Changes are constantly made whenever a new Fortnite season starts, so some fans were worried they would no longer be able to use Reality Augments once Chapter 4 Season 2 went live. Thankfully, that was not the case, and players that enjoy this feature will still be able to use it throughout this new season.

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Some changes were made, and some old favorites - such as the Shotgun Striker Augment - are no longer available. This guide will go over all the Augments that remained in Fortnite, the ones that were added, and the ones that were vaulted indefinitely.

Updated April 4, 2023, by Ashely Claudino: Fortnite is constantly receiving new updates to keep the game as entertaining as possible. As soon as this season's Augment list was revealed, some players thought it looked short at first, but it was implied that as the season went on more Augment would be added to the game.

In a previous update, Epic Games added seven Reality Augments; some are new and others are making a comeback. And now, with the major v24.30 update, which also added the Star Wars event content, another four Augments. With the various patches that have been released this season, some Augments have also been removed from the game, sometimes due to them not being balanced enough, and other times to prevent exploits and heal-offs. This guide has been updated to include the latest additions; vaulted Augments have also been removed from the list.

How Reality Augments Work

activating augments in ofrtnite

At first, there were only 17 Reality Augments, but at the moment, with all the updates that have been released, there are 30 available Reality Augments in Fortnite.

Update 24.10 added five new Augments to the game and brought back two Augments from last season, so players can expect to unlock Go For Broke, Springtime Blowout, Aquatic Warrior, Rail Warrior, as well as Icy Slide and Exotic Grab Bag. Treasure Hunter was also temporarily removed with this update, but it was then added back.

Between updates the Game Time Reality Augment was taken out of the game to prevent heal-offs and keep Fortnite has balanced and fair as possible. Oddly enough, it will still appear in the Augments screen. On top of this, four Augments from Chapter 4 Season 1 have also made a return: First Assault, Bush Warrior, Forecast, and Mythic Munition.

Another big update for Reality Augments was the release of patch v24.30; it added four new Augments: Tracker's Armory, Desperate Reload, Steady Hands, and SMG Sign Off.

Just like what happened last season, it is very likely that this number will continue to increase as the season progresses and more updates are made to the game. Players must get accustomed to these Augments, as many are entirely new.

As soon as the battle bus leaves the starting island and begins its usual route, a countdown of two and a half minutes will start; once it's down to zero, a Reality Augment will be available, and players get to choose one of two options. Alternatively, they can also reroll and try to get a shot at an Augment they prefer.

Rerolls are back to their original price tag of 100 gold bars. So, just like when they were first introduced, the first reroll of the match is free, and the following rerolls cost 100 bars. Unlike initially thought, rerolling multiple times will not increase the player's chances of unlocking a new Augment - rerolls will always land on a perk that the player has already obtained.

There are certain Reality Augments that gamers are more likely to stumble upon, and there are others that will only very rarely appear. The only way to speed up the process of unlocking these abilities is by playing and surviving long enough to activate as many Augments as possible.

Available Reality Augments

chapter 4 season 2 augments in fortnite

Players can activate a maximum of four Reality Augments per match. Once they've locked in their choice, they won't be able to replace it or get rid of it - this decision will stick with them until they are either eliminated or get a Victory Royale.

None of these abilities will ever hinder a player's game, but some can grant them a game-changing advantage depending on their play style and the type of weapons they choose to carry in their inventories. It's also great trying out all sorts of Augments as it gives gamers a chance to develop unique and innovative strategies to mix things up.


Reality Augments in the combat category are designed to improve the weapon pool available in the game. They can give players an advantage when they come face-to-face with enemies.

Category number




Light Fingers

Weapons using light ammo reload faster. This Augment makes SMGs and pistols much more valuable by making it possible to reload them 25 percent faster.


Sniper Surplus

Sniper Rifles gain one extra ammo in their magazine. Last season, Augment was added later on, but this time around, it's here right from the start. When using the Heavy Sniper, players won't have to reload after every shot; they'll only have to reload every two shots they fire.


Medium Ammo Amp

Medium ammo weapons have increased magazine size. All weapons that use rifle bullets will get a ten percent increase in their magazine size.Weapons using shotgun ammo have a chance not to consume ammo.


Dignified Finish

Eliminations refresh a cooldown for the Kinetic Blade's Dash Attack. Each time the player takes down an enemy player, their Kinetic Blade will automatically recharge.


Shotgun Recycle

As of right now, this Augment only works on shotguns, but if the Ex-Caliber Rifle is put back in the game at a later time, it'll also activate with this weapon since it uses shells as its ammo.


Go For Broke

The player receives a Charge Shotgun and Flintknock Pistol. Whether the player is ready to fight or flee a situation, these two weapon provide the require versatily.


Exotic Grab Bag

The player receives a random Heisted Exotic Weapon. There are five exclusive exotic weapons with special power-ups; they were previously featured in the Most Wanted limited-time event, and players can now get them by activating this Augment.


Desperate Reload

The player's pistols reload faster when reloaded with an empty clip. This Augment makes it so the user has emptied it out their pistol's maganize, it'll reload extremely quickly; it will show it's greatest potential when paired up with Light Fingers.


Tracker's Armory

The player receives a Flare Gun and a Shadow Tracker Pistol. This is the only way to acquire these weapons, and they are both great for marking enemies on the map.


Steady Hands

The Player's Marksman Rifles have less recoil.


