With Forspoken spearheading a new IP for Square Enix, it isn't unlikely that the publisher isn't prepared to have Luminous Production develop the world of Athia into multiple games. To this degree, it would appear that the finale of Forspoken has left the story open to continue with additional games in order to give Frey a chance to help Athia prosper beyond the Break.

The direction of this future Forspoken content is still up in the air, but there are a few unsolved mysteries that Luminous Productions could dive into when looking for new narratives. Regardless of what path the future series takes, the ending to this initial title leaves the door wide open for a return to Athia, and possibly even the chance to explore new magical environments.

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Though much of the narrative that players will follow involves trying to get Frey back home or end Forspoken's Break corruption, neither of these things are actually accomplished by the time credits roll. In fact, the lessons learned and triumphs achieved are more closely tied to revelations about Frey's past and her place across both Athia and New York. While the journey was initially about returning things to normal, for both Frey and Athia, the ending becomes an acceptance of the events that have led the characters to where they are and obtaining a new normal.

However, as much as the story wraps the character arcs up nicely, this does little to solve the grander problems that continue to swirl around Athia. Namely, the Break is still corrupting the world, even with Forspoken's four Tantas being gone, and the demon that caused all of the problems, Susurrus, is only sealed away and still hasn't been killed for good. That demon has also now been revealed to be the magical Cuff who had previously spent the majority of the game strapped to Frey's right arm and fueling her combat.

How Forspoken Could Use its Finale in a Sequel


The obvious place where Forspoken can continue the story in Athia is by continuing to dive into the relationship between Frey and Cuff. Specifically, the tenuous friendship that has built between these two characters for the entirety of the game ends in an extremely strange way, thanks to Cuff freeing himself from Frey's arm in the finale and trying to destroy Cipal as the golden demon Susurrus. It had also been revealed that it was Cuff's magic that drove the Tantas to go crazy and attack their people, something that he threatens to do to Frey if they stay bonded together.

Additionally, the death of the Tantas and the sealing away of Cuff appears to have done nothing to reverse the effects of the Break, even if the forward spread has been stopped. So, a sequel could task Frey with using Forspoken's most powerful magic to hunt down a true solution for the remaining corruption that still has the people of Athia trapped in Cipal. In fact, both of these continued conflicts will need to be addressed in the upcoming content Luminous Productions might have planned for the series.

Going beyond the obvious conflicts at the helm of the current title, however, there is also another path that the next title could take that leans heavier on Forspoken's lore and backstory, as well as its side characters. One perfect character to start with would be Councilman Jennesh, a secondary antagonist who spends much of Forspoken trying to have Frey killed, jailed, or again executed by his own hand. By the end of the game, he is a fugitive that has a deep hatred for both Frey and her mother Cinta. So, this would be a great place to draw from if looking for a villain for Frey to face off against that has a much more personal connection to her than the previous bosses did.

Forspoken is available now for PC and PS5.

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