Fortnite is nearly a month into its jungle-themed season, deemed Chapter 4 Season 3, and it has added several features to explore. Epic Games' popular battle royale is known for its willingness to evolve which has led to its undeniable success. From recently implementing a Ranked Fortnite system to constant crossovers with other large franchises, Fortnite is continuing to draw in players.

The most recent WILDS season of Fortnite has been generally well-received by its player base, with many praising the realistic visuals of the jungle biome. Due to this, it doesn't seem that the excitement around the colorful game is slowing down anytime soon. In order to retain the excitement, Fortnite recently added six new and interesting augments that can be helpful in the right situation.

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Fortnite Heavy Headshots Augment

Reality Augments in Fortnite are one of the newer aspects, first appearing at the beginning of Chapter 4. There are typically 25 in the game at a time, though there are around 37 overall in the rotation. Players are offered augments at different points of the match and a person's overall gameplay can be altered depending on which they select.

The first new augment is called "Heavy Ammo Acquired," which immediately grants heavy ammo. More can also be found in chests following the Reality Augment's activation. Heavy bullets could be used with sniper rifles, though the Heavy Sniper Rifle was recently vaulted. In its stead is the Explosive Repeater Rifle, which takes heavy ammo and deals explosive rounds.

The second Reality Augment that has come from the v25.11 update is "Heavy Headshots." Based on the title, this may sound the same as "Heavy Ammo Acquired." However, this augment actually increases headshot damage for weapons that use heavy ammo, like the Flint-Knock pistol from 2019. For players that have a consistent headshot accuracy, this can be deadly in the right hands.

The next augment doesn't improve a player's mechanical skill but can still be extremely helpful. Titled "Shrub Mud", players become covered in mud when inside Big Bushes, Leaf Piles, and Tall Grass. Mud in Fortnite works well to camouflage players from enemies with thermal vision. However, some players have expressed an opinion that "Shrub Mud" encourages people to camp in bushes where they are far less likely to be punished for it.

The fourth Reality Augment is "Thermal Mud" which is another way to get thermal vision without acquiring a thermal DMR in Fortnite. It's particularly helpful for the WILDS map whose jungle biomes can make it difficult to see other players at times. When players choose "Thermal Mud" they will find themselves both covered in mud whilst also being able to see heat signatures.

The next augment, "Splash Party" is a one-time use reward that gives its user a few Slap Splashes. They act similarly to the Chug Splashes which were removed at the beginning of Chapter 4 Season 3. When within range of the splashes, players receive healing alongside a speed boost which can help with making necessary rotations around the map.

The last augment, "Roaming Redeploy," may be one of the most interesting, especially if players find themselves falling a lot. When exiting from zip lines, rails, vines, or hop plants, users can pull out their glider for fall damage immunity. While this augment sounds helpful, it may be a lesser version of the pre-existing "Aerialist" augment.

This Fortnite season is shaping up to be one of the most interesting yet. From being able to ride dinosaurs to a potential crossover with The Elder Scrolls Online, the future of the battle royale title looks bright. With around two months to play Chapter 4 Season 3, players should have plenty of time to grind.

Fortnite is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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