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Chapter 10 of Forspoken is called None the Wiser and is one of the more surreal sections of this action-adventure game. It sees Frey being transported back to New York City, though not to the life that she left behind. It soon becomes clear that not everything is as it first appears, with players left to unravel the mystery and help Frey to return to her senses.

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After a couple of really short chapters, players can expect to spend around 35 minutes playing through None the Wiser. Unlike many of the game's other 12 chapters, there's not really much to do in the way of distractions outside of a few Events and Diversions around Cipal, so, at most, players should only need to budget themselves around one hour to get everything done.

Leaving Cipal


The chapter begins with Frey and Auden getting into a huge argument and the former resolving to leave Athia and return home. Once they regain control, there are a few Diversions and Events that players can take care of around the city, but none are really worth the effort unless players really need the XP. Once they're ready to progress the main story, players should head to the archives and speak with Johedy, who suggests that Frey goes to speak with her mother.


Before leaving, players should speak with Johedy again to get the Naee Aasha necklace, which Auden asked her to make for Frey before the big falling out. After leaving through the city gate, Cuff will suggest dealing with Tanta Olas before paying Cinta a visit, but Frey has already made up her mind. Before she can set out for Junoon though, a Breakstorm appears out of nowhere and the screen fades to black. Players will get a chance to save the game at this point, but the chapter's not over just yet.

Escape From New York


When the action resumes, players find Frey back in her New York apartment, though it's actually furnished this time around. After players interact with all of the objects around the apartment, Frey will take a quick phone call with her friend Auden, who mentions that she has a job interview in Hell's Kitchen with a tech start-up named Cipal. Unfortunately, Frey can't meet her for lunch as she has to be at the Athian in an hour.


After hanging up the phone, Frey heads outside, passing a homeless woman named Jo shortly after doing so. At this point, players simply need to follow the quest markers, which will lead them past a few more familiar faces as they make their way to their goal. Observant players may also notice that a few of the nearby billboards are glitching out, with someone seemingly trying their hardest to get a message to Frey.


Eventually, Frey arrives at the coffee shop and sits down with her mother, Tanta Cinta. Although at first it appears as though everything is going swimmingly, the waiter suddenly begins acting weird. This is because the waiter is actually Cuff, who urges Frey to wake up. Thankfully, this is enough for her to begin questioning this strange reality, and it soon becomes clear that this is all one giant illusion courtesy of Tanta Olas, who isn't keen to suffer the same fate as her fellow Tantas.


With Frey's powers restored, players will need to escape this fake reality, which means destroying a bunch of special lanterns that are helping Olas to keep up the illusion. There are two types of lanterns here: regular ones that can be destroyed right away and Bardaga Lanterns, which can only be destroyed once the enemies that they've spawned in have been defeated. Initially, players will only encounter the first kind, but will eventually come across a few Bardaga Lanterns as they near the end of the chapter.

How to Defeat the Senseless Servant


After taking out seven or eight lanterns players will find themselves up against a powerful enemy known as the Senseless Servant. It's weak to Prav's magic, but players may be better off using Frey's or Sila's depending on how many water spells they've unlocked and leveled up so far. The first phase of this fight is incredibly easy as long as players keep dodging. Sila's support spells are particularly useful here, as they'll instantly down the enemy and allow players to hit it with a powerful Killer Blow.


After depleting the enemy's health bar, there'll be another cutscene, after which, players will be faced with an even more powerful form of the Senseless Servant. This time, it has access to three special attacks that can take away Frey's hearing, sight, and cognition. In the case of the former, this means that Frey won't be able to hear Cuff's warnings, while losing her sight or cognition will prevent Frey from being able to lock on to the enemy or use attack spells respectively.


All of these effects wear off after a short amount of time and so shouldn't cause players too much grief. What may cause issues, however, is the Senseless Servant creating two copies of itself, though players should remain focussed on the original version and try to bring it down as quickly as possible. Once it falls, Frey is freed from the illusion right away. She finds herself in Olas' realm, Visoria, at which point Chapter 10 of Forspoken will come to an end.

Forspoken is available now on PS5 and PC.