Fortnite: Battle Royale's Double XP weekend is live, enabling players to double their progress through Season 4's leveling and helping to earn a few extra Battle Pass Stars. The Double XP weekend will run between now and 3:00 am ET on Monday, July 2. It's a great opportunity for players both new and old to jump back into Fortnite: Battle Royale, have some fun, and earn some rewards whether they've bought the premium Season 4 Battle Pass or not.

With less than two weeks left in Fortnite: Battle Royale's Season 4, it's the perfect opportunity to work towards that Tier-100 Challenge and the Omega skin. Since the Omega skin "evolves" based on a player's level, with level 80 unlocking the final evolution, XP is a high-demand commodity. In other words, this double XP weekend is exactly what's needed to conquer one of Season 4's biggest and most exciting achievements.

While leveling, don't forget to focus on Season 4 Week 9's Challenges, to maximize those Battle Stars, and climb the Battle Pass Tiers. Both shotgun eliminations and killing opponents in Anarchy Acres reward 10 Battle Stars this week, which should be easy progression. There's always something to do to keep things interesting in Fortnite.

fortnite omega skin evolutions

Alongside Fortnite's Double XP weekend, today also marks the return of the popular 50v50 game mode. There were some initial issues with 50v50 that prevented the mode from being enabled, but Epic Games has since worked out the kinks and re-enabled the mode. This round of 50v50 won't be like prior LTMs, however. Several special rules and changes are being included:

  • Double normal Dual Pistol spawn rate
  • Double bounce pads spawns
  • +50% resource rates
  • 50v50 v2 storms

As for this weekend's other potential new addition, the Playground LTM practice mode, Epic Games is continuing efforts to prepare the mode for wide release. Epic's last update was released Friday morning, stating that the development team was "testing improvements" that are necessary to enable the mode. Another update should be released soon, but a delay seems just as possible as the mode going live at this point.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is available now on iOS, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.