SMG Sign Off

The last three bullets of the player's SMG magazines will deal bonus damage to enemies.


First Assault

The first bullet in the magazine of the player's rifle deals bonus damage. This counts right after reloading so reloading pretty often is a great way to take advantage of this Augment.

Game Changer

As the category's name indicates, Game Changer Augments are perks that cannot be obtained any other way in the game, which makes them particularly valuable. Even though they can be moderately rare, both the Aerialist and the Chug Gunner Augments can change the course of a match for players that choose to activate it.

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Category number





The player gains the ability to deploy their glider. Aerialist was definitely a fan-favorite Reality Augment as it allowed players to open their glider at any given time during a match - great for mobility and avoiding fall damage.


Chug Gunner

The player receives a Chug Cannon. The Chug Cannon is an Exotic-rarity healing gun with which users can throw bandages at themselves or their teammates and automatically heal them. It also starts charging after throwing an item, so it can be used indefinitely.


Mythic Munition

The player receives a Mythic Tactical Pistol. This is the only way to obtain this mythical Tactical Pistol, and combining this Augment with the Light Fingers and Desperate Reload Augments can make a powerful trio.

Mobility & Scouting

Augments in this category make it easier for the player to move around the map or to scout for potential enemies.

Category number





The user's vehicles have increased health and only consume fuel while boosting.


Shadow Striker

The player has the chance of finding Shadow Bombs in containers they open. Shadow Bombs can only be obtained with this Augment; when used, they make the player invisible to any opponent and give them the ability to wall jump. This is great for sneaking up on enemies and reaching higher places.



Enemies hit by the player's rifle shots are marked for a short period of time.


More Parkour

The player's energy regenerates briefly after mantling or hurdling.


Treasure Hunter

Nearby chests are marked the first time the player enters a point of interest. The Treasure Hunter Augment works just like when gamers hire the Scout Specialist NPC or claim a named location - the chests in the area will appear highlighted in yellow


Icy Slide

The player gets a brief icy speed boost after sliding. This can be viewed as a good thing or a bad thing, and not every gamer will want to activate this Augment - especially since once an Augment has been activated it'll be permanently on until the end of the match. The icy effect will give the player a speed boost, but it'll also make the ground extremely slippery - gamers should definitely be careful using this Augment when on a mountain or a hill.


Rail Warrior

The player regenerates health and partial shield while on grind rails or ziplines, except while in the Storm. This Augment is great for players that enjoy landing in Mega City as its buildings are surrounded by grind rails; the same goes for the northern, snowy area of the map, which has tons of ziplines.


Aquatic Warrior

The player moves faster and regenerates health and partial shield while swimming, except while in the Storm. It can be tough to move across a body of water when there aren't any boats nearby. Thankfully, the Aquatic Warrior Augments make it much easier for players to get across the water and even give them extra benefits by providing health and shields.



The player can always see the next storm circle. If this Augment is activated, when the storm appears on the map, a smaller circle will also appear, indicating where it'll be next.


Bush Warrior

The player regenerates health and partial shields while inside large foliage, except while in the storm. When the player is inside large bushes, they will regenerate their health up to 100 HP and 50 Shield.


Looting Augments improves gamers' looting ability, making it easier to access certain items such as ammo, keys, or healing items.

Category number




Bluefish Angler

The player receives a fishing rod, and they can use it to fish anywhere, but they will only be able to fish Shield Fish.



Two Holo-chest keys are granted to the player. Holo-chests are scattered all around the map, and once the player has access to a holo-chest key, they will appear marked on their map - they just have to head towards the closest lock to see what the holo-chests nearby have to offer.


Slap Surplus

The player always finds an additional Slap Juice in every treasure chest they open.


Munitions Slide

The player gains medium ammo while sliding. When this Augment is activated, players can increase their SMG and pistol ammo anytime they slide. This can be done very easily in the snowy areas of the map, where there are a lot of slippery icy mountains.


Dumpster Diving

Loot spawns nearby when the player leaves a hiding place, but it can only occur once per hiding place. Although this Augment may sound like it's nothing special, there are certain locations on the map where it's quite easy to take advantage of it, namely Frenzy Fields; when visiting the Frenzy Fields farm, players will find tons of hay piles, dumpsters, and even toilets in which they can hide.


Game Time

The player receives a Pizza Party and three Chug Splash cans. The Pizza Party item was vaulted some time ago, but players can now get this exclusive item if they decide to activate the Game Time Reality Augment. This item will restore health and shields up to 150 HP.

Vaulted Reality Augments

Unfortunately, not all the Reality Augments from Chapter 4 Season 1 could make it into the new season. Last season started out with 22 Augments, but as time went on and more updates were released, and the number eventually grew to a solid 36. This time around, there were only 23 Augments at first, but the number went up to 30 with time. So, out of the 36 Augments, only a few made it to Season 2. For players wondering if their favorite Augment was removed, here is a list of all the vaulted Chapter 4 Season 1 Reality Augments:

  • Pistol Amp
  • Bow Specialist
  • Mechanic Archer
  • Demolitions Munitions
  • Rifle Recycle
  • Tactical Armory
  • Rushing Reload
  • Shotgun Striker
  • Danger Hero
  • Rift-jector Seat
  • Last Shots
  • Rarity Check
  • Party Time
  • Tricked Out
  • Storm Mark
  • Soaring Sprints
  • Zero Chance
  • Splash Medic
  • Peely's Plunder
  • Harvester

Fortnite is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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