Fortnite Chapter 2, its 8-Season long epic story, will officially come to an end on Saturday, December 4. Players are expecting a massive event to close out Chapter 2, a disruption to the Fortnite experience in preparation for an overhaul for Chapter 3. While Fortnite players know the setup for Chapter 2's "The End" event, involving a dimension-traveling Cube Queen looking to end all reality, the event itself is a mystery. At least, it was until a leaked advertisement spoiled a major part of The End. SPOILERSfor Fortnite Chapter 2 end event follow.

The leak stems from a commercial that was published on TikTok. The video was clearly intended to be released after Fortnite's Chapter 2 conclusion wrapped up, as it features a clear look at what's probably a key moment, if not the key moment of Chapter 2's concluding event. Not only that, it teases a major shakeup with massive consequences for Fortnite Chapter 3.

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Needless to say, Fortnite players who want to go into Saturday's The End event unspoiled should stay away from Fortnite online communities and social media. Spoilers are going to be widely shared and could genuinely ruin some players' fun. Of course, the opposite is true, too. If players want The End's big conclusion spoiled, it's available online.

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SPOILERSfor Fortnite Chapter 2's conclusion and the start of Chapter 3 start here, so make sure to stop reading to avoid being spoiled. The video in question starts with a squad of Fortnite players looking out over the current map. It's at this point a massive explosion occurs that looks like shattering glass or a wave of water toppling over Agent Jones. The next thing we see is Jones treading water, dozens of massive spaceships floating in the sky, and the island itself on its side.

What happens next in the video is astonishing. The side of the Fortnite island that players are familiar with becomes its bottom side as it completely flips over. As the island inverts, the spaceships (mostly) all disappear and the new, unknown side of the island turns upright before "Chapter 3" flashes on-screen. The last thing shown is a tidal wave coming toward the screen.

Suffice to say, Epic Games has found an exciting way to release a new map for Fortnite Chapter 3. And as big as the spoilers may be for Chapter 3, how Fortnite reaches the point where the sky is full of spaceships and the island is flipping over remains a mystery. Find out how it happens Saturday at 4:00 PM ET.

Fortnite is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and mobile devices.

MORE: Fortnite: Who is the Cube Queen?