Developed by Luminous Productions and published by Square Enix, the upcoming action RPG Forspoken is shaping up to be an interesting new IP. Despite the game facing a five-month delay that pushed its release to later in the year, Forspoken has piqued the interest of many players with its gameplay and trailers. A new trailer was released last week, detailing more of the enemy types that players will encounter, as well as some of the impressive visuals within the game. Forspoken's combat and the fluidity of Frey's movements were a particular focus of the latest trailer, and the developer has been keen to make this the linchpin of most of the footage shown off so far.

One aspect that players were especially excited about was the glimpse of a certain scaly antagonist in the "Worlds Collide" trailer, and the resourceful methods the main character Frey will have to resort to in order to defeat the giant dragon. In a world that's filled to the brim with magical creatures, there seems to be a vast array of enemies types, both from recognizable fantasy roots and some created specifically for the game. Forspoken already seems to be a feast for the eyes, but one of the most interesting aspects of the game will be how the displaced Frey reacts to these fantastical foes.

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Dealing With A Whole New World

Frey Holland standing on the balcony of a castle in Forspoken

Forspoken follows protagonist Frey as she's mysteriously transported from modern-day New York to the magical world of Athia. In addition to facing off against Athia's many dangerous creatures and mythical beings, Frey must contend with an tyrannical regime of matriarchs called Tantas. Frey has various allies that help her in her new surroundings, including a sentient bracelet that she calls Cuff. From the parts of the game that have been shared so far, it seems that the majority of in-game dialogue is provided by Frey's often jovial interactions with Cuff, and it will be interesting to see how this relationship plays out once players are able to get their hands on Forspoken.

While many aspects of Forspoken's story still remain a mystery — including how or why Frey is plucked from her life in New York and flung into the fantasy world of Athia — players do know a few of the obstacles they'll face. Athia may be a dangerous land filled to the brim with foes now, but it used to be a peaceful and prosperous place. A destructive force called the Break corrupts everything it touches, from the land to the creatures that live there, and only Frey appears to be immune. As well as an insight into the stakes that Frey is up against, the trailers and images released so far give gamers a good look at what kinds of enemies they'll encounter.

The most recent Forspoken trailer shown during Sony's State of Play focused mainly on combat and movement as Frey twisted through the air and dodged attacks with breathtaking dynamism. Her magical abilities also featured front and center, showing Frey's elemental powers and versatile approaches to combat. Although Frey is undoubtedly powerful and has a lot of spells in her arsenal, the reveal in the trailer of large enemies like the dragon will still present a difficult challenge to players. While Frey may have the combat skills necessary to take it down, players will be curious about how the New Yorker will react when confronted with such a fantastical creature.

How Frey Will Cope

Frey Holland summoning roots and vines to attack enemies in Forspoken

Forspoken players will no doubt be able to imagine their own reactions upon being confronted with a giant beast, and Frey may be no different. As a native New Yorker, Frey will have trouble adapting to the dangerous world of Athia, and this fish-out-of-water approach will probably be the source of a lot of the game's humor, as well as its emotional story beats. As an RPG, Forspoken will focus on developing Frey's abilities and overall character, and the narrative-driven gameplay will mirror this focus as Frey explores not only the new land but also who she is and what she is capable of.

A large aspect of Frey's characterization that has been revealed so far is her sarcastic humor. In her interactions with Cuff as well as in her general profile, Frey is portrayed as someone who uses humor to deflect from the hardships in her life and handle difficult situations. It's safe to say that being mysteriously transported into a world filled with monsters and magic like Athia qualifies as a difficult situation, and Frey will most likely deal with this disorienting turn of events with her characteristically sarcastic temperament.

As the narrative plays out, Frey will gain confidence in her abilities as well as her new role as a stranger in an unknown land. While the creatures that she first encounters will elicit confusion, fear, and perhaps a little humor as a coping mechanism, it's clear that she soon becomes more than a match for the beasts thanks to Forspoken's impressive-looking and fun combat mechanics.

Forspoken is set to release on October 11, 2022, on PC and PS5.

MORE: Forspoken's Isekai Genre Explained