A single, well-written antagonist can really elevate the story of a game like Forspoken, but a group of powerful villains like the Tantas could make for a dynamic that uses the chaos of multiple evil parties to keep the plot moving forward. The concept for these oppressive Tantas appears similar to a group of villains that publisher Square Enix has made successful before with the Five Judges from Final Fantasy 12.

With the strength that magic has in Forspoken, the Tantas appear to have even more power than the earlier Judges that they emulate. However, these new villains might have a more complex history to pull from, as instead of being corrupt politicians imbued with magic strength, the Tantas weren't always as evil as players see them in the game.

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The Legacy of Final Fantasy 12's Judges

final fantasy 12 judges

The Five Judges from Final Fantasy 12 have become a favorite group of villains among fans, thanks in part to their impressive armor sets and their role as the main bosses throughout the game. However, it's more than just cool designs and difficult fights that have made them such a long-lasting favorite, especially considering how the game they come from is a bit of a black sheep among fans. Instead, it is the dynamic between each member and the history behind Judges like Gabranth who weren't always evil that makes them work as an antagonistic force that can often be seen as simply being steadfast defenders of their home.

In the end, the worst of these Judges is little more than a corrupt politician, and not the mustache-twirling super-villain that Final Fantasy games often trot out for the player to pummel. The best of them aren't even corrupt but have otherwise unknowingly or unwillingly dedicated themselves to an already corrupt system. It goes a long way toward making the Judges both an obstacle to overcome and also a group of franchise antagonists players can at least understand.

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The Tragedy of the Tantas and the Break


Similar to the Five Judges, the Tantas themselves weren't always evil, but are instead said to have changed radically from benevolent rulers to violent oppressors seemingly overnight. According to the latest marketing leading up to Forspoken's release, this appears to be the work of a malevolent scourge that corrupts everything it touches known as the Break. So, once again, this group of immensely powerful villains is little more than a corrupted form of their former, kinder selves.

In both cases, however, this doesn't excuse the evil being done, but instead puts an even darker filter over it. Understanding that the Tantas would be disgusted by their own actions if they weren't corrupted by the Break makes these Matriarchs all the more compelling. These women are just as much victims as the others that they've corrupted, likely with Forspoken's true villain hiding behind the Break and pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

The Design of the Tantas

forspoken sila

Beyond all the motivations and discussion of who the real victims of Forpoken's narrative and the Break are, it can't be denied that the Tantas look amazing. Each Tanta ditches the Judge's armor for long, elegant robes that showcase their own powers as well as the cultural designs of their specific regions. Tanta Sila's veiled crown is only one example of how visually impressive these outfits can be, and how terrifying otherwise noble robes can make these Matriarchs appear once their disposition is shifted into evil.

All that being said, the robes don't appear to be the only thing that these women wear, as some of the material surrounding Forspoken's boss fights hint that Tanta Sila in particular has a matching set of armor to go with her normal attire. The others also appear to have some sort of secondary forms that will likely be more clearly revealed once players start getting through their boss fights. So, even as the Tantas take a more subtle approach to display their powers in their regular outfits, they can still grow stronger as they start fighting Frey with everything they have.

Forspoken is set to release on January 24, 2023, for PC and PS5.

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