Not too long ago, the Fortnite phenom known as Ninja came out on top in Epic Games' E3 2018 Celebrity Pro AM tournament for the free-to-play Battle Royale portion of its wildly popular and successful multiplayer survival shooter. During this event, the publisher and developer also mentioned that the title has hit an incredibly large player count of more than 125 million users so far, arguably making it one of, if not the biggest game on the planet.

Epic Games announced this much yesterday, which shows that Fortnite even has bigger draws than such MOBA titles like League of Legends, and the former seems to be steadily getting even more players as each day passes. For those unaware, Fortnite first hit the scene in July 2017, which makes the 125 million player record a feat that was accomplished that occurred in less than a year – no doubt due to its free Battle Royale component's release in September 2017. Comparatively, League of Legends had 100 million monthly players log into the MOBA monthly back in 2016, with 27 million being daily logins.

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As previously mentioned, Fortnite fever will likely continue to spread, especially since it was officially announced and released yesterday for the Nintendo Switch as a part of the news coming out of the Big N's E3 2018 presser. No doubt there will be countless owners of the hybrid mobile console who will are ready to take their experience with the game on the go, which will translate into even more players joining the community.

All things considered, with Epic Games continually keeping Fortnite flush with content and ensuring that it is available on as many platforms as possible, it's safe to say we should see its popularity reign supreme for quite a while. When the game officially comes out for Android this summer, expect to see an even larger boost in the player base.

Fortnite is available now for Nintendo Switch, iOS, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.