among many fans. The main protagonist of Silent Hill 3, Heather Mason is a 17-year-old student who's forced to go to Silent Hill following her father's mysterious death. Relatable, charming, and kind, Heather Mason became an instant favorite character of many fans upon Silent Hill 3's release in 2003, and adding her to Fortnite, potentially alongside James Sunderland, would make a lot of sense.

Harry Mason

The least iconic of the three, Harry Mason still deserves his flowers for being the very first Silent Hill protagonist, and it would be great to see a high-res version of the character come to Fortnite. Harry Mason heads to Silent Hill in search of his missing adopted daughter, Cheryl. While he finds his daughter, he also finds the town teeming with cultists who seemingly want his daughter for some mysterious ritual. Though Cheryl technically dies, she's reincarnated as a baby, whom Harry adopts and names Heather.

Alessa Gillespie

A connecting thread of a good few Silent Hill games, Alessa Gillespie would make for another great Silent Hill x Fortnite crossover character, though her incredibly grim backstory might stop that from happening. Without getting into the details too much, Alessa Gillespie was tortured as a child by her mother, the leader of a cult known as The Order. During a ritual designed to bring The Order's god to life, Alessa is set on fire and killed, ripping her soul in two in the process, and leading to the birth of Cheryl Mason.

Pyramid Head

By far the most iconic Silent Hill monster, and potentially the most iconic Silent Hill character on the whole, Pyramid Head is an absolute must-have in any Silent Hill x Fortnite crossover. Likewise, he's probably the only Silent Hill monster whose design wouldn't be affected as much.