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Due to the vastness and unpredictable nature of Forspoken, players can benefit from changing a few settings in the Main Menu. Some players like to change the settings to make their journey easier, while some like to challenge themselves and set the settings to a higher difficulty.

To set the difficulty level of the world, players can select one of three options at the beginning of the game. Nonetheless, these options are not the only way to set the difficulty in Forspoken, as there are other settings to check in the Gameplay Balance and Accessibility Settings categories.

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Best Settings To Change First In The Gameplay Balance

gameplay balance settings in forspoken

There are several settings to change before setting off on the Forspoken journey, each of which can make the game easier or more complex. Depending on how players set them, these settings may enhance and facilitate the gameplay, or make it interesting for players who love challenging themselves. To make the game easier or harder, players need to check the following settings.

Aim Assist

To change the Aim Assist, open the Main Menu, head to settings, choose the Gameplay Balance category, then locate it on the second row.

  • Easy Mode: Switching this setting on allows players to auto-aim.
  • Hard Mode: For more challenging gameplay, switch it off.

Damage Received

The Damage Received setting is found on the third row of the previously mentioned category.

  • Easy Mode: Setting it on Decreased or Significantly Decreased can make enemy hits ineffective on Frey.
  • Hard Mode: Switching it to Increased, or Significantly Increased can make Forspoken enemies almost invincible in front of Frey’s magical powers.

Stamina Recovery Speed

This option is found under the Damage Received option in the Gameplay Balance category.

  • Easy Mode: Choosing the Very Fast option on this option will make Frey’s Stamina Recovery quicker and facilitate her on-foot journey.
  • Hard Mode: Leave this option on Default.

Automatically Use Healing Items

This option is on the sixth row of the Gameplay Balance category.

  • Easy Mode: When this is activated, Frey will automatically use healing items when her health is damaged.
  • Hard Mode: Setting this option off will leave it in players' hands to regenerate their falling HP in Forspoken.

Automatic Support-Spell Switching

Found under the same category is the Automatic Support-Spell Switching option.

  • Easy Mode: Turning this option on automatically switches between Support-Spells that aren’t in cooldown.
  • Hard Mode: Switch this off to manually choose the desired Spells.


Under the same category, players can find the Auto-Evasion option.

  • Easy Mode: Choosing to turn it on allows players to evade enemies' counter-attacks automatically
  • Hard Mode: Switching it off can make it harder for players to escape the attacks of stronger enemies like the Mutants in Forspoken.

Best Settings To Change First In The Accessibility Settings

accessibility settings in forspoken-1

The following options are under the Accessibility Settings category:

Automatic Lock-Picking

This option is found on the second row of the World Settings in Forspoken.

  • Easy Mode: Turning it on automatically solve the puzzles required to open Mystic Locks.
  • Hard Mode: To make solving the puzzles more challenging, disable this option.

Highlight Nearby Characters

Located under the World Settings options.

  • Easy Mode: If enabled, make nearby characters and enemies more visible.
  • Hard Mode: Switch it off to locate Forspoken allies and foes manually.

Items Visibility

The Item Visibility option can be found under the same section in the Forspoken settings menu.

  • Easy Mode: Choosing Enhanced Visibility helps players to easily locate the scattered items around the map.
  • Hard Mode: Switching this option off will decrease Frey’s items spotting visibility.

Attack Hint Display

The Attack Hint Display is under the Menu Settings in Forspoken. Scroll all the way down to locate it.

  • Easy Mode: Enabling this option adjusts the visibility of incoming heavy attacks and facilitates enemy spotting during battles.
  • Hard Mode: Disabling this will leave it up to the players' intuition to dodge the foe's attacks.

Forspoken is available on PS5 and PC.